- 👋 Hi, I’m @Vikas5050
I'm a passionate and curious software enthusiast with a strong foundation in Python and a keen interest in data analytics and software development. My journey in tech has been a blend of problem-solving, analytics, and automation, making me eager to explore new challenges and opportunities.
- Power BI Project 📊: Building an analytical dashboard for a dairy farm dataset to derive meaningful insights.
- LeetCode Practice 🏆: Enhancing my problem-solving skills by following a structured, topic-wise roadmap.
- Software Trainee Applications 💼: Looking for exciting opportunities to kickstart my professional journey in software development.
- Underwater Image Processing 🌊: Previously worked on a project involving image analysis and enhancement for underwater environments.
- Languages: Python 🐍, SQL
- Tools & Technologies: Power BI, Git, Data Visualization, Image Processing
- Problem-Solving: LeetCode, Algorithmic Thinking
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/vikas-singh00
- Email: golusingh39066@gmail.com
Let's collaborate, build, and learn together! 🚀