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Aggregate multiple RSS feeds by using shortcode within your WordPress posts or content.


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Aggregate multiple RSS feeds by using shortcode within your WordPress posts or content.

Basic example can be seen at

Please note: this is in development software (and may remain in such a state indefinitely). Please do not install this on a WordPress installation if you do not have access to FTP or a file manager through cPanel. If a critical error occurs for any reason, you will not have access to WordPress Admin to fix the issue.


  • PHP 7.4+ required
  • SimpleXML module (php-xml package)
  • WordPress 5.5+


Upload the files to your theme directories base.

Inside your themes functions.php, include wp-rss-feeds.php at the end of your file

// Inlcude WP RSS Feeds
include( get_template_directory() . '/wp-rss-feeds.php' );


In your posts, or content you can call [wp-rss-feeds feeds="URL"] where URL is a list or single URL to a RSS feed.

The following is a list of attributes and their examples or defaults. Attributes denoted by ▫️ are optional.

Attribute Description Default / Example
feeds A RSS URL, or RSS URL list seperated by commas. or,
entrylimit ▫️ RSS entries will be limited to this integer. 30
charlimit ▫️ RSS description character limit, followed by read more link. 0 is no limit. 0
fullcat ▫️ Display full category path 0 will only show current, or last category, 1 is full path. 0
order ▫️ Order RSS entries by ascending, or descending. Default 0 is ascending, 1 is descending. 0
target ▫️ The target all <a> links should use. Default is _blank _blank
timeout ▫️ RSS cache timeout in hours 4
timezone ▫️ The PHP compatible time zone ID to use with RSS entries publish date. Default is server which is the server's time zone. America/New_York
dateformat ▫️ PHP DateTime compatible date format. D, dS F Y g:i:s A
dofutureposts ▫️ If encountering RSS entries published in the future, discard or display them. Default is discard. 0
fallback ▫️ Fallback to retrieving live feeds from feeds list. Default false 0
tmp ▫️ Path to the directory to store RSS cache. Default is get_temp_dir() . 'rss/' in WordPress cache location. /path/to/tmp/


[wp-rss-feeds feeds="," charlimit="300"]


Aggregate multiple RSS feeds by using shortcode within your WordPress posts or content.








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