This application simulates different CPU Scheduling algorithms :
- Non-Preemptive Priority Scheduling with context switching (with solution to the starvation problem)
- Non-Preemptive Shortest- Job First (SJF) (with solution to the starvation problem)
- Shortest-Remaining Time First (SRTF) Scheduling with context switching (with solution to the starvation problem)
- AGAT Scheduling (each process have a different quantum)
- java
You must install the Java Development Kit (JDK) in order to be able to run the application
- You enter the number of procesess you want the scheduler to simulate
- You enter the name of the process
- You enter the colour (hexadecimal value) of the process (used for graphical representation)
- You enter the arrival time of the process
- You enter the burst time of the process
- You enter the priority of the process (Higher priority number means higher priority)
- You enter the quantum of the process (enter 0 if not AGAT)
- repeat for all porcesses
- Choose type of scheduling you want to simulate
- The program calculates the Processes execution order , Waiting Time for each process, Turnaround Time for each process , average waiting time and average turn around time
- output is reprsented in a graphical format