diff --git a/docs/CrImage/Operation/HistogramEqualize.html b/docs/CrImage/Operation/HistogramEqualize.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f24e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/CrImage/Operation/HistogramEqualize.html
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+ module CrImage::Operation::HistogramEqualize
+ Overview
Provides methods for histogram and histogram equalization. Follows method outlined here
If an image is particularly dark or particularly bright with low contrast, the Operation::Contrast#contrast
method will only
+make the image darker or lighter. For images like these, equalizing the image along its histogram will produce better results.
image.contrast(10 ).save("contrast.jpg" )
+image.histogram_equalize.save("equalized.jpg" )
This method does not work well when a given method has a bimodal distribution of color pixels. For example:
+ Direct including types
+ Defined in:
+ cr-image/operation/histogram.cr
+ Instance Method Summary
+ Instance Method Detail
+ def
histogram_equalize :
+ def
histogram_equalize! :
diff --git a/docs/CrImage/Operation/HistogramEqualize/Histogram.html b/docs/CrImage/Operation/HistogramEqualize/Histogram.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f54bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/CrImage/Operation/HistogramEqualize/Histogram.html
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+ class CrImage::Operation::HistogramEqualize::Histogram
+ Overview
A histogram of an Image
for a specific ChannelType
+ Defined in:
+ cr-image/operation/histogram.cr
+ Constructors
+ Instance Method Summary
+ Constructor Detail
+ Instance Method Detail
+ def
cdf : Hash(UInt8, Float64)
Get the cumulative distribution for the image's histogram
+ def
counts : Hash(UInt8, Int32)
Get the raw counts for a given pixel value (0-255) in the image
+ def
equalize : Hash(UInt8, UInt8)
Remap the cumalitive distribution of pixels to get a new, more spread out pixel value
+ def
normalize : Hash(UInt8, Float64)
Get pixel counts normalized - all values between 0.0 and 1.0