Releases: Waffle/waffle
Releases · Waffle/waffle
Waffle 1.9.0
Documentation Updates
Version Updates
Sonar / Coverity Cleanup
Spring boot support
Spring / Spring Security 5 support
Breaking changes
- Requires Java 8+
- Dropped Tomcat 6 and Spring 3 modules
- Moved servlet on Examples to servlet 4.0
- Replaced guava with caffeine for caching
- All remainder guava usage uses standard java routines
- #479: Upgrade to Java 8 - using caffeine #304@ben-manes.
- #482: Remove Spring Security 3 #478@hazendaz.
- #483: Remove Tomcat 6 #323@hazendaz.
- #486: Upgrade to Servlet 3.0 in demos #471@hazendaz.
- #487: Updated guava joiner to string.join #304@hazendaz.
- #488: Use java.util.Base64 with java 8 #304@hazendaz.
- #491: Rewrite guava Files.write to java 7 FilesWrite #304@hazendaz.
- #498: Add third party license files@hazendaz.
- #553: Add spring boot starter and demo@mgoldgeier.
- #558: Add initial support for spring 5 using spring security 4 still@hazendaz.
- #559: Add spring milestone repo and upgrade to spring security 5.0.0.M4@hazendaz.
- #571: Custom instances of GenericPrincipal in WaffleAuthenticatorBase@Snap252.
- #583: Added continueContextsTimeout property to WaffleAuthenticatorBase for tomcat(s): Ported forwards (1.8.4)@alanlavintman.
- #609: Use only securityContext.isContinue() to decide if SC_UNAUTHORIZED response is needed to trigger another pass in authentication @tjstuart on behalf @AriSuutariST.
Waffle 1.8.3
1.8.3 (2/6/2017)
- Documentation updates
- Version Updates
- Sonar / Coverity Cleanup
- Added third party license files to distribution to make it easier for those requiring license certification within our distro.
Waffle 1.8.2
1.8.2 (12/31/2016)
- Lots of documentation updates from the community (many thanks!)
- Moved to 'Waffle' organization with removal of 'dblock' from groupId and documentation
- #338: Don't allow SPNEGO NegTokenArg to start re-authentication process @AriSuutariST.
- #342: Add tomcat 8.5.x support @hazendaz.
- #357: Fix security token handle leak in Tomcat. Issue #355
- #382: Bug fix in DelegatingNegotiateSecurityFilter when no custom authentication provider was declared [@unaor]
- #397: WindowsLoginModule missing roles in Principal. @devnullpointer
- #454: Tomcat 9.0.0.M15+ support for Realm class simple name change for logging. @hazendaz
And cumulative changes on .net side sees official release since 1.8.
Waffle 1.8.0 Release
1.8.0 (09/10/15)
*** Java Requirement now 1.7 ***
- Introduction of diamond operator and try with resources firmly requiring java 7.
- #187: Removed Spring 2 and Tomcat 5 support.
- #226: Moving base to java 1.7
- #239: Fix handle leak in LSASS.exe process.
- Added new .net build and upgraded jna libraries.
- Removed waffle-test from distribution as that is for internal usage and was leaking into overall build.
Bundle of the waffle 1.6 release
Uploade waffle-1.5 from old downloads branch
Uploade waffle-1.4 from old downloads branch
Uploade waffle-1.3 from old downloads branch
Import waffle-2 release from downloads branch
Waffle 1.7.4 Patch Release
This release patches a few regressions over 1.6.x series. This is expected to be the last 1.7.4 release.