If you're looking for Pocket native blockchain data snapshots, they are provided by Pocket Foundation and available via the following links:
- Uncompressed tar:
- Compressed tar.gz:
The links are redirects, so if you're using curl
make sure to add an argument to follow the redirect: curl -L https://snapshot.nodes.pokt.network/latest.tar > ~/destination.tar
Chances are you'll get better speeds utilizing uplink CLI to download the snapshot. We provide an access key that has necessary permissions. Here is an example that downloads the latest snapshot:
uplink cp --access=1mg7uwv6EQNyvgCxAuXBb19BZAMne2T5Qkzc5LsahbpERiXviMvENvBKN5yTf85BRRBcetZ4NWaiBri9UyvVHFBN4vaaLTRJ5AJnWfThvqkS18ftS4hyZLJ1AGaoJpdVUp6uS7zsoHXr5E22J1cN5mj2kchajtNKK7fRB6Jq5Q6cmDd5aFS1n8y9AbG6RjJFpAcdXTssmDqqYmYcTfUs89C2SBBCHTvUyScLA3hUtFLa1Cp16okDZUzwh4miPgPjr5JboR3DJby15TAvKmFttNf9Vya5sTTtya6KnrAqtwTkbPE16Eo6VjtoWwbvgT3S2FmQw3h6LNzrT3QbXaiXzK18B49S5UXSH3RbXT2xvgTFA6pbv sj://pocket-public-blockchains-main/v0-snapshots/$(curl -s https://snapshot.nodes.pokt.network/latest.tar.gz | rev | cut -d'/' -f1|rev|cut -d'?' -f1) ./destination.tar.gz
The script stops a pocket node container, creates the snapshot, turns on the node back, uploads the archive to StorJ, updates the permament link to point to the latest snapshot.
apt-get update
apt-get install pigz rhash awscli
- install uplink - storj CLI
- AWS keys (populated via environment variable) or instance profile with permissions to read and update API Gateway Resources/Integrations.
- StorJ access token with permissions to write to the bucket.
Due to the nature of the script, the following configuration is necesary:
Environment Variable | Description |
Docker container of pocket node to start/stop |
Full path to the directory of the pocket node |
Full path of an uncompressed archive |
Full path of compressed archive |
Storj access token that has permissions to upload the archive |
API Gateway ID (should be prvisioned by terraform from this repo) |