A minimalistic web app for your daily agendas. A fullstack JavaScript/TypeScript project.
Frontend :-
- React
- Typescript
Server :-
- Node.js
- Express
Database :-
Make sure you have Node version 20.8.0
To run the installation for the project, use the following command from the root of the project which will install the client and backend dependencies respectively in one go.
npm run setup
To run both the client and backend servers locally, run the following command from the root of the project.
npm run dev
Figma design file : https://www.figma.com/file/7mHrTjfeRfNh8qkkEsSLLi/APP---Tasks?type=design&node-id=902%3A137&mode=design&t=rf44UO2RI6RDgtX3-1