diff --git a/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library.vbproj b/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library.vbproj
index 0387150..9237066 100644
--- a/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library.vbproj
+++ b/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library.vbproj
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- InputHelperLibrary
+ InputHelperLib
diff --git a/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/InputHelper.vb b/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/InputHelper.vb
index 6b56d80..5eba5d7 100644
--- a/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/InputHelper.vb
+++ b/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/InputHelper.vb
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
+Imports System.Reflection
+Imports System.ComponentModel
''' A static class for handling and simulating mouse and keyboard input.
@@ -130,15 +132,576 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
#End Region
#Region "Enumerations"
- Public Enum ModifierKey As Integer
- Control = 0
- Shift
- Alt
+ _
+ Public Enum ModifierKeys As Integer
+ '''
+ ''' No modifiers specified.
+ '''
+ '''
+ None = 0
+ '''
+ ''' The CTRL modifier key.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Control = 1
+ '''
+ ''' The SHIFT modifier key.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Shift = 2
+ '''
+ ''' The ALT modifier key.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Alt = 4
+ '''
+ ''' The Windows modifier key.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Windows = 8
End Enum
#End Region
#Region "Subclasses"
+#Region "Hooks"
+ '''
+ ''' A static class for dealing with mouse and keyboard hooks.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public NotInheritable Class Hooks
+ Private Sub New()
+ End Sub
+#Region "EventArgs"
+ Public Class KeyboardHookEventArgs
+ Inherits EventArgs
+ Private _extended As Boolean
+ Private _keyCode As Keys
+ Private _keyState As KeyState
+ Private _modifiers As ModifierKeys
+ Private _scanCode As UInteger
+ '''
+ ''' Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the keystroke should be blocked from reaching any windows.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Property Block As Boolean = False
+ '''
+ ''' Gets a boolean value indicating whether the keystroke message originated from one of the additional keys on the enhanced keyboard
+ ''' (see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646267(v=vs.85).aspx#_win32_Keystroke_Message_Flags).
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property Extended As Boolean
+ Get
+ Return _extended
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ '''
+ ''' Gets the keyboard code of the key that generated the keystroke.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property KeyCode As Keys
+ Get
+ Return _keyCode
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ '''
+ ''' Gets the current state of the key that generated the keystroke.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property KeyState As KeyState
+ Get
+ Return _keyState
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ '''
+ ''' Gets the modifier keys that was pressed in combination with the keystroke.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property Modifiers As ModifierKeys
+ Get
+ Return _modifiers
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ '''
+ ''' Gets the hardware scan code of the key that generated the keystroke.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property ScanCode As UInteger
+ Get
+ Return _scanCode
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
+ Return String.Format("{{KeyCode: {0}, ScanCode: {1}, Extended: {2}, KeyState: {3}, Modifiers: {4}}}", _
+ Me.KeyCode, Me.ScanCode, Me.Extended, Me.KeyState, Me.Modifiers)
+ End Function
+ '''
+ ''' Initializes a new instance of the KeyboardHookEventArgs class.
+ '''
+ ''' The keyboard code of the key that generated the keystroke.
+ ''' The hardware scan code of the key that generated the keystroke.
+ ''' Whether the keystroke message originated from one of the additional keys on the enhanced keyboard
+ ''' (see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms646267(v=vs.85).aspx#_win32_Keystroke_Message_Flags).
+ ''' The current state of the key that generated the keystroke.
+ ''' The modifier keys that was pressed in combination with the keystroke.
+ '''
+ Public Sub New(ByVal KeyCode As Keys, _
+ ByVal ScanCode As UInteger, _
+ ByVal Extended As Boolean, _
+ ByVal KeyState As KeyState, _
+ ByVal Modifiers As ModifierKeys)
+ Me._keyCode = KeyCode
+ Me._scanCode = ScanCode
+ Me._extended = Extended
+ Me._keyState = KeyState
+ Me._modifiers = Modifiers
+ End Sub
+ End Class
+ Public Class MouseHookEventArgs
+ Inherits EventArgs
+ Private _button As MouseButtons
+ Private _buttonState As KeyState
+ Private _delta As Integer
+ Private _doubleClick As Boolean
+ Private _location As Point
+ Private _scrollDirection As ScrollDirection
+ '''
+ ''' Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the mouse event should be blocked from reaching any windows.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Property Block As Boolean = False
+ '''
+ ''' Gets which mouse button was pressed or released.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property Button As MouseButtons
+ Get
+ Return _button
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ '''
+ ''' Gets the current state of the button that generated the mouse event.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property ButtonState As KeyState
+ Get
+ Return _buttonState
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ '''
+ ''' Gets a signed count of the number of detents the mouse wheel has rotated. A detent is one notch of the mouse wheel.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property Delta As Integer
+ Get
+ Return _delta
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ '''
+ ''' Gets a boolean value indicating whether the event was caused by a double click.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property DoubleClick As Boolean
+ Get
+ Return _doubleClick
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ '''
+ ''' Gets the location of the mouse (in screen coordinates).
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property Location As Point
+ Get
+ Return _location
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ '''
+ ''' Gets which direction the mouse wheel was scrolled in.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public ReadOnly Property ScrollDirection As ScrollDirection
+ Get
+ Return _scrollDirection
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
+ Return String.Format("{{Button: {0}, State: {1}, DoubleClick: {2}, Location: {3}, Scroll: {4}, Delta: {5}}}", _
+ Me.Button, Me.ButtonState, Me.DoubleClick, Me.Location, Me.ScrollDirection, Me.Delta)
+ End Function
+ '''
+ ''' Initializes a new instance of the MouseHookEventArgs class.
+ '''
+ ''' Which mouse button was pressed or released.
+ ''' The current state of the button that generated the mouse event.
+ ''' Whether the event was caused by a double click.
+ ''' The location of the mouse (in screen coordinates).
+ ''' Which direction the mouse wheel was scrolled in.
+ ''' A signed count of the number of detents the mouse wheel has rotated.
+ '''
+ Public Sub New(ByVal Button As MouseButtons, _
+ ByVal ButtonState As KeyState, _
+ ByVal DoubleClick As Boolean, _
+ ByVal Location As Point, _
+ ByVal ScrollDirection As ScrollDirection, _
+ ByVal Delta As Integer)
+ Me._button = Button
+ Me._buttonState = ButtonState
+ Me._doubleClick = DoubleClick
+ Me._location = Location
+ Me._scrollDirection = ScrollDirection
+ Me._delta = Delta
+ End Sub
+ End Class
+#End Region
+#Region "Keyboard hook"
+ '''
+ ''' A global low-level keyboard hook that raises events when a key is pressed or released.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Class KeyboardHook
+ Implements IDisposable
+ '''
+ ''' Occurs when a key is pressed or held down.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Event KeyDown As EventHandler(Of KeyboardHookEventArgs)
+ '''
+ ''' Occurs when a key is released.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Event KeyUp As EventHandler(Of KeyboardHookEventArgs)
+ Private hHook As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
+ Private HookProcedureDelegate As New NativeMethods.LowLevelKeyboardProc(AddressOf HookCallback)
+ Private Modifiers As ModifierKeys = ModifierKeys.None
+ Private Function HookCallback(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
+ Dim Block As Boolean = False
+ If nCode >= NativeMethods.HookCode.HC_ACTION AndAlso _
+ (wParam = NativeMethods.KeyMessage.WM_KEYDOWN OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.KeyMessage.WM_KEYUP OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.KeyMessage.WM_SYSKEYDOWN OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.KeyMessage.WM_SYSKEYUP) Then
+ Dim KeystrokeInfo As NativeMethods.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT = _
+ CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, GetType(NativeMethods.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT)), NativeMethods.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT)
+ Select Case wParam
+ Case NativeMethods.KeyMessage.WM_KEYDOWN, NativeMethods.KeyMessage.WM_SYSKEYDOWN
+ Dim HookEventArgs As KeyboardHookEventArgs = Me.CreateEventArgs(True, KeystrokeInfo)
+ If InputHelper.IsModifier(HookEventArgs.KeyCode, ModifierKeys.Control) = True Then Me.Modifiers = Me.Modifiers Or ModifierKeys.Control
+ If InputHelper.IsModifier(HookEventArgs.KeyCode, ModifierKeys.Shift) = True Then Me.Modifiers = Me.Modifiers Or ModifierKeys.Shift
+ If InputHelper.IsModifier(HookEventArgs.KeyCode, ModifierKeys.Alt) = True Then Me.Modifiers = Me.Modifiers Or ModifierKeys.Alt
+ If InputHelper.IsModifier(HookEventArgs.KeyCode, ModifierKeys.Windows) = True Then Me.Modifiers = Me.Modifiers Or ModifierKeys.Windows
+ RaiseEvent KeyDown(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ Case NativeMethods.KeyMessage.WM_KEYUP, NativeMethods.KeyMessage.WM_SYSKEYUP
+ Dim KeyCode As Keys = CType(KeystrokeInfo.vkCode And Integer.MaxValue, Keys)
+ 'Must be done before creating the HookEventArgs during KeyUp.
+ If InputHelper.IsModifier(KeyCode, ModifierKeys.Control) = True Then Me.Modifiers = Me.Modifiers And Not ModifierKeys.Control
+ If InputHelper.IsModifier(KeyCode, ModifierKeys.Shift) = True Then Me.Modifiers = Me.Modifiers And Not ModifierKeys.Shift
+ If InputHelper.IsModifier(KeyCode, ModifierKeys.Alt) = True Then Me.Modifiers = Me.Modifiers And Not ModifierKeys.Alt
+ If InputHelper.IsModifier(KeyCode, ModifierKeys.Windows) = True Then Me.Modifiers = Me.Modifiers And Not ModifierKeys.Windows
+ Dim HookEventArgs As KeyboardHookEventArgs = Me.CreateEventArgs(False, KeystrokeInfo)
+ RaiseEvent KeyUp(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ End Select
+ End If
+ Return If(Block, New IntPtr(1), NativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam))
+ End Function
+ Private Function CreateEventArgs(ByVal KeyDown As Boolean, ByVal KeystrokeInfo As NativeMethods.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) As KeyboardHookEventArgs
+ Dim KeyCode As Keys = CType(KeystrokeInfo.vkCode And Integer.MaxValue, Keys)
+ Dim ScanCode As UInteger = KeystrokeInfo.scanCode
+ Dim Extended As Boolean = (KeystrokeInfo.flags And NativeMethods.LowLevelKeyboardHookFlags.LLKHF_EXTENDED) = NativeMethods.LowLevelKeyboardHookFlags.LLKHF_EXTENDED
+ Dim AltDown As Boolean = (KeystrokeInfo.flags And NativeMethods.LowLevelKeyboardHookFlags.LLKHF_ALTDOWN) = NativeMethods.LowLevelKeyboardHookFlags.LLKHF_ALTDOWN
+ If AltDown = True _
+ AndAlso InputHelper.IsModifier(KeyCode, ModifierKeys.Alt) = False _
+ AndAlso (Me.Modifiers And ModifierKeys.Alt) <> ModifierKeys.Alt Then
+ Me.Modifiers = Me.Modifiers Or ModifierKeys.Alt
+ End If
+ Return New KeyboardHookEventArgs(KeyCode, ScanCode, Extended, If(KeyDown, KeyState.Down, KeyState.Up), Me.Modifiers)
+ End Function
+ Public Sub New()
+ hHook = NativeMethods.SetWindowsHookEx(NativeMethods.HookType.WH_KEYBOARD_LL, HookProcedureDelegate, NativeMethods.GetModuleHandle(Nothing), 0)
+ If hHook = IntPtr.Zero Then
+ Dim Win32Error As Integer = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()
+ Throw New Win32Exception(Win32Error, "Failed to create keyboard hook! (" & Win32Error & ")")
+ End If
+ End Sub
+#Region "IDisposable Support"
+ Private disposedValue As Boolean ' To detect redundant calls
+ ' IDisposable
+ Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
+ If Not Me.disposedValue Then
+ If disposing Then
+ ' TODO: dispose managed state (managed objects).
+ End If
+ ' TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override Finalize() below.
+ ' TODO: set large fields to null.
+ If hHook <> IntPtr.Zero Then NativeMethods.UnhookWindowsHookEx(hHook)
+ End If
+ Me.disposedValue = True
+ End Sub
+ Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
+ ' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) above.
+ Dispose(False)
+ MyBase.Finalize()
+ End Sub
+ ' This code added by Visual Basic to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
+ Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
+ ' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) above.
+ Dispose(True)
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(Me)
+ End Sub
+#End Region
+ End Class
+#End Region
+#Region "Mouse hook"
+ '''
+ ''' A global low-level mouse hook that raises events when a mouse event occurs.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Class MouseHook
+ Implements IDisposable
+ '''
+ ''' Occurs when a mouse button is pressed or held down.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Event MouseDown As EventHandler(Of MouseHookEventArgs)
+ '''
+ ''' Occurs when a mouse button is released.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Event MouseUp As EventHandler(Of MouseHookEventArgs)
+ '''
+ ''' Occurs when the mouse moves.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Event MouseMove As EventHandler(Of MouseHookEventArgs)
+ '''
+ ''' Occurs when the mouse wheel is scrolled.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Event MouseWheel As EventHandler(Of MouseHookEventArgs)
+ Private hHook As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
+ Private HookProcedureDelegate As New NativeMethods.LowLevelMouseProc(AddressOf HookCallback)
+ Private LeftClickTimeStamp As Integer = 0
+ Private MiddleClickTimeStamp As Integer = 0
+ Private RightClickTimeStamp As Integer = 0
+ Private Function HookCallback(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
+ Dim Block As Boolean = False
+ If nCode >= NativeMethods.HookCode.HC_ACTION AndAlso _
+ (wParam = NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_LBUTTONDOWN OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_LBUTTONUP OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MBUTTONDOWN OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MBUTTONUP OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_RBUTTONDOWN OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_RBUTTONUP OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MOUSEWHEEL OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MOUSEHWHEEL OrElse _
+ wParam = NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MOUSEMOVE) Then
+ Dim MouseEventInfo As NativeMethods.MSLLHOOKSTRUCT = _
+ CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, GetType(NativeMethods.MSLLHOOKSTRUCT)), NativeMethods.MSLLHOOKSTRUCT)
+ Select Case wParam
+ Case NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_LBUTTONDOWN
+ Dim DoubleClick As Boolean = (Environment.TickCount - LeftClickTimeStamp) <= NativeMethods.GetDoubleClickTime()
+ LeftClickTimeStamp = Environment.TickCount
+ Dim HookEventArgs As New MouseHookEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, KeyState.Down, DoubleClick, _
+ New Point(MouseEventInfo.pt.x, MouseEventInfo.pt.y), ScrollDirection.None, 0)
+ RaiseEvent MouseDown(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ Case NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_LBUTTONUP
+ Dim HookEventArgs As New MouseHookEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, KeyState.Up, False, _
+ New Point(MouseEventInfo.pt.x, MouseEventInfo.pt.y), ScrollDirection.None, 0)
+ RaiseEvent MouseUp(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ Case NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MBUTTONDOWN
+ Dim DoubleClick As Boolean = (Environment.TickCount - MiddleClickTimeStamp) <= NativeMethods.GetDoubleClickTime()
+ MiddleClickTimeStamp = Environment.TickCount
+ Dim HookEventArgs As New MouseHookEventArgs(MouseButtons.Middle, KeyState.Down, DoubleClick, _
+ New Point(MouseEventInfo.pt.x, MouseEventInfo.pt.y), ScrollDirection.None, 0)
+ RaiseEvent MouseDown(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ Case NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MBUTTONUP
+ Dim HookEventArgs As New MouseHookEventArgs(MouseButtons.Middle, KeyState.Up, False, _
+ New Point(MouseEventInfo.pt.x, MouseEventInfo.pt.y), ScrollDirection.None, 0)
+ RaiseEvent MouseUp(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ Case NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_RBUTTONDOWN
+ Dim DoubleClick As Boolean = (Environment.TickCount - RightClickTimeStamp) <= NativeMethods.GetDoubleClickTime()
+ RightClickTimeStamp = Environment.TickCount
+ Dim HookEventArgs As New MouseHookEventArgs(MouseButtons.Right, KeyState.Down, DoubleClick, _
+ New Point(MouseEventInfo.pt.x, MouseEventInfo.pt.y), ScrollDirection.None, 0)
+ RaiseEvent MouseDown(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ Case NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_RBUTTONUP
+ Dim HookEventArgs As New MouseHookEventArgs(MouseButtons.Right, KeyState.Up, False, _
+ New Point(MouseEventInfo.pt.x, MouseEventInfo.pt.y), ScrollDirection.None, 0)
+ RaiseEvent MouseUp(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ Case NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MOUSEWHEEL
+ Dim Delta As Integer = New NativeMethods.SignedDWORD(MouseEventInfo.mouseData).High
+ Dim HookEventArgs As New MouseHookEventArgs(MouseButtons.None, KeyState.Up, False, _
+ New Point(MouseEventInfo.pt.x, MouseEventInfo.pt.y), ScrollDirection.Vertical, Delta)
+ RaiseEvent MouseWheel(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ Case NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MOUSEHWHEEL
+ Dim Delta As Integer = New NativeMethods.SignedDWORD(MouseEventInfo.mouseData).High
+ Dim HookEventArgs As New MouseHookEventArgs(MouseButtons.None, KeyState.Up, False, _
+ New Point(MouseEventInfo.pt.x, MouseEventInfo.pt.y), ScrollDirection.Horizontal, Delta)
+ RaiseEvent MouseWheel(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ Case NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MOUSEMOVE
+ Dim HookEventArgs As New MouseHookEventArgs(MouseButtons.None, KeyState.Up, False, _
+ New Point(MouseEventInfo.pt.x, MouseEventInfo.pt.y), ScrollDirection.None, 0)
+ RaiseEvent MouseMove(Me, HookEventArgs)
+ Block = HookEventArgs.Block
+ End Select
+ End If
+ Return If(Block, New IntPtr(1), NativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam))
+ End Function
+ Public Sub New()
+ hHook = NativeMethods.SetWindowsHookEx(NativeMethods.HookType.WH_MOUSE_LL, HookProcedureDelegate, NativeMethods.GetModuleHandle(Nothing), 0)
+ If hHook = IntPtr.Zero Then
+ Dim Win32Error As Integer = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()
+ Throw New Win32Exception(Win32Error, "Failed to create mouse hook! (" & Win32Error & ")")
+ End If
+ End Sub
+#Region "IDisposable Support"
+ Private disposedValue As Boolean ' To detect redundant calls
+ ' IDisposable
+ Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
+ If Not Me.disposedValue Then
+ If disposing Then
+ ' TODO: dispose managed state (managed objects).
+ End If
+ ' TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override Finalize() below.
+ ' TODO: set large fields to null.
+ If hHook <> IntPtr.Zero Then NativeMethods.UnhookWindowsHookEx(hHook)
+ End If
+ Me.disposedValue = True
+ End Sub
+ Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
+ ' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) above.
+ Dispose(False)
+ MyBase.Finalize()
+ End Sub
+ ' This code added by Visual Basic to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
+ Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
+ ' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) above.
+ Dispose(True)
+ GC.SuppressFinalize(Me)
+ End Sub
+#End Region
+ End Class
+#End Region
+#Region "Enumerations"
+ Public Enum KeyState As Integer
+ Up = 0
+ Down = 1
+ End Enum
+ Public Enum ScrollDirection As Integer
+ None = 0
+ Vertical = 1
+ Horizontal = 2
+ End Enum
+#End Region
+ End Class
+#End Region
#Region "Keyboard"
''' A static class for handling and simulating physical keyboard input.
@@ -544,20 +1107,23 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
''' The modifier to check.
- Public Shared Function IsModifierDown(ByVal Modifier As ModifierKey) As Boolean
+ Public Shared Function IsModifierDown(ByVal Modifier As ModifierKeys) As Boolean
Select Case Modifier
- Case ModifierKey.Control
+ Case ModifierKeys.Control
Return WindowMessages.IsKeyDown(Keys.ControlKey) OrElse _
WindowMessages.IsKeyDown(Keys.LControlKey) OrElse _
- Case ModifierKey.Shift
+ Case ModifierKeys.Shift
Return WindowMessages.IsKeyDown(Keys.ShiftKey) OrElse _
WindowMessages.IsKeyDown(Keys.LShiftKey) OrElse _
- Case ModifierKey.Alt
+ Case ModifierKeys.Alt
Return WindowMessages.IsKeyDown(Keys.Menu) OrElse _
WindowMessages.IsKeyDown(Keys.LMenu) OrElse _
+ Case ModifierKeys.Windows
+ Return WindowMessages.IsKeyDown(Keys.LWin) OrElse _
+ WindowMessages.IsKeyDown(Keys.RWin)
End Select
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Modifier", CType(Modifier, Integer) & " is not a valid modifier key!")
End Function
@@ -585,14 +1151,14 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
Public Shared Sub SendMouseClick(ByVal Button As MouseButtons, ByVal Location As Point, ByVal MouseDown As Boolean, Optional ByVal SendAsynchronously As Boolean = False)
Dim hWnd As IntPtr = NativeMethods.WindowFromPoint(New NativeMethods.NATIVEPOINT(Location.X, Location.Y)) 'Get the window at the specified click point.
- Dim ButtonMessage As NativeMethods.MouseButtonMessage 'A variable holding which Window Message to use.
+ Dim ButtonMessage As NativeMethods.MouseMessage 'A variable holding which Window Message to use.
Select Case Button 'Set the appropriate mouse button Window Message.
- Case MouseButtons.Left : ButtonMessage = If(MouseDown, NativeMethods.MouseButtonMessage.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, NativeMethods.MouseButtonMessage.WM_LBUTTONUP)
- Case MouseButtons.Right : ButtonMessage = If(MouseDown, NativeMethods.MouseButtonMessage.WM_RBUTTONDOWN, NativeMethods.MouseButtonMessage.WM_RBUTTONUP)
- Case MouseButtons.Middle : ButtonMessage = If(MouseDown, NativeMethods.MouseButtonMessage.WM_MBUTTONDOWN, NativeMethods.MouseButtonMessage.WM_MBUTTONUP)
+ Case MouseButtons.Left : ButtonMessage = If(MouseDown, NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_LBUTTONUP)
+ Case MouseButtons.Right : ButtonMessage = If(MouseDown, NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_RBUTTONDOWN, NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_RBUTTONUP)
+ Case MouseButtons.Middle : ButtonMessage = If(MouseDown, NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MBUTTONDOWN, NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_MBUTTONUP)
Case MouseButtons.XButton1, MouseButtons.XButton2
- ButtonMessage = NativeMethods.MouseButtonMessage.WM_XBUTTONDOWN
+ ButtonMessage = NativeMethods.MouseMessage.WM_XBUTTONDOWN
Case Else
Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid mouse button " & Button.ToString() & "!", "Button")
End Select
@@ -605,17 +1171,56 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
End If
Dim wParam As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero 'Used to specify which X button was clicked (if any).
- Dim lParam As IntPtr = WindowMessages.CreateLWParam(ClickPoint.X, ClickPoint.Y) 'Click point.
+ Dim lParam As IntPtr = New NativeMethods.DWORD(ClickPoint.x, ClickPoint.y) 'Click point.
If Button = MouseButtons.XButton1 OrElse _
Button = MouseButtons.XButton2 Then
- wParam = WindowMessages.CreateLWParam(0, Button / MouseButtons.XButton1) 'Set the correct XButton.
+ wParam = New NativeMethods.DWORD(0, Button / MouseButtons.XButton1) 'Set the correct XButton.
End If
InputHelper.WindowMessages.SendMessage(hWnd, ButtonMessage, wParam, lParam, SendAsynchronously)
End Sub
#End Region
+#Region "GetActiveWindow()"
+ '''
+ ''' Gets the active top-level window.
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Shared Function GetActiveWindow() As IntPtr
+ Return NativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow()
+ End Function
+#End Region
+#Region "GetAbsoluteActiveWindow()"
+ '''
+ ''' Gets the (absolute) active top-level window or child window (apart from GetActiveWindow() which will only get the active top-level window).
+ '''
+ '''
+ Public Shared Function GetAbsoluteActiveWindow() As IntPtr
+ Dim CurrentThreadID As UInteger = NativeMethods.GetCurrentThreadId()
+ Dim ActiveWindow As IntPtr = NativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow()
+ Dim ActiveThread As UInteger = NativeMethods.GetWindowThreadProcessId(ActiveWindow, Nothing)
+ If ActiveThread = 0 Then _
+ Return ActiveWindow
+ If NativeMethods.AttachThreadInput(CurrentThreadID, ActiveThread, True) = False Then _
+ Return ActiveWindow
+ Dim AbsoluteActiveWindow As IntPtr = NativeMethods.GetFocus()
+ Dim DetachAttempts As Integer = 0
+ While NativeMethods.AttachThreadInput(CurrentThreadID, ActiveThread, False) = False
+ DetachAttempts += 1
+ If DetachAttempts >= 10 Then Exit While
+ Threading.Thread.Sleep(1)
+ End While
+ Return AbsoluteActiveWindow
+ End Function
+#End Region
#End Region
#Region "Internal methods"
@@ -642,8 +1247,8 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
Dim CharacterConversionResult As Integer = -1
Dim IsDeadChar As Boolean = (CharCode And (1 << 31)) = (CType(1, UInteger) << 31) 'If the most significant bit is set the key is a dead char.
- Dim IsAltDown As Boolean = WindowMessages.IsModifierDown(ModifierKey.Alt)
- Dim IsAlt As Boolean = InputHelper.IsModifier(Key, ModifierKey.Alt)
+ Dim IsAltDown As Boolean = WindowMessages.IsModifierDown(ModifierKeys.Alt)
+ Dim IsAlt As Boolean = InputHelper.IsModifier(Key, ModifierKeys.Alt)
Dim AltUp As Boolean = (IsAlt = True AndAlso IsAltDown = True AndAlso KeyDown = False)
Dim IsNumpadNumber As Boolean = (KeyCode >= CType(Keys.NumPad0, UInteger) AndAlso KeyCode <= CType(Keys.NumPad9, UInteger))
@@ -855,47 +1460,6 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
End Function
#End Region
-#Region "GetAbsoluteActiveWindow()"
- '''
- ''' Gets the absolute active window or child window.
- '''
- '''
- Private Shared Function GetAbsoluteActiveWindow() As IntPtr
- Dim CurrentThreadID As UInteger = NativeMethods.GetCurrentThreadId()
- Dim ActiveWindow As IntPtr = NativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow()
- Dim ActiveThread As UInteger = NativeMethods.GetWindowThreadProcessId(ActiveWindow, Nothing)
- If ActiveThread = 0 Then _
- Return ActiveWindow
- If NativeMethods.AttachThreadInput(CurrentThreadID, ActiveThread, True) = False Then _
- Return ActiveWindow
- Dim AbsoluteActiveWindow As IntPtr = NativeMethods.GetFocus()
- Dim DetachAttempts As Integer = 0
- While NativeMethods.AttachThreadInput(CurrentThreadID, ActiveThread, False) = False
- DetachAttempts += 1
- If DetachAttempts >= 10 Then Exit While
- Threading.Thread.Sleep(1)
- End While
- Return AbsoluteActiveWindow
- End Function
-#End Region
-#Region "CreateLWParam()"
- '''
- ''' Creates a wParam or lParam value.
- '''
- ''' The low word (UShort) of the lParam/wParam.
- ''' The high word (UShort) of the lParam/wParam.
- '''
- Private Shared Function CreateLWParam(ByVal LoWord As Integer, ByVal HiWord As Integer) As IntPtr
- Return New IntPtr((HiWord << 16) Or (LoWord And &HFFFF))
- End Function
-#End Region
#End Region
End Class
@@ -940,26 +1504,32 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
''' The key to check.
''' The modifier to check for.
- Private Shared Function IsModifier(ByVal Key As Keys, ByVal Modifier As ModifierKey) As Boolean
+ Private Shared Function IsModifier(ByVal Key As Keys, ByVal Modifier As ModifierKeys) As Boolean
Select Case Modifier
- Case ModifierKey.Control
+ Case ModifierKeys.Control
Return _
Key = Keys.Control OrElse _
Key = Keys.ControlKey OrElse _
Key = Keys.LControlKey OrElse _
Key = Keys.RControlKey
- Case ModifierKey.Shift
+ Case ModifierKeys.Shift
Return _
Key = Keys.Shift OrElse _
Key = Keys.ShiftKey OrElse _
Key = Keys.LShiftKey OrElse _
Key = Keys.RShiftKey
+ Case ModifierKeys.Alt
+ Return _
+ Key = Keys.Alt OrElse _
+ Key = Keys.Menu OrElse _
+ Key = Keys.LMenu OrElse _
+ Key = Keys.RMenu
+ Case ModifierKeys.Windows
+ Return _
+ Key = Keys.LWin OrElse _
+ Key = Keys.RWin
End Select
- Return _
- Key = Keys.Alt OrElse _
- Key = Keys.Menu OrElse _
- Key = Keys.LMenu OrElse _
- Key = Keys.RMenu
+ Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Modifier", CType(Modifier, Integer) & " is not a valid modifier key!")
End Function
#End Region
@@ -970,8 +1540,31 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
Private Sub New()
End Sub
+#Region "Delegates"
+ Public Delegate Function LowLevelKeyboardProc(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
+ Public Delegate Function LowLevelMouseProc(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
+#End Region
#Region "Methods"
+#Region "Hook methods"
+ _
+ Public Shared Function SetWindowsHookEx(ByVal idHook As HookType, ByVal lpfn As LowLevelKeyboardProc, ByVal hMod As IntPtr, ByVal dwThreadId As UInteger) As IntPtr
+ End Function
+ _
+ Public Shared Function SetWindowsHookEx(ByVal idHook As HookType, ByVal lpfn As LowLevelMouseProc, ByVal hMod As IntPtr, ByVal dwThreadId As UInteger) As IntPtr
+ End Function
+ _
+ Public Shared Function UnhookWindowsHookEx(ByVal hhk As IntPtr) As Boolean
+ End Function
+ _
+ Public Shared Function CallNextHookEx(ByVal hhk As IntPtr, ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
+ End Function
+#End Region
#Region "Input methods"
Public Shared Function SendInput(ByVal nInputs As UInteger, ByVal pInputs() As INPUT, ByVal cbSize As Integer) As UInteger
@@ -1035,11 +1628,57 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
Public Shared Function ScreenToClient(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByRef lpPoint As NATIVEPOINT) As Boolean
End Function
+ Public Shared Function GetModuleHandle(ByVal lpModuleName As String) As IntPtr
+ End Function
+#End Region
+#Region "System information methods"
+ _
+ Public Shared Function GetDoubleClickTime() As UInteger
+ End Function
#End Region
#End Region
#Region "Enumerations"
+ Public Enum HookType As Integer
+ WH_CBT = 5
+ WH_DEBUG = 9
+ WH_MOUSE = 7
+ WH_MOUSE_LL = 14
+ WH_SHELL = 10
+ End Enum
+ Public Enum HookCode As Integer
+ End Enum
+ Public Enum LowLevelKeyboardHookFlags As UInteger
+ LLKHF_UP = &H80
+ End Enum
+ Public Enum LowLevelMouseHookFlags As UInteger
+ End Enum
Public Enum INPUTTYPE As UInteger
@@ -1177,21 +1816,92 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
End Enum
- Public Enum MouseButtonMessage As Integer
+ Public Enum MouseMessage As Integer
- XBUTTON1 = &H1
- XBUTTON2 = &H2
End Enum
#End Region
#Region "Structures"
+ _
+ Public Structure KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT
+ Public vkCode As UInteger
+ Public scanCode As UInteger
+ Public flags As LowLevelKeyboardHookFlags
+ Public time As UInteger
+ Public dwExtraInfo As UIntPtr
+ End Structure
+ _
+ Public Structure MSLLHOOKSTRUCT
+ Public pt As NATIVEPOINT
+ Public mouseData As UInteger
+ Public flags As UInteger
+ Public time As UInteger
+ Public dwExtraInfo As UIntPtr
+ End Structure
+ Public Structure DWORD
+ Public Value As UInteger
+ Public Low As UShort
+ Public High As UShort
+ Public Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal DWORD As DWORD) As IntPtr
+ Return New IntPtr(DWORD.Value And Integer.MaxValue)
+ End Operator
+ Public Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal DWORD As DWORD) As UInteger
+ Return DWORD.Value
+ End Operator
+ Public Sub New(ByVal Value As UInteger)
+ Me.Value = Value
+ End Sub
+ Public Sub New(ByVal Low As UShort, ByVal High As UShort)
+ Me.Low = Low
+ Me.High = High
+ End Sub
+ End Structure
+ Public Structure SignedDWORD
+ Public Value As UInteger
+ Public Low As Short
+ Public High As Short
+ Public Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal DWORD As SignedDWORD) As IntPtr
+ Return New IntPtr(DWORD.Value And Integer.MaxValue)
+ End Operator
+ Public Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal DWORD As SignedDWORD) As UInteger
+ Return DWORD.Value
+ End Operator
+ Public Sub New(ByVal Value As UInteger)
+ Me.Value = Value
+ End Sub
+ Public Sub New(ByVal Low As UShort, ByVal High As UShort)
+ Me.Low = Low
+ Me.High = High
+ End Sub
+ End Structure
Public Structure INPUTUNION
@@ -1229,8 +1939,8 @@ Public NotInheritable Class InputHelper
Public Structure NATIVEPOINT
- Public X As Integer
- Public Y As Integer
+ Public x As Integer
+ Public y As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer)
Me.X = X
diff --git a/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb b/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
index c639eab..04ca74c 100644
--- a/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
+++ b/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Namespace My.Resources
Friend ReadOnly Property ResourceManager() As Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager
If Object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, Nothing) Then
- Dim temp As Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager = New Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager("InputHelperLibrary.Resources", GetType(Resources).Assembly)
+ Dim temp As Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager = New Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager("InputHelperLib.Resources", GetType(Resources).Assembly)
resourceMan = temp
End If
Return resourceMan
diff --git a/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb b/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
index 325e7ba..421362b 100644
--- a/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
+++ b/InputHelper Library/InputHelper Library/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ Namespace My
Friend Module MySettingsProperty
- Friend ReadOnly Property Settings() As Global.InputHelperLibrary.My.MySettings
+ Friend ReadOnly Property Settings() As Global.InputHelperLib.My.MySettings
- Return Global.InputHelperLibrary.My.MySettings.Default
+ Return Global.InputHelperLib.My.MySettings.Default
End Get
End Property
End Module