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R API client for DataBridgesAPIr

API Documentation of the DataBridges platform: For API discussions and details: #api-integration-vam-data-bridges on Slack, Teams channel API Integration - This endpoint uses Hey Jude pattern


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 1.3.1
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RClientCodegen



Install the dependencies


Build the package

git clone
R CMD build .
R CMD check DataBridgesAPIr_1.0.0.tar.gz --no-manual
R CMD INSTALL --preclean DataBridgesAPIr_1.0.0.tar.gz

Install the package


To install directly from Github, use devtools:


To install the package from a local file:

install.packages("DataBridgesAPIr_1.0.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")



Reformat code

To reformat code using styler, please run the following in the R console:


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
CommoditiesApi CommoditiesCategoriesListGet GET /Commodities/Categories/List Provides the list of categories.
CommoditiesApi CommoditiesListGet GET /Commodities/List Provide the detailed list of the commodities available in DataBridges platform
CommodityUnitsApi CommodityUnitsConversionListGet GET /CommodityUnits/Conversion/List Provides conversion factors to Kilogram or Litres for each convertible unit of measure.
CommodityUnitsApi CommodityUnitsListGet GET /CommodityUnits/List Provides the detailed list of the unit of measure available in DataBridges platform
CurrencyApi CurrencyListGet GET /Currency/List Returns the list of currencies available in the internal VAM database, with Currency 3-letter code, matching with ISO 4217.
CurrencyApi CurrencyUsdIndirectQuotationGet GET /Currency/UsdIndirectQuotation Returns the value of the Exchange rates from Trading Economics, for official rates, and DataViz for unofficial rates.
EconomicDataApi EconomicDataIndicatorListGet GET /EconomicData/IndicatorList Returns the lists of indicators.
EconomicDataApi EconomicDataIndicatorNameGet GET /EconomicData/{indicatorName} Returns the time series of values for different indicators.
FoodSecurityApi FoodSecurityListGet GET /FoodSecurity/List
GorpApi GorpLatestGet GET /Gorp/Latest Return the latest dataset of number of acutely food insecure (in millions) based on WFP Global Operational Response Plan.
GorpApi GorpListGet GET /Gorp/List Return the full dataset of number of acutely food insecure (in millions) based on WFP Global Operational Response Plan.
MarketPricesApi MarketPricesAlpsGet GET /MarketPrices/Alps Returns time series values of ALPS and PEWI.
MarketPricesApi MarketPricesPriceDailyGet GET /MarketPrices/PriceDaily Returns a daily time series of commodity market prices.
MarketPricesApi MarketPricesPriceMonthlyGet GET /MarketPrices/PriceMonthly Returns a monthly time series of commodity market prices.
MarketPricesApi MarketPricesPriceRawGet GET /MarketPrices/PriceRaw Returns original commodity market prices
MarketPricesApi MarketPricesPriceWeeklyGet GET /MarketPrices/PriceWeekly Returns a weekly time series of commodity market prices.
MarketsApi MarketsGeoJSONListGet GET /Markets/GeoJSONList Provide a list of geo referenced markets in a specific country
MarketsApi MarketsListGet GET /Markets/List Get a complete list of markets in a country
MarketsApi MarketsMarketsAsCSVGet GET /Markets/MarketsAsCSV Get a complete list of markets in a country
MarketsApi MarketsNearbyMarketsGet GET /Markets/NearbyMarkets Find markets near a given location by longitude and latitude within a 15Km distance
RpmeApi RpmeOutputValuesGet GET /Rpme/OutputValues Processed values for each variable used in the assessments
RpmeApi RpmeSurveysGet GET /Rpme/Surveys Retrieve 1) Survey IDs, 2) their corresponding XLS Form IDs, and 3) Base XLS Form of all RPME surveys conducted in a country. The date of reference, SurveyDate, for the data collection is set by the officer responsible for the upload of each survey.
RpmeApi RpmeVariablesGet GET /Rpme/Variables List of variables
RpmeApi RpmeXLSFormsGet GET /Rpme/XLSForms Get a complete list of XLS Forms uploaded on the RPME in a given period of data collection. This is the digital version of the questionnaire used during the data collection exercise.
SurveysApi MFISurveysBaseDataGet GET /MFI/Surveys/BaseData Get data that includes the core Market Functionality Index (MFI) fields only by Survey ID
SurveysApi MFISurveysFullDataGet GET /MFI/Surveys/FullData Get a full dataset that includes all the fields included in the survey in addition to the core Market Functionality Index (MFI) fields by Survey ID. To access this data, please contact for authorization.
SurveysApi MFISurveysGet GET /MFI/Surveys Retrieve 1) Survey IDs, 2) their corresponding XLS Form IDs, and 3) Base XLS Form of all MFI surveys conducted in a country. A date of reference, SurveyDate, for the data collection is set by the officer responsible of the upload for each survey.
SurveysApi MFISurveysProcessedDataGet GET /MFI/Surveys/ProcessedData Get a MFI processed data in long format; levels indicate the data aggregation level 1) Normalized Score, 2) Trader Aggregate Score, 3) Market Aggregate Score, 4) Trader Median, 5) Trader Mean, 6) Market Mean; each line corresponds to one of the nine dimensions of scores plus the final MFI aggregate score; 1) Assortment, 2) Availability, 3) Price, 4) Resilience, 5) Competition, 6) Infrastructure, 7) Service, 8) Quality, 9) Access and Protection, and 10) MFI final score; the variable label describes each variable and its value range
XlsFormsApi MFIXlsFormsDefinitionGet GET /MFI/XlsForms/definition Get a complete set of XLS Form definitions of a given XLS Form ID. This is the digital version of the questionnaire used during the data collection exercise.
XlsFormsApi MFIXlsFormsGet GET /MFI/XlsForms Get a complete list of XLS Forms uploaded on the MFI Data Bridge in a given period of data collection. This is the digital version of the questionnaire used during the data collection exercise.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: implicit
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
    • vamdatabridges_mfi-surveys-fulldata_get: vamdatabridges_mfi-surveys-fulldata_get
    • vamdatabridges_marketprices-priceraw_get: vamdatabridges_marketprices-priceraw_get



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