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NodeJS API and CLI for developing an iGEM wiki (downloading/uploading pages/stylesheets/scripts/templates/images)

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NodeJS and CLI API for interacting with an igem wiki (downloading/uploading pages/stylesheets/scripts/templates/images, etc.)

npm install -g igemwiki-api

TL;DR: Install Node, see upload-conf


See Recipes.




Runs igemwiki.downloadALL({ dir }) behind the scenes.

  igemwiki backup [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

  -y, --year [NUMBER]    Year to download pages from (Default is current year)
  -n, --teamName STRING  Team name
  -d, --dir [DIR]        Download directory (Default is ./backups)
  -h, --help             Display help and usage details


This is the simplest way to get going. By writing a small yaml file and installing this tool via npm or Docker, you can begin uploading your entire wiki in minutes.

This will read from a yaml file with pages, templates, stylesheets, scripts being an array that each have objects including source and dest.

If the value does not contain : then it will be evaluated as a glob pattern (and dest will be created just as it were in upload-glob). Else, the format is source:dest. INDEX is a special dest that will map to your team home page. Explicit mappings with source:dest where source is the same as something that was encountered with a glob pattern will take precedence. This lets you glob the majority of files and be explicit to "fix the odd ones".

An example igemwiki-conf.yaml might look like:

    - ./build-live/templates/*.html
    - ./build-live/css/*_css
    - ./build-live/js/*_js
    - ./build-live/*.html
    - ./build-live/index.html:INDEX
    - ./build-live/HP-Silver.html:HP/Silver
    - ./build-live/HP-Gold.html:HP/Gold
    - ./images/*.{png,jpg}

See igemwiki-conf.yml for Toronto's 2016 wiki.

First get a preview of the { type, source, dest } options array:

igemwiki upload-conf -n Toronto --conf igemwiki-conf.yml -p

And then upload each file:

igemwiki upload-conf -n Toronto --conf igemwiki-conf.yml
  igemwiki upload-conf [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

  -y, --year [NUMBER]    Year to download pages from (Default is current year)
  -n, --team STRING      Team name
  -f, --force BOOL       Force upload
  -c, --conf PATH        YAML configuration file
  -p, --preview BOOL     Preview source/dest pairs before uploading
  -h, --help             Display help and usage details


  igemwiki upload [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

  -y, --year [NUMBER]    Year to download pages from (Default is current year)
  -n, --teamName STRING  Team name
  -s, --source STRING    Source file
  -d, --dest STRING      Destination
  -t, --type STRING      Type (page, template, stylesheet, script, or image)
  -f, --force BOOL       Force upload
  -h, --help             Display help and usage details


▶ igemwiki upload -n Toronto --type stylesheet --source ./test/files/test-stylesheet.css --dest test-stylesheet
skipped[889ms] ./test/files/test-stylesheet.css ->


▶ igemwiki upload -n Toronto --type script --source ./test/files/test-script.js --dest test-script -f
uploaded[1451ms] ./test/files/test-script.js ->


▶ igemwiki upload -n Toronto --type template --source ./test/files/test-template.html --dest test-template
skipped[476ms] ./test/files/test-template.html ->


▶ igemwiki upload -n Toronto --type page --source ./test/files/test-upload.html --dest test-upload
uploaded[2092ms] ./test/files/test-upload.html ->

image (use filename extension in dest!)

▶ igemwiki upload -n Toronto --type image --source ./test/files/igem-logo.png --dest igem-logo.png
skipped[1401ms] ./test/files/igem-logo.png ->

▶ igemwiki upload -n Toronto --type image --source ./test/files/igem-logo.png --dest igem-logo.png -f
uploaded[3382ms] ./test/files/igem-logo.png ->


Upload files matching a pattern with globby.

Dest will be produced by stripping the basename of paths with the appropiate extension for that type. Thus this method will fail if you wish to have control over special destinations for some files, in which case upload-conf is recommended.

For example, if ./css/*.css produces [ './css/styles.css', './css/vendors.css' ] the dests will be [ 'styles', 'vendors' ]

  igemwiki upload-glob [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

  -y, --year [NUMBER]    Year to download pages from (Default is current year)
  -n, --teamName STRING  Team name
  -g, --glob STRING      Glob pattern for sources
  -t, --type STRING      Type (page, template, stylesheet, script, or image)
  -f, --force BOOL       Force upload
  -h, --help             Display help and usage details


When you require this module, it returns a function which takes one parameter, which is an object of options.

const igemwiki = require('igemwiki-api')({
    year: 2016,
    teamName: 'Toronto'

Note const does not mean "constant". It can have its properties modified, but cannot be reassigned.

The year can actually be omitted, and the current year (new Date().getFullYear()) will be used instead.

const igemwiki = require('igemwiki-api')({ teamName: 'Toronto' })

The teamName needs to be exactly as it is on your wiki page, so:${teamName}.

Once you require the module and call it with options, the rest of the API becomes available.


Logging in is required for most actions. It resolves to a cookie jar.

const igemwiki = require('igemwiki-api')({ year: 2016, teamName: 'Toronto' })

  username: 'randomuser',
  password: 'password'
}).then(function (jar) {
  console.log('Login was successful, received cookie jar: ', jar)
}).catch((error) => {
  console.log('Something went wrong: ', error)

Obviously you would not want to expose your username and password. As such, if one of username or password is not passed in, you will be asked to enter them in a prompt:

igemwiki.login().then(jar => console.log('Cookie jar: ', jar))

However the prompt method fails on a serverside or continuous integration platform. It also just annoying to repeatedly enter the same login information over and over. As per the Twelve-Factor App, sensitive configuration should be stored in the enviroment. If a .env file is present, igemwiki-api will pick values out of there if they are not provided as options. To enable this, copy sample.env into .env (and do not ever commit .env) and change the values. Make sure to leave no spaces around = in key=val. Instead of using .env file, you can also just export the variable in your current shell:

export username=jmazz
export password=superSecretPassword

These variables will then be available from process.env.username and process.env.password within Node. In fact, then .env method just uses dotenv to load key/value pairs from the .env file into process.env. The benefit of providing the .env method is that sample.env makes it clear which values need to be set.

Then you can login like this and won't be prompted:


TODO take this out. Make it so year and teamName NEED to be passed in. The teamName is also present in the environment configuration. So you can require the module like so:

const igemwiki = require('igemwiki-api')({})

See login.spec.js.

getTeamPages, getTeamTemplates

Use these to get all page urls from your team.

igemwiki.getTeamPages().then(pages => console.log(pages)) // array of urls
igemwiki.getTeamTemplates().then(templates => console.log(templates)) // array of urls as well

// you should .catch(function (error) { /* ... */ }) in real code.

See all-pages.spec.js.


Not just a simple curl. Pulls out content of text box from ?action=edit page. Takes dir (download directory) in options. Use downloadAll to download all team pages and templates.

const path = require('path')
const { downloadAll } = require('igemwiki-api')()

downloadAll({ dir: path.resolve(__dirname, './downloads') }).then(function (results) {
  console.log('Download results: ', results)

There is also downloadPage to download one page at a time. It takes page and dir:

  page: '',
  dir: downloadDir
}).then(result => console.log('Download: ', result))

See download.spec.js.


Upload file contents into pages, templates, or images. If local content matches existing live content, the upload will be skipped, unless force: true is set.

// Need cookie jar from login
.then(function(jar) {
  // Everything is an ES2015 Promise!
  return upload({
    jar: jar,
    type: 'page', // or stylesheet, script, template, image
    dest: 'test-upload', // will create Team:${teamName}/${dest} for 'page', or Template:${teamName}/{css|js}/..
    source: './src/mypage.html', // the source for upload. what is entered into update page text box.
    force: false // force upload even if live/local content match, default is false
.then(function(results) {
  console.log('Upload results:', results)

See upload.spec.js for the API calls which produce the test pages below. The page example shows how to load in CSS, Javascript, and a template. The test-upload-undated.html file has {{ DATE }} replaced with the current date when tests are ran.

Type Source Destination
stylesheet test-stylesheet.css Template:Toronto/css/test-stylesheet
script test-script.js Template:Toronto/js/test-script
template test-template.html Template:Toronto/test-template
page test-upload-undated.html Team:Toronto/test-upload

image upload

Just need to set type to image. dest must be the image filename, including extension.

login().then(jar => upload({
  type: 'image',
  dest: 'igem-logo.png', // Note full file name including extension
  source: './images/igem-logo.png' // Good idea to match this to dest,
  jar // with ES2015, this is the same as jar: jar
})).then(results => console.log( // is the direct image link


NodeJS API and CLI for developing an iGEM wiki (downloading/uploading pages/stylesheets/scripts/templates/images)






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