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npm install vextension-web

Vextension-Web is a fast javascript framework to manage browser actions

Would you like some features such as the jQuery selector? But don't you want to import such a large library?

Vextension-Web enables you to do this.

Including Vextension-Web


Import via jsdelivr

<script src=""></script>

Import as Module

import $ from 'vextension-web';


<div class="showcase">
    <div class="text"></div>
// wait until everything is loaded and launch function
$(document).load(() => {
    // DO Somethinf

// launch function when document is loaded
$(document).ready(() => {
    // Set / Remove / Delete Cookies ( TODO: Custom Path )
    function cookieTest() {
        let actualCookie = $.readCookie('TestCookie');

        if (!actualCookie) $.setCookie('TestCookie', 0, 0);
        else $.setCookie('TestCookie', parseInt(actualCookie) || 0 + 1, 1);



    // ===============================================================================

    // hide and show elements
    $('.text').show(/*optional*/ timeout, /*optional*/ 'block'); // sets css property display: block;
    $('.text').hide(/*optional*/ timeout); // sets css property display: none;

    // manage styling
    $('.text').css('background', '#222');
    $('.text').css('height', '20px');
    $('.text').css('width', '60px');
    // or
        width: '60px',
        heigght: '60px',

    // bind functions to events
    $('.text').on('click', () => {
        // set random background color on click
        $('.text').css('background', '#' + (0x1000000 + Math.random() * 0xffffff).toString(16).substr(1, 6));

    // loop through each element in element array with selector .text
    $('.text').each(function (element) {

    // ===============================================================================

    // get 'index' element of element array
    $('.text').array(); // returns an array with Elements [ekement, element]

    // wait function
        .then((textElementCollection) => {
            console.log('Waited for 2000ms');

    $('.text').find('a'); // returns an ElementCollection with all a elemts inside of all .text classified elements
    $('.text').find('div'); // returns all divs ElementCollection insite .text

    // adding and removing classes from an alement
    // add class when not existing and remove when existing

    // add or remove properties from an element
    $('.checkbox').prop('checked', true);
    $('.checkbox').prop('checked', false);

    // set element attributes
    $('.tooltipToggle-1').attr('data-tooltip', 'This is a cool tooltiped element');

    // change innetHTML of an element
    $('.text').html(`<code><pre>Usage example is shown at $.getJSON method</pre></code>`);
    // append current innerHTML with new HTML
    $('.text').append(`<code><pre>Usage example is shown at $.getJSON method</pre></code>`);

    // set a value of an element (maybe to copy text to clipboard)

    // empty operation ( just returns selection )

    // ===============================================================================

    // fetch and set JSON to an element
        .done((json) => {
            $('.text').html(`<code><pre>${JSON.stringify(json, null, 2).split('\n').join('<br>')}</pre></code>`);
        .always(() => console.log('This runs always no matter if failed or done'))
        .fail((error) => console.error);

    // post json data and get response back as JSON
    $.postJSON('', {
        // $.postData $.postJsonData
        text: 'TestPost',
        .done((response) => {
        .always(() => console.log('POST Complete'))
        .fail((error) => console.error);

    // post FormData example
    $.postForm('', {
        text: 'TestPost',
        .done((response) => {
        .always(() => console.log('POST Complete'))
        .fail((error) => console.error);

    // post FormData with FormData Object
    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('key', 'value');
    $.postForm('', formData)
        .done((response) => {
        .always(() => console.log('POST Complete'))
        .fail((error) => console.error);

    // ===============================================================================

    // dynamic load JS / CSS
    $.loadScript('', document.head /*default location*/, () => {
        // callback whendone

    $.loadJS('', document.head).then(() => {
        // todo

    // or async
    $.loadStyle('').then(() => {
        // todo

    // ===============================================================================

    // select and focus elements

    // Clipboard util
    $.getSelection(); // get selected text
    $.copyTextToClipboard(value); // copy a given string to clipboard
    $.copySelectionToClipboard(); // copy the selection to clipboard


$.locationName && $.pathName; // returns current full windows locationName e.g /home/index.html
$.hostname; // returns current windows location hostame eg
$.url; // returns current full window URL e.g

// ===============================================================================

$.isArray([1, 2, 3]); // returns true
$.isEmptyObject({}); // returns true
$.isPlainObject({ data: ['asdf'] }); // returns true
$.isFunction(function () {
}); // returns true

$.isNotNull('This is a nice string :)'); // returns true
$.isNotNull(null); // returns false

// ===============================================================================

$.serializeElement(element); // returns a JSON string with all elements attributes
$.elementToJSON(element); // returns an object with all elements attributes

// ===============================================================================

$('.text').serialize(); // .toString() // returns a JSON string with all elements inside the selector collection
$('.text').toJSON(); // returns an object with all elements inside the selector collection

// ===============================================================================

// Session and Local store methods to store objects
$.storeLocal('tmp', {
    test: 'test-local',
}); // returns boolean success
console.log('Local Store: ' + JSON.stringify($.getLocal('tmp')));
$.unStoreLocal('tmp'); // returns boolean success

$.storeSession('tmp', {
    test: 'test-session',
}); // returns boolean success
console.log('Session Store: ' + JSON.stringify($.getSession('tmp')));
$.unStoreSession('tmp'); // returns boolean success


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