This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 17, 2021. It is now read-only.
H3VRModInstallver v0.2 - MORE MOD DOWNLOADS
Which file do I download?
If you're unsure, download the zip.
If you know you have downloaded NET 5.0, download the EXE.
Extract the zip or place the exe into your folder with h3vr.exe. You can find this folder by right clicking it in steam in the library list, going to Manage, then Browse Local Files. It automatically sends you to the correct folder. Then, launch the exe.
@potatoes1286 - Streamlined and unified process to downloading and installing mods.
@potatoes1286 - Added much, much more mod links
@potatoes1286 - Now displays percentage downloaded
@Frityet / @potatoes1286 - Standalone version added, no longer needs NET 5.0
@Frityet - Reorganized file system
HOTFIX 0.2.1:
Meat's Modular M4 added.
TnH Tweaker updated.