RESTful Service deployed on Heroku, managing the charity campaigns provided by the Volunteero platform.
These instructions will allow you to view and run the project on your local machine.
Follow the guides of the previously mentioned technologies to install them. Afterwards, open the repository's project in Intellij.
Create a Spring Boot configuration, if it's not already mentioned. A Spring Boot configuration is create automatically if you go in the Application.kt, right click inside the code and press "Run campagins-service".
HTTP verb | Path | Description | Response | Parameter |
GET | /campaigns/ | get all the campaigns | {...{"id":"5af8b0d34f63a318f464647c","organizationId":"1234","name":"Don Job","description":"ertghjkiuytr","influencePoints":12395}...} | x |
GET | /campaigns/{id} | get a specific campaigns | {"id":"5af8b0d34f63a318f464647c","organizationId":"1234","name":"Don Job","description":"ertghjkiuytr","influencePoints":12395} | id |
GET | /campaigns/fromOrganization/{organizationId} | get all campaigns from a specific organization | same data as the first GET but only for a specific organization | organizationId |
POST | /campaigns/ | add a new campaigns | successful or not | BODY: "organizationId":"1234","name":"Don Job","description":"ertghjkiuytr","influencePoints":12395} |
PATCH | /campaigns/{id}/updateDescription | change a campaign's description | successful or not | id, BODY: "description": "save the pandas" |
PATCH | /campaigns/{id}/updateInfluencePoints | update a campaign's description | successful or not | id, BODY: "influencePoints": 1245 |
Officially, the API is deployed on Heroku, at
Due to lack of time, the home page is showing a random default message.
- Kotlin
- Spring Boot
- Gradle
- MongoDB
- MongoDB Morphia
- Heroku
- Team :) !