Windows Editor/Player for Kodi playlist files (.m3u) with send link to Kodi and play with VLC, download of youtube videos with youtube-dl.
Import links from internet, other players or local storage devices (NAS).
NEW: Import of links from VideoLinkSafe via Hotkey.
Can be used as an offline Youtube link storage for Windows.
A version for IPTV files: PlaylistEditorTV
- NEW 2.1 AIMP playlist import
- Check for valid links button, search for Name field with google, enter the fps value for download. light orange: Link or video not avaliable, Light grey: file could not be checked.
- You can edit and create Kodi video playlists, add, rename, move and delete playlist entries, drag&drop video files and m3u files to add to list.
- YouTube links and all other Kodi supported html links from clipboard can be added with a own defined hotkey to playlist, or send to your Kodi device without the editor.
- Search for names and find duplicate links to merge files.
- Copy/paste links to other editor window.
- A copy link to clipboard with a delayed loop for JDownloader is integrated.
- Send or queue links to the connected Kodi device.
- Play links on Windows with installed VLC player
- download with youtube-dl / ffmpeg and automatic replace the link
- support for NAS/nfs device
- You can add local files and automatic replace the IPs for your Kodi linux device and nfs path for NAS drives.
- F2 to edit cell
- Ctrl + C copy row
- Ctrl + V paste row
- Ctrl + X cut row
- Ctrl + F find string
- Ctrl + N open new window
- Ctrl + O open file dialog
- Ctrl + S save
- Ctrl + G search with google
- Ctrl + P send link to Kodi (IP in settings)
- Ctrl + Q send link to Kodi queue
- Ctrl + L open link in explorer or browser
- Ctrl + +/- change font size
- Ctrl + 1/2 move up/down line
- del delete selected row
- Double on Background --> open file dialog
- Double on Grid Cell --> play in vlc
- Double + Ctrl on Grid Cell --> play on Kodi
- Double + Ctrl + Shift --> queue on Kodi
At the moment there is only the compiled EXE file released on the respository.
- Windows with .NET Framework 4.6.2.
- VLC player recommended.
- youtube-dl and ffmeg for download YT videos
Unzip and run the exe file. No install necessary.
You can connect the .m3u filename extension with the program or open files with drag and drop on the icon.
go to PlaylistEditorTV in other repository
If Playlist Editor refuses to start, go to C:\Users.....\AppData\Local\GitHub_Isayso and delete the entries. Win+R: "appdata"
- Visual Studio 2019 - C# with .NET 4.6.2
This project is licensed under the GPL 3 License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Inspired from various IPTV editors for Kodi
- the youtube-dl team
- ffmpeg developers
- vlc player
Thank you for your great work!