All notable changes to this library will be documented in this file.
- Fix: Remove writeHeadHook promise to persiste the response in case of a client timeout occurs (issue #26)
- Fix: Use of express public api to retrieve request headers (issue #21)
- Fix: Add null to possible return value for data adapters when idempotency resource not found (Issue #22)
- Fix security issues
- Adjustment to packages
- Remove unnecessary files
- Fix issue with autobind-decorator which must be a runtime dependency (issue #10)
- Upgrade librairies
- Adjust documentation
Fixed issues with scoped dependencies and adjust documentation accordingly.
Update package.json with keywords for NPM search engine.
This is the first version of the idempotency middleware for express.
Idempotency middleware for express
- Allows custom data adapter to store idempotency key, request and response data
- Allows custom intent validator
- Allows custom response validator
- Provides docker based example