Twitter-like social network website for making, liking posts and following users.
- CSS (Bootstrap 4.5.3)
- JavaScript
- Python 3.9
- Django 3.0.2
- SQLite 3
- All Posts
- New Post
- Profile Page
- Following
- Edit Post
- Pagination
- "Like" and "Unlike"
- Future improvements
On the front page user can see all posts from all users with the most recent posts coming first.
Also at any time user can click on All Posts link in the navbar to be taken to front page with all posts.
Users who are signed in can click on New Post link in the navbar, write a new text-based post by filling in text into a text area and then clicking a button to submit the post.
Clicking on a username will load that user’s profile page. That page displays:
- Number of followers the user has
- Number of people that user follows
- All post made by that user in reverse chronological order
For any other user who is signed in, page also displays a Follow or Unfollow button that let the current user toggle whether or not they are following this user’s posts.
User can click on the Following link in the navbar, doing so user will be taken to a page where they see all posts made by users that the current user follows.
Users can click an Edit button on any of their own posts to edit that post.
On any page that displays posts can be only 10 of them. If there are more than 10 posts, a Next button appear to take the user to the next page of posts (which should be older than the current page of posts). If not on the first page, a Previous button appears to take the user to the previous page of posts as well.
Users who signed in is able to click a like button on any post to toggle whether or not they “like” that post.
- Switch from bootstrap to css
- Improve ui
- Add reposts
- Make editing possible on the same page