All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
MFISurveysBaseDataGet | GET /MFI/Surveys/BaseData | Get data that includes the core Market Functionality Index (MFI) fields only by Survey ID |
MFISurveysFullDataGet | GET /MFI/Surveys/FullData | Get a full dataset that includes all the fields included in the survey in addition to the core Market Functionality Index (MFI) fields by Survey ID. To access this data, please contact for authorization. |
MFISurveysGet | GET /MFI/Surveys | Retrieve 1) Survey IDs, 2) their corresponding XLS Form IDs, and 3) Base XLS Form of all MFI surveys conducted in a country. A date of reference, SurveyDate, for the data collection is set by the officer responsible of the upload for each survey. |
MFISurveysProcessedDataGet | GET /MFI/Surveys/ProcessedData | Get a MFI processed data in long format; levels indicate the data aggregation level 1) Normalized Score, 2) Trader Aggregate Score, 3) Market Aggregate Score, 4) Trader Median, 5) Trader Mean, 6) Market Mean; each line corresponds to one of the nine dimensions of scores plus the final MFI aggregate score; 1) Assortment, 2) Availability, 3) Price, 4) Resilience, 5) Competition, 6) Infrastructure, 7) Service, 8) Quality, 9) Access and Protection, and 10) MFI final score; the variable label describes each variable and its value range |
SurveyDetailsDTO MFISurveysBaseDataGet(survey_id = var.survey_id, page = 1, env = var.env)
Get data that includes the core Market Functionality Index (MFI) fields only by Survey ID
Data Controller - Wael Attia API Integration Pattern - This endpoint uses Hey Jude pattern
# Get data that includes the core Market Functionality Index (MFI) fields only by Survey ID
# prepare function argument(s)
var_survey_id <- 56 # integer | unique identifier for the collected data, as retrieved from /Surveys API. (Optional)
var_page <- 1 # integer | page number for paged results (Optional)
var_env <- "env_example" # character | Environment. * `prod` - * `dev` - (Optional)
api_instance <- SurveysApi$new()
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: default
api_instance$api_client$access_token <- Sys.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN")
# to save the result into a file, simply add the optional `data_file` parameter, e.g.
# result <- api_instance$MFISurveysBaseDataGet(survey_id = var_survey_id, page = var_page, env = var_envdata_file = "result.txt")
result <- api_instance$MFISurveysBaseDataGet(survey_id = var_survey_id, page = var_page, env = var_env)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
survey_id | integer | unique identifier for the collected data, as retrieved from /Surveys API. | [optional] |
page | integer | page number for paged results | [optional] [default to 1] |
env | Enum [prod, dev] | Environment. * `prod` - * `dev` - | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json, text/json, text/plain
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Success | - |
400 | Bad Request | - |
404 | Not Found | - |
SurveyDetailsDTO MFISurveysFullDataGet(survey_id = var.survey_id, format = "json", page = 1, env = var.env)
Get a full dataset that includes all the fields included in the survey in addition to the core Market Functionality Index (MFI) fields by Survey ID. To access this data, please contact for authorization.
### This endpoint is restricted, it requires the scope: "vamdatabridges_mfi-surveys-fulldata_get" Data Controller - Wael Attia API Integration Pattern - This endpoint uses Hey Jude pattern
# Get a full dataset that includes all the fields included in the survey in addition to the core Market Functionality Index (MFI) fields by Survey ID. To access this data, please contact for authorization.
# prepare function argument(s)
var_survey_id <- 56 # integer | unique identifier for the collected data, as retrieved from /Surveys API. (Optional)
var_format <- "json" # character | Output format: [JSON|CSV] Json is the default value (Optional)
var_page <- 1 # integer | page number for paged results (Optional)
var_env <- "env_example" # character | Environment. * `prod` - * `dev` - (Optional)
api_instance <- SurveysApi$new()
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: default
api_instance$api_client$access_token <- Sys.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN")
# to save the result into a file, simply add the optional `data_file` parameter, e.g.
# result <- api_instance$MFISurveysFullDataGet(survey_id = var_survey_id, format = var_format, page = var_page, env = var_envdata_file = "result.txt")
result <- api_instance$MFISurveysFullDataGet(survey_id = var_survey_id, format = var_format, page = var_page, env = var_env)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
survey_id | integer | unique identifier for the collected data, as retrieved from /Surveys API. | [optional] |
format | character | Output format: [JSON | CSV] Json is the default value |
page | integer | page number for paged results | [optional] [default to 1] |
env | Enum [prod, dev] | Environment. * `prod` - * `dev` - | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json, text/json, text/plain
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Success | - |
400 | Bad Request | - |
404 | Not Found | - |
array[PagedSurveyListDTO] MFISurveysGet(adm0_code = 0, page = 1, start_date = var.start_date, end_date = var.end_date, env = var.env)
Retrieve 1) Survey IDs, 2) their corresponding XLS Form IDs, and 3) Base XLS Form of all MFI surveys conducted in a country. A date of reference, SurveyDate, for the data collection is set by the officer responsible of the upload for each survey.
Data Controller - Wael Attia API Integration Pattern - This endpoint uses Hey Jude pattern
# Retrieve 1) Survey IDs, 2) their corresponding XLS Form IDs, and 3) Base XLS Form of all MFI surveys conducted in a country. A date of reference, SurveyDate, for the data collection is set by the officer responsible of the upload for each survey.
# prepare function argument(s)
var_adm0_code <- 0 # integer | code for the country as retrieved from (Optional)
var_page <- 1 # integer | page number for paged results (Optional)
var_start_date <- "start_date_example" # character | starting date for the range in which data was collected. Use the date formats defined by RFC 3339 ; use strings matching year \"-\" month \"-\" day (e.g. 2020/06/24) (Optional)
var_end_date <- "end_date_example" # character | ending date for the range in which data was collected. Use the date formats defined by RFC 3339 ; use strings matching year \"-\" month \"-\" day (e.g. 2020/06/24) (Optional)
var_env <- "env_example" # character | Environment. * `prod` - * `dev` - (Optional)
api_instance <- SurveysApi$new()
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: default
api_instance$api_client$access_token <- Sys.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN")
# to save the result into a file, simply add the optional `data_file` parameter, e.g.
# result <- api_instance$MFISurveysGet(adm0_code = var_adm0_code, page = var_page, start_date = var_start_date, end_date = var_end_date, env = var_envdata_file = "result.txt")
result <- api_instance$MFISurveysGet(adm0_code = var_adm0_code, page = var_page, start_date = var_start_date, end_date = var_end_date, env = var_env)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
adm0_code | integer | code for the country as retrieved from | [optional] [default to 0] |
page | integer | page number for paged results | [optional] [default to 1] |
start_date | character | starting date for the range in which data was collected. Use the date formats defined by RFC 3339 ; use strings matching year "-" month "-" day (e.g. 2020/06/24) | [optional] |
end_date | character | ending date for the range in which data was collected. Use the date formats defined by RFC 3339 ; use strings matching year "-" month "-" day (e.g. 2020/06/24) | [optional] |
env | Enum [prod, dev] | Environment. * `prod` - * `dev` - | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Success | - |
400 | Bad Request | - |
PagedProcessedDataDTO MFISurveysProcessedDataGet(survey_id = var.survey_id, page = 1, format = "json", start_date = var.start_date, end_date = var.end_date, adm0_codes = var.adm0_codes, market_id = var.market_id, survey_type = var.survey_type, env = var.env)
Get a MFI processed data in long format; levels indicate the data aggregation level 1) Normalized Score, 2) Trader Aggregate Score, 3) Market Aggregate Score, 4) Trader Median, 5) Trader Mean, 6) Market Mean; each line corresponds to one of the nine dimensions of scores plus the final MFI aggregate score; 1) Assortment, 2) Availability, 3) Price, 4) Resilience, 5) Competition, 6) Infrastructure, 7) Service, 8) Quality, 9) Access and Protection, and 10) MFI final score; the variable label describes each variable and its value range
Data Controller - Wael Attia API Integration Pattern - This endpoint uses Hey Jude pattern
# Get a MFI processed data in long format; levels indicate the data aggregation level 1) Normalized Score, 2) Trader Aggregate Score, 3) Market Aggregate Score, 4) Trader Median, 5) Trader Mean, 6) Market Mean; each line corresponds to one of the nine dimensions of scores plus the final MFI aggregate score; 1) Assortment, 2) Availability, 3) Price, 4) Resilience, 5) Competition, 6) Infrastructure, 7) Service, 8) Quality, 9) Access and Protection, and 10) MFI final score; the variable label describes each variable and its value range
# prepare function argument(s)
var_survey_id <- 56 # integer | The ID of the survey (Optional)
var_page <- 1 # integer | page number for paged results (Optional)
var_format <- "json" # character | Output format: [JSON|CSV] Json is the default value (Optional)
var_start_date <- "start_date_example" # character | Starting date for the range in which data was collected. Use the date formats defined by RFC 3339 ; use strings matching year \"-\" month \"-\" day (e.g. 2020/06/24) (Optional)
var_end_date <- "end_date_example" # character | Ending date for the range in which data was collected. Use the date formats defined by RFC 3339 ; use strings matching year \"-\" month \"-\" day (e.g. 2020/06/24) (Optional)
var_adm0_codes <- "adm0_codes_example" # character | Code for the country as retrieved from (Optional)
var_market_id <- 56 # integer | The ID of the market (Optional)
var_survey_type <- "survey_type_example" # character | The survey type (Optional)
var_env <- "env_example" # character | Environment. * `prod` - * `dev` - (Optional)
api_instance <- SurveysApi$new()
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: default
api_instance$api_client$access_token <- Sys.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN")
# to save the result into a file, simply add the optional `data_file` parameter, e.g.
# result <- api_instance$MFISurveysProcessedDataGet(survey_id = var_survey_id, page = var_page, format = var_format, start_date = var_start_date, end_date = var_end_date, adm0_codes = var_adm0_codes, market_id = var_market_id, survey_type = var_survey_type, env = var_envdata_file = "result.txt")
result <- api_instance$MFISurveysProcessedDataGet(survey_id = var_survey_id, page = var_page, format = var_format, start_date = var_start_date, end_date = var_end_date, adm0_codes = var_adm0_codes, market_id = var_market_id, survey_type = var_survey_type, env = var_env)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
survey_id | integer | The ID of the survey | [optional] |
page | integer | page number for paged results | [optional] [default to 1] |
format | character | Output format: [JSON | CSV] Json is the default value |
start_date | character | Starting date for the range in which data was collected. Use the date formats defined by RFC 3339 ; use strings matching year "-" month "-" day (e.g. 2020/06/24) | [optional] |
end_date | character | Ending date for the range in which data was collected. Use the date formats defined by RFC 3339 ; use strings matching year "-" month "-" day (e.g. 2020/06/24) | [optional] |
adm0_codes | character | Code for the country as retrieved from | [optional] |
market_id | integer | The ID of the market | [optional] |
survey_type | character | The survey type | [optional] |
env | Enum [prod, dev] | Environment. * `prod` - * `dev` - | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json, text/json, text/plain
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Success | - |
400 | Bad Request | - |