- Python 3.9
- Django 3.0.2
- SQLite 3
- django-markdown2
Encyclopedia entries itself are written on the Markdown2, upgraded version of the Markdown
On index page are wiki entries are clickable and will brought you to their entry page.
Each page has it's own url at /wiki/TITLE where TITLE is the title of an encyclopedia entry.
If page doesn't exist the user will be presented with an error message:
If the query matches the name of an encyclopedia entry, the user will be redirected to that entry page:
If the query does not match the name of an encyclopedia entry, instead the user will be taken to a search results page that displays a list of all encyclopedia entries that have the query as a substring.
On result page user can click on any of the entries pages names, doing so the user will be taken to that entry page:
Clicking on 'Create New Page' in the sidebar user will be taken to a page where he can create a new encyclopedia entry.
And if user tries to create a page with a title that already exist the user will be presented with an error message:
On each entry page, the user can click on Edit page button and edit that entry markdown content in a textarea
Clicking on 'Random page' in the sidebar user will be taken to a random encyclopedia entry.
- Project needs some styling...
- Registed/login system => users
- Deleting entries