Releases: VerusCoin/Verus-Desktop
Announcing immediate availability of GUI and CLI for all platforms of the NON-MANDATORY v0.8.0-1 UPDATE
This release includes a testnet fix for the Ethereum bridge and is required for those who want to continue using the current testnet.
v0.8.0 and v0.8.0-1 Updates include:
- Testnet reset with fixes for all reported PBaaS, DeFi, and advanced VerusID user issues. If you had reported issues, please verify that the issues you reported are addressed in this release.
- Support for the bidirectional Ethereum gateway/bridge, which has been testing on private networks and which we hope to launch within a day or two after first vetting it on the release testing network with community test volunteers.
- Support for the new
RPC call, used along with your ID and published names to generate VDXF (Verus Data eXchange Format) keys, which community members used to create the world’s first self-sovereign, completely decentralized, rent-free, non-cancelable social media profiles as can be seen here: . Work is underway to document the VDXF keys defined and used for profiles as well as the process of setting up your own. While the capability is already extremely powerful, we should remind everyone that Verus is a platform, not a social network. The core technology is exciting, but what will be even more exciting is when businesses and entrepreneurs leverage it to enable new, self-sovereign user experiences, applications, and accompanying businesses to enable the future, truly decentralized web. - Fix for the Electron certificate issue in the GUI wallet, which has been affecting prices and preventing BTC fee calculation.
- Support for some additional, popular ERC20 currencies, in anticipation of more usage after release of the ETH bridge.
- Fix in GUI for calculated balances of specific addresses sometimes showing lower than actual, even though wallet balance displayed correctly.
- Additional hardening, fixes and improvement focused on mainnet and the Ethereum bridge.
To reset your testnet make sure Verus is closed (and no testnet daemon running) and delete the following directories, then restart the testnet daemon (or relaunch Verus Desktop, deactivate verustest and re-add verustest native):
- Linux:
- Mac OS:
~/Library/Application Support/Komodo/VRSC
,~/Library/Application\ Support/VerusTest
- Windows 10:
Exporting an ID to a PBaaS chain
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"IDNAME@","exportto":"PBaaSChainName","exportid":"true","amount":100,"currency":"vrsctest"}]'
Signing transactions from multi-signature IDs (testnet and mainnet)
Create transaction, get raw transaction data:
verus sendcurrency <multi-signature-ID>@ '[{"address":"<destination_address>","amount":<transaction_amount>}]'
verus z_getoperationstatus <operation_id_returned_by_sendcurrency>
Take the raw hex transaction data provided by z_getoperationstatus to each additional wallet(s) containing the additional signing addresses/IDs:
verus signrawtransaction <raw_hex_transaction>
After the last necessary signature is applied, broadcast on the network using:
verus sendrawtransaction <raw_hex_signed_transaction>
New Verus Multicurrency, Multichain, DeFi Enabled Testnet
With an easy GUI for basic operations or command line for more advanced functions. Without any programming, you can now create new identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains for your business, your government, your projects, a worthy cause, your family, or your next decentralized application suite. Send currencies worldwide on the same chain, or across blockchains with ease. Even convert currencies to others on the network without an exchange by sending to yourself and converting along the way.
The new Verus testnet is a full-featured, intrinsically decentralized multi-chain blockchain platform with an unlimited number of identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains. It is accessible from the released versions of Verus Desktop and Verus CLI wallets, and it is the beginning of a new age in crypto. There are so many things you can do with Verus that you cannot with any other cryptocurrency platform, and you can try them all today.
As Verus PBaaS offers completely new capabilities that go beyond today’s decentralized platforms in many fundamental ways, the worldwide Verus community put its energy into creation, rather than convincing everyone that its capabilities are possible. Members across the Verus worldwide community have worked hard to make this all possible, and we are more than excited that you can now experience it firsthand. If you have an interest in the future of crypto, you owe it to yourself to learn about Verus, an unlimited scale, decentralized future with truth and privacy for all.
The Verus testnet, available in the Verus Desktop or cli wallets as the VRSCTEST coin, has the following capabilities, which to our knowledge are unique in crypto today.
Self sovereign, revocable, recoverable identities (currently on mainnet) VerusID
- Enables permissionless registration of friendly name strong identities and funds addresses that are simultaneously fully self-sovereign, revocable, and recoverable.
Staking-capable time locking and theft prevention (Verus Vault)
- Enables identities to be locked, preventing any funds under their control from being spent while locked, but still allowing seamless staking of funds. When locked, a user specifies an unlock delay, typically long enough to notice when someone who might have compromised a user’s keys would have to unlock the ID before spending. The only way to circumvent the unlock delay is to revoke and recover an ID. Users may also choose to create and use fresh private keys when unlocking an ID as well. This enables virtually theft proof workflow and a solution to inheritance, trusts, vesting schedules, the 5$ wrench attack, and identity theft. IDs may be used as friendly name cryptocurrency addresses for all currencies on all Verus PBaaS blockchains in the Verus network. The VerusID protocol is a protocol, which can also be implemented on non-Verus systems.
Multi-currency, user created, decentralized tokens and merge-mineable, interoperable blockchains without programming
- Enables any user with an ID to create their own token currency or even full fledged, multi-currency, ID-issuing 50% POW/50% POS, 51% hash attack resistant blockchain that can send and receive from the Verus chain which launched it. All PBaaS chains run from the same daemon, and projects may choose to join the worldwide Verus community in improving the daemon. In doing so, they will start with a complete, multi-currency, ID-capable blockchain with DeFi capabilities that is merge-mineable and stakeable with other blockchains in the Verus network.
Consensus integrated DeFi liquidity pools and fractional currency baskets
- Any ID owner may define Verus DeFi fractional basket currencies with one or more asset currencies backing the liquidity pool at a fractional percentage ranging from 5% to 100% backing. The Verus DeFi protocol ensures that all currency conversions that use a particular liquidity pool and are mined into one block are solved and priced simultaneously, addressing the problems of miner extracted value (MEV) and front-running, while providing fee-based DeFi integrated incentives to miners and stakers, ensuring smooth consensus operation and fee conversion capabilities by integrating DeFi liquidity pools directly into the consensus and cross-chain bridge protocols.
Simultaneous blockchain and blockchain liquidity pool launches
- Launch of a world class, worldwide, merge-mineable blockchain along with a fully decentralized or centralized “bridge” converter liquidity pool as part of defining a new blockchain. Bridge converter currencies have the same flexibility as other fractional 100% asset backed or partially asset backed currencies, but is bound to the launch of the new blockchain, runs on the new blockchain, and all fees generated via cross chain fee conversions or general use of the liquidity pool are earned on the new blockchain with no rent going back to the Verus blockchain, only seamless connectivity.
Blockchain-based, crowdfunding currency launches with minimum participation or automatic refunds, including for dual launches (blockchain and bridge)
- Set required minimum levels of worldwide participation in your preferred currencies on chain. If by the start time of your blockchain, minimums are not met, all participants will automatically get a refund of all of their pre-conversions, less the network fees. The launch options also provide for maximum participation in one or more currencies, pre-launch discounts, price neutral pre-allocations to select IDs that increase the fractional reserve ratio to issue currencies, similarly price neutral carve-outs of proceeds, and pre-launch discounts for early participants. Using VerusIDs, launches can also include vesting schedules in the pre-allocations as well.
An interoperable, multichain network for new use cases and unlimited scale**
- The Verus multi-currency, multi-chain network allows the creation of an unlimited number of interoperable blockchains in the Verus network. Notary IDs, specified at chain definition, provide decentralized blockchain-specific bridge confirmation, enabling public blockchains available to the world for merge mining and staking, as well as private, internal blockchains, which are easy to setup with easy bridging of public currencies into an organization and onto their internal private network and back, with all features and currencies of the p...
Announcing immediate availability of GUI and CLI for all platforms of the NON-MANDATORY, RECOMMENDED v0.8.0 UPDATE.
This release is mandatory for those who want to use the testnet, which will be reset as of v0.8.0.
Updates include:
- Testnet reset with fixes for all reported PBaaS, DeFi, and advanced VerusID user issues. If you had reported issues, please verify that the issues you reported are addressed in this release.
- Support for the bidirectional Ethereum gateway/bridge, which has been testing on private networks and which we hope to launch within a day or two after first vetting it on the release testing network with community test volunteers.
- Support for the new
RPC call, used along with your ID and published names to generate VDXF (Verus Data eXchange Format) keys, which community members used to create the world’s first self-sovereign, completely decentralized, rent-free, non-cancelable social media profiles as can be seen here: . Work is underway to document the VDXF keys defined and used for profiles as well as the process of setting up your own. While the capability is already extremely powerful, we should remind everyone that Verus is a platform, not a social network. The core technology is exciting, but what will be even more exciting is when businesses and entrepreneurs leverage it to enable new, self-sovereign user experiences, applications, and accompanying businesses to enable the future, truly decentralized web. - Fix for the Electron certificate issue in the GUI wallet, which has been affecting prices and preventing BTC fee calculation.
- Support for some additional, popular ERC20 currencies, in anticipation of more usage after release of the ETH bridge.
- Fix in GUI for calculated balances of specific addresses sometimes showing lower than actual, even though wallet balance displayed correctly.
- Additional hardening, fixes and improvement focused on mainnet and the Ethereum bridge.
To reset your testnet make sure Verus is closed (and no testnet daemon running) and delete the following directories, then restart the testnet daemon (or relaunch Verus Desktop, deactivate verustest and re-add verustest native):
- Linux:
- Mac OS:
~/Library/Application Support/Komodo/VRSC
,~/Library/Application\ Support/VerusTest
- Windows 10:
Exporting an ID to a PBaaS chain
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"IDNAME@","exportto":"PBaaSChainName","exportid":"true","amount":100,"currency":"vrsctest"}]'
Signing transactions from multi-signature IDs (testnet and mainnet)
Create transaction, get raw transaction data:
verus sendcurrency <multi-signature-ID>@ '[{"address":"<destination_address>","amount":<transaction_amount>}]'
verus z_getoperationstatus <operation_id_returned_by_sendcurrency>
Take the raw hex transaction data provided by z_getoperationstatus to each additional wallet(s) containing the additional signing addresses/IDs:
verus signrawtransaction <raw_hex_transaction>
After the last necessary signature is applied, broadcast on the network using:
verus sendrawtransaction <raw_hex_signed_transaction>
New Verus Multicurrency, Multichain, DeFi Enabled Testnet
With an easy GUI for basic operations or command line for more advanced functions. Without any programming, you can now create new identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains for your business, your government, your projects, a worthy cause, your family, or your next decentralized application suite. Send currencies worldwide on the same chain, or across blockchains with ease. Even convert currencies to others on the network without an exchange by sending to yourself and converting along the way.
The new Verus testnet is a full-featured, intrinsically decentralized multi-chain blockchain platform with an unlimited number of identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains. It is accessible from the released versions of Verus Desktop and Verus CLI wallets, and it is the beginning of a new age in crypto. There are so many things you can do with Verus that you cannot with any other cryptocurrency platform, and you can try them all today.
As Verus PBaaS offers completely new capabilities that go beyond today’s decentralized platforms in many fundamental ways, the worldwide Verus community put its energy into creation, rather than convincing everyone that its capabilities are possible. Members across the Verus worldwide community have worked hard to make this all possible, and we are more than excited that you can now experience it firsthand. If you have an interest in the future of crypto, you owe it to yourself to learn about Verus, an unlimited scale, decentralized future with truth and privacy for all.
The Verus testnet, available in the Verus Desktop or cli wallets as the VRSCTEST coin, has the following capabilities, which to our knowledge are unique in crypto today.
Self sovereign, revocable, recoverable identities (currently on mainnet) VerusID
- Enables permissionless registration of friendly name strong identities and funds addresses that are simultaneously fully self-sovereign, revocable, and recoverable.
Staking-capable time locking and theft prevention (Verus Vault)
- Enables identities to be locked, preventing any funds under their control from being spent while locked, but still allowing seamless staking of funds. When locked, a user specifies an unlock delay, typically long enough to notice when someone who might have compromised a user’s keys would have to unlock the ID before spending. The only way to circumvent the unlock delay is to revoke and recover an ID. Users may also choose to create and use fresh private keys when unlocking an ID as well. This enables virtually theft proof workflow and a solution to inheritance, trusts, vesting schedules, the 5$ wrench attack, and identity theft. IDs may be used as friendly name cryptocurrency addresses for all currencies on all Verus PBaaS blockchains in the Verus network. The VerusID protocol is a protocol, which can also be implemented on non-Verus systems.
Multi-currency, user created, decentralized tokens and merge-mineable, interoperable blockchains without programming
- Enables any user with an ID to create their own token currency or even full fledged, multi-currency, ID-issuing 50% POW/50% POS, 51% hash attack resistant blockchain that can send and receive from the Verus chain which launched it. All PBaaS chains run from the same daemon, and projects may choose to join the worldwide Verus community in improving the daemon. In doing so, they will start with a complete, multi-currency, ID-capable blockchain with DeFi capabilities that is merge-mineable and stakeable with other blockchains in the Verus network.
Consensus integrated DeFi liquidity pools and fractional currency baskets
- Any ID owner may define Verus DeFi fractional basket currencies with one or more asset currencies backing the liquidity pool at a fractional percentage ranging from 5% to 100% backing. The Verus DeFi protocol ensures that all currency conversions that use a particular liquidity pool and are mined into one block are solved and priced simultaneously, addressing the problems of miner extracted value (MEV) and front-running, while providing fee-based DeFi integrated incentives to miners and stakers, ensuring smooth consensus operation and fee conversion capabilities by integrating DeFi liquidity pools directly into the consensus and cross-chain bridge protocols.
Simultaneous blockchain and blockchain liquidity pool launches
- Launch of a world class, worldwide, merge-mineable blockchain along with a fully decentralized or centralized “bridge” converter liquidity pool as part of defining a new blockchain. Bridge converter currencies have the same flexibility as other fractional 100% asset backed or partially asset backed currencies, but is bound to the launch of the new blockchain, runs on the new blockchain, and all fees generated via cross chain fee conversions or general use of the liquidity pool are earned on the new blockchain with no rent going back to the Verus blockchain, only seamless connectivity.
Blockchain-based, crowdfunding currency launches with minimum participation or automatic refunds, including for dual launches (blockchain and bridge)
- Set required minimum levels of worldwide participation in your preferred currencies on chain. If by the start time of your blockchain, minimums are not met, all participants will automatically get a refund of all of their pre-conversions, less the network fees. The launch options also provide for maximum participation in one or more currencies, pre-launch discounts, price neutral pre-allocations to select IDs that increase the fractional reserve ratio to issue currencies, similarly price neutral carve-outs of proceeds, and pre-launch discounts for early participants. Using VerusIDs, launches can also include vesting schedules in the pre-allocations as well.
An interoperable, multichain network for new use cases and unlimited scale**
- The Verus multi-currency, multi-chain network allows the creation of an unlimited number of interoperable blockchains in the Verus network. Notary IDs, specified at chain definition, provide decentralized blockchain-specific bridge confirmation, enabling public blockchains available to the world for merge mining and staking, as well as private, internal blockchains, which are easy to setup with easy bridging of public currencies into an organization and onto their internal private network and back, with all features and currencies of the public chain but none of the access. There is ...
ANNOUNCING Verus Desktop Version 0.7.4-1. Mandatory ONLY for native KMD users.
There is literally nothing different about Verus in this release, it is non-mandatory unless you use Komodo in native mode. The release includes updated Komodo binaries to support their hard fork activating in less than one day, as well as a refresh of Zcash binaries. There are no differences and no need to upgrade if you are not using Komodo or Zcash (also non-mandatory). This version of Verus Desktop still includes the v0.7.4 Verus binaries.
Exporting an ID to a PBaaS chain
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"IDNAME@","exportto":"PBaaSChainName","exportid":"true","amount":100,"currency":"vrsctest"}]'
Signing transactions from multi-signature IDs (testnet and mainnet)
Create transaction, get raw transaction data:
verus sendcurrency <multi-signature-ID>@ '[{"address":"<destination_address>","amount":<transaction_amount>}]'
verus z_getoperationstatus <operation_id_returned_by_sendcurrency>
Take the raw hex transaction data provided by z_getoperationstatus to each additional wallet(s) containing the additional signing addresses/IDs:
verus signrawtransaction <raw_hex_transaction>
After the last necessary signature is applied, broadcast on the network using:
verus sendrawtransaction <raw_hex_signed_transaction>
New Verus Multicurrency, Multichain, DeFi Enabled Testnet
With an easy GUI for basic operations or command line for more advanced functions. Without any programming, you can now create new identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains for your business, your government, your projects, a worthy cause, your family, or your next decentralized application suite. Send currencies worldwide on the same chain, or across blockchains with ease. Even convert currencies to others on the network without an exchange by sending to yourself and converting along the way.
The new Verus testnet is a full-featured, intrinsically decentralized multi-chain blockchain platform with an unlimited number of identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains. It is accessible from the released versions of Verus Desktop and Verus CLI wallets, and it is the beginning of a new age in crypto. There are so many things you can do with Verus that you cannot with any other cryptocurrency platform, and you can try them all today.
As Verus PBaaS offers completely new capabilities that go beyond today’s decentralized platforms in many fundamental ways, the worldwide Verus community put its energy into creation, rather than convincing everyone that its capabilities are possible. Members across the Verus worldwide community have worked hard to make this all possible, and we are more than excited that you can now experience it firsthand. If you have an interest in the future of crypto, you owe it to yourself to learn about Verus, an unlimited scale, decentralized future with truth and privacy for all.
The Verus testnet, available in the Verus Desktop or cli wallets as the VRSCTEST coin, has the following capabilities, which to our knowledge are unique in crypto today.
Self sovereign, revocable, recoverable identities (currently on mainnet) VerusID
- Enables permissionless registration of friendly name strong identities and funds addresses that are simultaneously fully self-sovereign, revocable, and recoverable.
Staking-capable time locking and theft prevention (Verus Vault)
- Enables identities to be locked, preventing any funds under their control from being spent while locked, but still allowing seamless staking of funds. When locked, a user specifies an unlock delay, typically long enough to notice when someone who might have compromised a user’s keys would have to unlock the ID before spending. The only way to circumvent the unlock delay is to revoke and recover an ID. Users may also choose to create and use fresh private keys when unlocking an ID as well. This enables virtually theft proof workflow and a solution to inheritance, trusts, vesting schedules, the 5$ wrench attack, and identity theft. IDs may be used as friendly name cryptocurrency addresses for all currencies on all Verus PBaaS blockchains in the Verus network. The VerusID protocol is a protocol, which can also be implemented on non-Verus systems.
Multi-currency, user created, decentralized tokens and merge-mineable, interoperable blockchains without programming
- Enables any user with an ID to create their own token currency or even full fledged, multi-currency, ID-issuing 50% POW/50% POS, 51% hash attack resistant blockchain that can send and receive from the Verus chain which launched it. All PBaaS chains run from the same daemon, and projects may choose to join the worldwide Verus community in improving the daemon. In doing so, they will start with a complete, multi-currency, ID-capable blockchain with DeFi capabilities that is merge-mineable and stakeable with other blockchains in the Verus network.
Consensus integrated DeFi liquidity pools and fractional currency baskets
- Any ID owner may define Verus DeFi fractional basket currencies with one or more asset currencies backing the liquidity pool at a fractional percentage ranging from 5% to 100% backing. The Verus DeFi protocol ensures that all currency conversions that use a particular liquidity pool and are mined into one block are solved and priced simultaneously, addressing the problems of miner extracted value (MEV) and front-running, while providing fee-based DeFi integrated incentives to miners and stakers, ensuring smooth consensus operation and fee conversion capabilities by integrating DeFi liquidity pools directly into the consensus and cross-chain bridge protocols.
Simultaneous blockchain and blockchain liquidity pool launches
- Launch of a world class, worldwide, merge-mineable blockchain along with a fully decentralized or centralized “bridge” converter liquidity pool as part of defining a new blockchain. Bridge converter currencies have the same flexibility as other fractional 100% asset backed or partially asset backed currencies, but is bound to the launch of the new blockchain, runs on the new blockchain, and all fees generated via cross chain fee conversions or general use of the liquidity pool are earned on the new blockchain with no rent going back to the Verus blockchain, only seamless connectivity.
Blockchain-based, crowdfunding currency launches with minimum participation or automatic refunds, including for dual launches (blockchain and bridge)
- Set required minimum levels of worldwide participation in your preferred currencies on chain. If by the start time of your blockchain, minimums are not met, all participants will automatically get a refund of all of their pre-conversions, less the network fees. The launch options also provide for maximum participation in one or more currencies, pre-launch discounts, price neutral pre-allocations to select IDs that increase the fractional reserve ratio to issue currencies, similarly price neutral carve-outs of proceeds, and pre-launch discounts for early participants. Using VerusIDs, launches can also include vesting schedules in the pre-allocations as well.
An interoperable, multichain network for new use cases and unlimited scale**
- The Verus multi-currency, multi-chain network allows the creation of an unlimited number of interoperable blockchains in the Verus network. Notary IDs, specified at chain definition, provide decentralized blockchain-specific bridge confirmation, enabling public blockchains available to the world for merge mining and staking, as well as private, internal blockchains, which are easy to setup with easy bridging of public currencies into an organization and onto their internal private network and back, with all features and currencies of the public chain but none of the access. There is no limit on the number of blockchains that may continuously operate and interoperate on the Verus network. While there is some overhead for cross notarization, the model for the Verus blockchain network is fractal, enabling an unlimited number of simultaneously operating, interoperable blockchains.
Locking and Unlocking IDs
- Time Lock:
The timelock parameter defines the unlock height of the identity.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 0, "timelock": <Unlock block height>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Time Delay:
The timelock parameter defines how many blocks to delay an ID's unlock when the flags are set back to an unlocked state.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 2, "timelock": <Unlock block delay>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Revoking an identity will clear its locked status, regardless of time delay or unlock height.
- A locked identity cannot revoke itself.
Conversion Queries
The getcurrencyconverters
API retrieves all currencies that have at least 1000 VRSC in reserve, are greater than 10% VRSC reserve ratio, and have all listed currencies as reserves
- E.g. BTC ETH:
Will return all currencies that have btc/eth markets at or above the liquidity threshold.
verus -chain=VRSCTEST getcurrencyconverters btc eth
Sending and Converting Currency
Warning: All testnet coins/currencies have no value and will disappear whenever VRSCTEST is reset
The sendcurrency
API can be used to send and convert funds.
- Sending VRSCTEST from a single address (bob@) to a single recipient (alice@):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "bob@" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@","amount":10}]'
- **Sending VRSCTEST from all private wallet funds to two recipients with friendly-name z-addresses (alice@:privat...
Version v0.7.4 can improve a node’s synchronization and this version also upgrades and resets the Verus testnet, preparing it for the testnet launch of the Ethereum/Rinkeby bridge and bringing Verus PBaaS multi-chain, multi-currency, Verus Vault ID timelocking, Verus MEV-resistant DeFi, and the Ethereum bridge much closer to a mainnet ready state.
This release fixes all known functionality issues reported from the previous testnet including some related to currency and blockchain launches, as well as being incorrectly able to reduce the timelock period on a Verus Vault locked ID. It also includes the ability to export an ID from one chain to another, using the “exportid”:true parameter in sendcurrency, enabling cross-chain use of VerusIDs. With this release, we will be resetting the Verus testnet. To use the new testnet, you must make sure to delete the vrsctest and .verustest/pbaas or VerusTest\pbaas folders beforehand.
In addition to being prepared for the Ethereum bridge launch, this release adds some new testnet capabilities, including the ability to send to IDs cross chain and export IDs from chain to chain using the “exportid”:true
parameter with sendcurrency
. IDs only need to be exported once and can then be used and managed directly as a forked ID on the destination chain.
Exporting an ID to a PBaaS chain
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"IDNAME@","exportto":"PBaaSChainName","exportid":"true","amount":100,"currency":"vrsctest"}]'
Signing transactions from multi-signature IDs (testnet and mainnet)
Create transaction, get raw transaction data:
verus sendcurrency <multi-signature-ID>@ '[{"address":"<destination_address>","amount":<transaction_amount>}]'
verus z_getoperationstatus <operation_id_returned_by_sendcurrency>
Take the raw hex transaction data provided by z_getoperationstatus to each additional wallet(s) containing the additional signing addresses/IDs:
verus signrawtransaction <raw_hex_transaction>
After the last necessary signature is applied, broadcast on the network using:
verus sendrawtransaction <raw_hex_signed_transaction>
New Verus Multicurrency, Multichain, DeFi Enabled Testnet
With an easy GUI for basic operations or command line for more advanced functions. Without any programming, you can now create new identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains for your business, your government, your projects, a worthy cause, your family, or your next decentralized application suite. Send currencies worldwide on the same chain, or across blockchains with ease. Even convert currencies to others on the network without an exchange by sending to yourself and converting along the way.
The new Verus testnet is a full-featured, intrinsically decentralized multi-chain blockchain platform with an unlimited number of identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains. It is accessible from the released versions of Verus Desktop and Verus CLI wallets, and it is the beginning of a new age in crypto. There are so many things you can do with Verus that you cannot with any other cryptocurrency platform, and you can try them all today.
As Verus PBaaS offers completely new capabilities that go beyond today’s decentralized platforms in many fundamental ways, the worldwide Verus community put its energy into creation, rather than convincing everyone that its capabilities are possible. Members across the Verus worldwide community have worked hard to make this all possible, and we are more than excited that you can now experience it firsthand. If you have an interest in the future of crypto, you owe it to yourself to learn about Verus, an unlimited scale, decentralized future with truth and privacy for all.
The Verus testnet, available in the Verus Desktop or cli wallets as the VRSCTEST coin, has the following capabilities, which to our knowledge are unique in crypto today.
Self sovereign, revocable, recoverable identities (currently on mainnet) VerusID
- Enables permissionless registration of friendly name strong identities and funds addresses that are simultaneously fully self-sovereign, revocable, and recoverable.
Staking-capable time locking and theft prevention (Verus Vault)
- Enables identities to be locked, preventing any funds under their control from being spent while locked, but still allowing seamless staking of funds. When locked, a user specifies an unlock delay, typically long enough to notice when someone who might have compromised a user’s keys would have to unlock the ID before spending. The only way to circumvent the unlock delay is to revoke and recover an ID. Users may also choose to create and use fresh private keys when unlocking an ID as well. This enables virtually theft proof workflow and a solution to inheritance, trusts, vesting schedules, the 5$ wrench attack, and identity theft. IDs may be used as friendly name cryptocurrency addresses for all currencies on all Verus PBaaS blockchains in the Verus network. The VerusID protocol is a protocol, which can also be implemented on non-Verus systems.
Multi-currency, user created, decentralized tokens and merge-mineable, interoperable blockchains without programming
- Enables any user with an ID to create their own token currency or even full fledged, multi-currency, ID-issuing 50% POW/50% POS, 51% hash attack resistant blockchain that can send and receive from the Verus chain which launched it. All PBaaS chains run from the same daemon, and projects may choose to join the worldwide Verus community in improving the daemon. In doing so, they will start with a complete, multi-currency, ID-capable blockchain with DeFi capabilities that is merge-mineable and stakeable with other blockchains in the Verus network.
Consensus integrated DeFi liquidity pools and fractional currency baskets
- Any ID owner may define Verus DeFi fractional basket currencies with one or more asset currencies backing the liquidity pool at a fractional percentage ranging from 5% to 100% backing. The Verus DeFi protocol ensures that all currency conversions that use a particular liquidity pool and are mined into one block are solved and priced simultaneously, addressing the problems of miner extracted value (MEV) and front-running, while providing fee-based DeFi integrated incentives to miners and stakers, ensuring smooth consensus operation and fee conversion capabilities by integrating DeFi liquidity pools directly into the consensus and cross-chain bridge protocols.
Simultaneous blockchain and blockchain liquidity pool launches
- Launch of a world class, worldwide, merge-mineable blockchain along with a fully decentralized or centralized “bridge” converter liquidity pool as part of defining a new blockchain. Bridge converter currencies have the same flexibility as other fractional 100% asset backed or partially asset backed currencies, but is bound to the launch of the new blockchain, runs on the new blockchain, and all fees generated via cross chain fee conversions or general use of the liquidity pool are earned on the new blockchain with no rent going back to the Verus blockchain, only seamless connectivity.
Blockchain-based, crowdfunding currency launches with minimum participation or automatic refunds, including for dual launches (blockchain and bridge)
- Set required minimum levels of worldwide participation in your preferred currencies on chain. If by the start time of your blockchain, minimums are not met, all participants will automatically get a refund of all of their pre-conversions, less the network fees. The launch options also provide for maximum participation in one or more currencies, pre-launch discounts, price neutral pre-allocations to select IDs that increase the fractional reserve ratio to issue currencies, similarly price neutral carve-outs of proceeds, and pre-launch discounts for early participants. Using VerusIDs, launches can also include vesting schedules in the pre-allocations as well.
An interoperable, multichain network for new use cases and unlimited scale**
- The Verus multi-currency, multi-chain network allows the creation of an unlimited number of interoperable blockchains in the Verus network. Notary IDs, specified at chain definition, provide decentralized blockchain-specific bridge confirmation, enabling public blockchains available to the world for merge mining and staking, as well as private, internal blockchains, which are easy to setup with easy bridging of public currencies into an organization and onto their internal private network and back, with all features and currencies of the public chain but none of the access. There is no limit on the number of blockchains that may continuously operate and interoperate on the Verus network. While there is some overhead for cross notarization, the model for the Verus blockchain network is fractal, enabling an unlimited number of simultaneously operating, interoperable blockchains.
Locking and Unlocking IDs
- Time Lock:
The timelock parameter defines the unlock height of the identity.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 0, "timelock": <Unlock block height>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Time Delay:
The timelock parameter defines how many blocks to delay an ID's unlock when the flags are set back to an unlocked state.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 2, "timelock": <Unlock block delay>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Revoking an identity will clear its locked status, regardless of time delay or unlock height.
- A locked identity cannot revoke itself.
Conversion Queries
The getcurrencyconverters
API ...
v0.7.3-10 has very minimal updates targeted at networking robustness - faster response to notary inconsistencies and a check for detecting a corrupt index that if present, might otherwise prevent a node from staying synced.
Signing transactions from multi-signature IDs (testnet and mainnet)
Create transaction, get raw transaction data:
verus sendcurrency <multi-signature-ID>@ '[{"address":"<destination_address>","amount":<transaction_amount>}]'
verus z_getoperationstatus <operation_id_returned_by_sendcurrency>
Take the raw hex transaction data provided by z_getoperationstatus to each additional wallet(s) containing the additional signing addresses/IDs:
verus signrawtransaction <raw_hex_transaction>
After the last necessary signature is applied, broadcast on the network using:
verus sendrawtransaction <raw_hex_signed_transaction>
New Verus Multicurrency, Multichain, DeFi Enabled Testnet
With an easy GUI for basic operations or command line for more advanced functions. Without any programming, you can now create new identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains for your business, your government, your projects, a worthy cause, your family, or your next decentralized application suite. Send currencies worldwide on the same chain, or across blockchains with ease. Even convert currencies to others on the network without an exchange by sending to yourself and converting along the way.
The new Verus testnet is a full-featured, intrinsically decentralized multi-chain blockchain platform with an unlimited number of identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains. It is accessible from the released versions of Verus Desktop and Verus CLI wallets, and it is the beginning of a new age in crypto. There are so many things you can do with Verus that you cannot with any other cryptocurrency platform, and you can try them all today.
As Verus PBaaS offers completely new capabilities that go beyond today’s decentralized platforms in many fundamental ways, the worldwide Verus community put its energy into creation, rather than convincing everyone that its capabilities are possible. Members across the Verus worldwide community have worked hard to make this all possible, and we are more than excited that you can now experience it firsthand. If you have an interest in the future of crypto, you owe it to yourself to learn about Verus, an unlimited scale, decentralized future with truth and privacy for all.
The Verus testnet, available in the Verus Desktop or cli wallets as the VRSCTEST coin, has the following capabilities, which to our knowledge are unique in crypto today.
Self sovereign, revocable, recoverable identities (currently on mainnet) VerusID
- Enables permissionless registration of friendly name strong identities and funds addresses that are simultaneously fully self-sovereign, revocable, and recoverable.
Staking-capable time locking and theft prevention (Verus Vault)
- Enables identities to be locked, preventing any funds under their control from being spent while locked, but still allowing seamless staking of funds. When locked, a user specifies an unlock delay, typically long enough to notice when someone who might have compromised a user’s keys would have to unlock the ID before spending. The only way to circumvent the unlock delay is to revoke and recover an ID. Users may also choose to create and use fresh private keys when unlocking an ID as well. This enables virtually theft proof workflow and a solution to inheritance, trusts, vesting schedules, the 5$ wrench attack, and identity theft. IDs may be used as friendly name cryptocurrency addresses for all currencies on all Verus PBaaS blockchains in the Verus network. The VerusID protocol is a protocol, which can also be implemented on non-Verus systems.
Multi-currency, user created, decentralized tokens and merge-mineable, interoperable blockchains without programming
- Enables any user with an ID to create their own token currency or even full fledged, multi-currency, ID-issuing 50% POW/50% POS, 51% hash attack resistant blockchain that can send and receive from the Verus chain which launched it. All PBaaS chains run from the same daemon, and projects may choose to join the worldwide Verus community in improving the daemon. In doing so, they will start with a complete, multi-currency, ID-capable blockchain with DeFi capabilities that is merge-mineable and stakeable with other blockchains in the Verus network.
Consensus integrated DeFi liquidity pools and fractional currency baskets
- Any ID owner may define Verus DeFi fractional basket currencies with one or more asset currencies backing the liquidity pool at a fractional percentage ranging from 5% to 100% backing. The Verus DeFi protocol ensures that all currency conversions that use a particular liquidity pool and are mined into one block are solved and priced simultaneously, addressing the problems of miner extracted value (MEV) and front-running, while providing fee-based DeFi integrated incentives to miners and stakers, ensuring smooth consensus operation and fee conversion capabilities by integrating DeFi liquidity pools directly into the consensus and cross-chain bridge protocols.
Simultaneous blockchain and blockchain liquidity pool launches
- Launch of a world class, worldwide, merge-mineable blockchain along with a fully decentralized or centralized “bridge” converter liquidity pool as part of defining a new blockchain. Bridge converter currencies have the same flexibility as other fractional 100% asset backed or partially asset backed currencies, but is bound to the launch of the new blockchain, runs on the new blockchain, and all fees generated via cross chain fee conversions or general use of the liquidity pool are earned on the new blockchain with no rent going back to the Verus blockchain, only seamless connectivity.
Blockchain-based, crowdfunding currency launches with minimum participation or automatic refunds, including for dual launches (blockchain and bridge)
- Set required minimum levels of worldwide participation in your preferred currencies on chain. If by the start time of your blockchain, minimums are not met, all participants will automatically get a refund of all of their pre-conversions, less the network fees. The launch options also provide for maximum participation in one or more currencies, pre-launch discounts, price neutral pre-allocations to select IDs that increase the fractional reserve ratio to issue currencies, similarly price neutral carve-outs of proceeds, and pre-launch discounts for early participants. Using VerusIDs, launches can also include vesting schedules in the pre-allocations as well.
An interoperable, multichain network for new use cases and unlimited scale**
- The Verus multi-currency, multi-chain network allows the creation of an unlimited number of interoperable blockchains in the Verus network. Notary IDs, specified at chain definition, provide decentralized blockchain-specific bridge confirmation, enabling public blockchains available to the world for merge mining and staking, as well as private, internal blockchains, which are easy to setup with easy bridging of public currencies into an organization and onto their internal private network and back, with all features and currencies of the public chain but none of the access. There is no limit on the number of blockchains that may continuously operate and interoperate on the Verus network. While there is some overhead for cross notarization, the model for the Verus blockchain network is fractal, enabling an unlimited number of simultaneously operating, interoperable blockchains.
Locking and Unlocking IDs
- Time Lock:
The timelock parameter defines the unlock height of the identity.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 0, "timelock": <Unlock block height>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Time Delay:
The timelock parameter defines how many blocks to delay an ID's unlock when the flags are set back to an unlocked state.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 2, "timelock": <Unlock block delay>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Revoking an identity will clear its locked status, regardless of time delay or unlock height.
- A locked identity cannot revoke itself.
Conversion Queries
The getcurrencyconverters
API retrieves all currencies that have at least 1000 VRSC in reserve, are greater than 10% VRSC reserve ratio, and have all listed currencies as reserves
- E.g. BTC ETH:
Will return all currencies that have btc/eth markets at or above the liquidity threshold.
verus -chain=VRSCTEST getcurrencyconverters btc eth
Sending and Converting Currency
Warning: All testnet coins/currencies have no value and will disappear whenever VRSCTEST is reset
The sendcurrency
API can be used to send and convert funds.
- Sending VRSCTEST from a single address (bob@) to a single recipient (alice@):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "bob@" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@","amount":10}]'
- Sending VRSCTEST from all private wallet funds to two recipients with friendly-name z-addresses (alice@:private and bob@:private):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*Z" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@:private","amount":10},{"currency":"VRSCTEST","address":"bob@:private","amount":10}]'
- Converting VRSCTEST to a fractional basket currency, VRSC-BTC using IDs as a funding source:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*i" '[{"address":"b...
In addition to more immediate and effective bad node banning behavior, v0.7.3-9 includes a fix for signrawtransaction that could sometimes result in failure of countersigning a multisig, ID-based raw transaction.
While this release does include network robustness and a multisig fix, we were also able to upgrade Verus multisig capabilities to an ease of use and level of capability beyond other networks we are aware of today. In this release, it is now possible, on both mainnet and testnet, to issue any “sendcurrency” command with the source being a multisig ID, for which you do not have all the keys present in your wallet. If you do, there will be a return error in operation status, from both GUI or CLI, and in that error will be the partially signed transaction, which can be used by applications or with copy and paste to send to other signers with partial authority over the source ID. On mainnet, destinations for such a transaction can include IDs, private addresses with memos to a z-address or ID:private, and transparent addresses. On testnet, such transactions can include all that is possible on mainnet as well as multiple currencies, currency conversions, and cross-chain sends.
To our knowledge, this release raises the industry standard for multisig capability and its support on public blockchain protocols to a new level, even before considering the multisig revocation and recovery capabilities.
Signing transactions from multi-signature IDs (testnet and mainnet)
Create transaction, get raw transaction data:
verus sendcurrency <multi-signature-ID>@ '[{"address":"<destination_address>","amount":<transaction_amount>}]'
verus z_getoperationstatus <operation_id_returned_by_sendcurrency>
Take the raw hex transaction data provided by z_getoperationstatus to each additional wallet(s) containing the additional signing addresses/IDs:
verus signrawtransaction <raw_hex_transaction>
After the last necessary signature is applied, broadcast on the network using:
verus sendrawtransaction <raw_hex_signed_transaction>
New Verus Multicurrency, Multichain, DeFi Enabled Testnet
With an easy GUI for basic operations or command line for more advanced functions. Without any programming, you can now create new identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains for your business, your government, your projects, a worthy cause, your family, or your next decentralized application suite. Send currencies worldwide on the same chain, or across blockchains with ease. Even convert currencies to others on the network without an exchange by sending to yourself and converting along the way.
The new Verus testnet is a full-featured, intrinsically decentralized multi-chain blockchain platform with an unlimited number of identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains. It is accessible from the released versions of Verus Desktop and Verus CLI wallets, and it is the beginning of a new age in crypto. There are so many things you can do with Verus that you cannot with any other cryptocurrency platform, and you can try them all today.
As Verus PBaaS offers completely new capabilities that go beyond today’s decentralized platforms in many fundamental ways, the worldwide Verus community put its energy into creation, rather than convincing everyone that its capabilities are possible. Members across the Verus worldwide community have worked hard to make this all possible, and we are more than excited that you can now experience it firsthand. If you have an interest in the future of crypto, you owe it to yourself to learn about Verus, an unlimited scale, decentralized future with truth and privacy for all.
The Verus testnet, available in the Verus Desktop or cli wallets as the VRSCTEST coin, has the following capabilities, which to our knowledge are unique in crypto today.
Self sovereign, revocable, recoverable identities (currently on mainnet) VerusID
- Enables permissionless registration of friendly name strong identities and funds addresses that are simultaneously fully self-sovereign, revocable, and recoverable.
Staking-capable time locking and theft prevention (Verus Vault)
- Enables identities to be locked, preventing any funds under their control from being spent while locked, but still allowing seamless staking of funds. When locked, a user specifies an unlock delay, typically long enough to notice when someone who might have compromised a user’s keys would have to unlock the ID before spending. The only way to circumvent the unlock delay is to revoke and recover an ID. Users may also choose to create and use fresh private keys when unlocking an ID as well. This enables virtually theft proof workflow and a solution to inheritance, trusts, vesting schedules, the 5$ wrench attack, and identity theft. IDs may be used as friendly name cryptocurrency addresses for all currencies on all Verus PBaaS blockchains in the Verus network. The VerusID protocol is a protocol, which can also be implemented on non-Verus systems.
Multi-currency, user created, decentralized tokens and merge-mineable, interoperable blockchains without programming
- Enables any user with an ID to create their own token currency or even full fledged, multi-currency, ID-issuing 50% POW/50% POS, 51% hash attack resistant blockchain that can send and receive from the Verus chain which launched it. All PBaaS chains run from the same daemon, and projects may choose to join the worldwide Verus community in improving the daemon. In doing so, they will start with a complete, multi-currency, ID-capable blockchain with DeFi capabilities that is merge-mineable and stakeable with other blockchains in the Verus network.
Consensus integrated DeFi liquidity pools and fractional currency baskets
- Any ID owner may define Verus DeFi fractional basket currencies with one or more asset currencies backing the liquidity pool at a fractional percentage ranging from 5% to 100% backing. The Verus DeFi protocol ensures that all currency conversions that use a particular liquidity pool and are mined into one block are solved and priced simultaneously, addressing the problems of miner extracted value (MEV) and front-running, while providing fee-based DeFi integrated incentives to miners and stakers, ensuring smooth consensus operation and fee conversion capabilities by integrating DeFi liquidity pools directly into the consensus and cross-chain bridge protocols.
Simultaneous blockchain and blockchain liquidity pool launches
- Launch of a world class, worldwide, merge-mineable blockchain along with a fully decentralized or centralized “bridge” converter liquidity pool as part of defining a new blockchain. Bridge converter currencies have the same flexibility as other fractional 100% asset backed or partially asset backed currencies, but is bound to the launch of the new blockchain, runs on the new blockchain, and all fees generated via cross chain fee conversions or general use of the liquidity pool are earned on the new blockchain with no rent going back to the Verus blockchain, only seamless connectivity.
Blockchain-based, crowdfunding currency launches with minimum participation or automatic refunds, including for dual launches (blockchain and bridge)
- Set required minimum levels of worldwide participation in your preferred currencies on chain. If by the start time of your blockchain, minimums are not met, all participants will automatically get a refund of all of their pre-conversions, less the network fees. The launch options also provide for maximum participation in one or more currencies, pre-launch discounts, price neutral pre-allocations to select IDs that increase the fractional reserve ratio to issue currencies, similarly price neutral carve-outs of proceeds, and pre-launch discounts for early participants. Using VerusIDs, launches can also include vesting schedules in the pre-allocations as well.
An interoperable, multichain network for new use cases and unlimited scale**
- The Verus multi-currency, multi-chain network allows the creation of an unlimited number of interoperable blockchains in the Verus network. Notary IDs, specified at chain definition, provide decentralized blockchain-specific bridge confirmation, enabling public blockchains available to the world for merge mining and staking, as well as private, internal blockchains, which are easy to setup with easy bridging of public currencies into an organization and onto their internal private network and back, with all features and currencies of the public chain but none of the access. There is no limit on the number of blockchains that may continuously operate and interoperate on the Verus network. While there is some overhead for cross notarization, the model for the Verus blockchain network is fractal, enabling an unlimited number of simultaneously operating, interoperable blockchains.
Locking and Unlocking IDs
- Time Lock:
The timelock parameter defines the unlock height of the identity.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 0, "timelock": <Unlock block height>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Time Delay:
The timelock parameter defines how many blocks to delay an ID's unlock when the flags are set back to an unlocked state.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 2, "timelock": <Unlock block delay>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Revoking an identity will clear its locked status, regardless of time delay or unlock height.
- A locked identity cannot revoke itself.
Conversion Queries
The getcurrencyconverters
API retrieves all currencies th...
Announcing MANDATORY UPDATE v0.7.3-8, which will re-enable full Verus Proof of Power, including staking, at block 1576200, occuring Thursday at approximately 5:00PM UTC time. YOU MUST UPDATE BEFORE THEN TO FOLLOW THE MAIN CHAIN.
New Verus Multicurrency, Multichain, DeFi Enabled Testnet
With an easy GUI for basic operations or command line for more advanced functions. Without any programming, you can now create new identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains for your business, your government, your projects, a worthy cause, your family, or your next decentralized application suite. Send currencies worldwide on the same chain, or across blockchains with ease. Even convert currencies to others on the network without an exchange by sending to yourself and converting along the way.
The new Verus testnet is a full-featured, intrinsically decentralized multi-chain blockchain platform with an unlimited number of identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains. It is accessible from the released versions of Verus Desktop and Verus CLI wallets, and it is the beginning of a new age in crypto. There are so many things you can do with Verus that you cannot with any other cryptocurrency platform, and you can try them all today.
As Verus PBaaS offers completely new capabilities that go beyond today’s decentralized platforms in many fundamental ways, the worldwide Verus community put its energy into creation, rather than convincing everyone that its capabilities are possible. Members across the Verus worldwide community have worked hard to make this all possible, and we are more than excited that you can now experience it firsthand. If you have an interest in the future of crypto, you owe it to yourself to learn about Verus, an unlimited scale, decentralized future with truth and privacy for all.
The Verus testnet, available in the Verus Desktop or cli wallets as the VRSCTEST coin, has the following capabilities, which to our knowledge are unique in crypto today.
Self sovereign, revocable, recoverable identities (currently on mainnet) VerusID
- Enables permissionless registration of friendly name strong identities and funds addresses that are simultaneously fully self-sovereign, revocable, and recoverable.
Staking-capable time locking and theft prevention (Verus Vault)
- Enables identities to be locked, preventing any funds under their control from being spent while locked, but still allowing seamless staking of funds. When locked, a user specifies an unlock delay, typically long enough to notice when someone who might have compromised a user’s keys would have to unlock the ID before spending. The only way to circumvent the unlock delay is to revoke and recover an ID. Users may also choose to create and use fresh private keys when unlocking an ID as well. This enables virtually theft proof workflow and a solution to inheritance, trusts, vesting schedules, the 5$ wrench attack, and identity theft. IDs may be used as friendly name cryptocurrency addresses for all currencies on all Verus PBaaS blockchains in the Verus network. The VerusID protocol is a protocol, which can also be implemented on non-Verus systems.
Multi-currency, user created, decentralized tokens and merge-mineable, interoperable blockchains without programming
- Enables any user with an ID to create their own token currency or even full fledged, multi-currency, ID-issuing 50% POW/50% POS, 51% hash attack resistant blockchain that can send and receive from the Verus chain which launched it. All PBaaS chains run from the same daemon, and projects may choose to join the worldwide Verus community in improving the daemon. In doing so, they will start with a complete, multi-currency, ID-capable blockchain with DeFi capabilities that is merge-mineable and stakeable with other blockchains in the Verus network.
Consensus integrated DeFi liquidity pools and fractional currency baskets
- Any ID owner may define Verus DeFi fractional basket currencies with one or more asset currencies backing the liquidity pool at a fractional percentage ranging from 5% to 100% backing. The Verus DeFi protocol ensures that all currency conversions that use a particular liquidity pool and are mined into one block are solved and priced simultaneously, addressing the problems of miner extracted value (MEV) and front-running, while providing fee-based DeFi integrated incentives to miners and stakers, ensuring smooth consensus operation and fee conversion capabilities by integrating DeFi liquidity pools directly into the consensus and cross-chain bridge protocols.
Simultaneous blockchain and blockchain liquidity pool launches
- Launch of a world class, worldwide, merge-mineable blockchain along with a fully decentralized or centralized “bridge” converter liquidity pool as part of defining a new blockchain. Bridge converter currencies have the same flexibility as other fractional 100% asset backed or partially asset backed currencies, but is bound to the launch of the new blockchain, runs on the new blockchain, and all fees generated via cross chain fee conversions or general use of the liquidity pool are earned on the new blockchain with no rent going back to the Verus blockchain, only seamless connectivity.
Blockchain-based, crowdfunding currency launches with minimum participation or automatic refunds, including for dual launches (blockchain and bridge)
- Set required minimum levels of worldwide participation in your preferred currencies on chain. If by the start time of your blockchain, minimums are not met, all participants will automatically get a refund of all of their pre-conversions, less the network fees. The launch options also provide for maximum participation in one or more currencies, pre-launch discounts, price neutral pre-allocations to select IDs that increase the fractional reserve ratio to issue currencies, similarly price neutral carve-outs of proceeds, and pre-launch discounts for early participants. Using VerusIDs, launches can also include vesting schedules in the pre-allocations as well.
An interoperable, multichain network for new use cases and unlimited scale**
- The Verus multi-currency, multi-chain network allows the creation of an unlimited number of interoperable blockchains in the Verus network. Notary IDs, specified at chain definition, provide decentralized blockchain-specific bridge confirmation, enabling public blockchains available to the world for merge mining and staking, as well as private, internal blockchains, which are easy to setup with easy bridging of public currencies into an organization and onto their internal private network and back, with all features and currencies of the public chain but none of the access. There is no limit on the number of blockchains that may continuously operate and interoperate on the Verus network. While there is some overhead for cross notarization, the model for the Verus blockchain network is fractal, enabling an unlimited number of simultaneously operating, interoperable blockchains.
Locking and Unlocking IDs
- Time Lock:
The timelock parameter defines the unlock height of the identity.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 0, "timelock": <Unlock block height>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Time Delay:
The timelock parameter defines how many blocks to delay an ID's unlock when the flags are set back to an unlocked state.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 2, "timelock": <Unlock block delay>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Revoking an identity will clear its locked status, regardless of time delay or unlock height.
- A locked identity cannot revoke itself.
Conversion Queries
The getcurrencyconverters
API retrieves all currencies that have at least 1000 VRSC in reserve, are greater than 10% VRSC reserve ratio, and have all listed currencies as reserves
- E.g. BTC ETH:
Will return all currencies that have btc/eth markets at or above the liquidity threshold.
verus -chain=VRSCTEST getcurrencyconverters btc eth
Sending and Converting Currency
Warning: All testnet coins/currencies have no value and will disappear whenever VRSCTEST is reset
The sendcurrency
API can be used to send and convert funds.
- Sending VRSCTEST from a single address (bob@) to a single recipient (alice@):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "bob@" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@","amount":10}]'
- Sending VRSCTEST from all private wallet funds to two recipients with friendly-name z-addresses (alice@:private and bob@:private):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*Z" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@:private","amount":10},{"currency":"VRSCTEST","address":"bob@:private","amount":10}]'
- Converting VRSCTEST to a fractional basket currency, VRSC-BTC using IDs as a funding source:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*i" '[{"address":"bob@","amount":10, "convertto":"VRSC-BTC"}]'
- Converting VRSCTEST to another reserve, BTC through a fractional currency, VRSC-BTC:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"bob@","amount":10, "convertto":"BTC","via":"VRSC-BTC"}]'
- Preconverting to new currency, NEWCOIN, before it is active:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"alice@","amount":10, "convertto":"NEWCOIN", "preconvert":true, "refundto":"alice@"}]'
- Sending VRSCTEST cross-chain to PBaaSChain:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"RXLYm4J6qi7yam9zXtkEkRwbvCrnWKGZuv","amount":10, "exportto":"Bridge.PBaaSChain"}]'
- Converting VRSCTEST cross-chain to PBaaSChain:
verus -cha...
Announcing MANDATORY UPGRADE v0.7.3-7. This release fixes the bug that was exploited by over the last day which stalled the network. You must upgrade to this release. If you shut down prior to block 15679999 you should be able to run this release without any additional steps. If your wallet continued to run after block 15679999 (or is still running) you will need to bootstrap or otherwise re-sync.
New Verus Multicurrency, Multichain, DeFi Enabled Testnet
With an easy GUI for basic operations or command line for more advanced functions. Without any programming, you can now create new identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains for your business, your government, your projects, a worthy cause, your family, or your next decentralized application suite. Send currencies worldwide on the same chain, or across blockchains with ease. Even convert currencies to others on the network without an exchange by sending to yourself and converting along the way.
The new Verus testnet is a full-featured, intrinsically decentralized multi-chain blockchain platform with an unlimited number of identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains. It is accessible from the released versions of Verus Desktop and Verus CLI wallets, and it is the beginning of a new age in crypto. There are so many things you can do with Verus that you cannot with any other cryptocurrency platform, and you can try them all today.
As Verus PBaaS offers completely new capabilities that go beyond today’s decentralized platforms in many fundamental ways, the worldwide Verus community put its energy into creation, rather than convincing everyone that its capabilities are possible. Members across the Verus worldwide community have worked hard to make this all possible, and we are more than excited that you can now experience it firsthand. If you have an interest in the future of crypto, you owe it to yourself to learn about Verus, an unlimited scale, decentralized future with truth and privacy for all.
The Verus testnet, available in the Verus Desktop or cli wallets as the VRSCTEST coin, has the following capabilities, which to our knowledge are unique in crypto today.
Self sovereign, revocable, recoverable identities (currently on mainnet) VerusID
- Enables permissionless registration of friendly name strong identities and funds addresses that are simultaneously fully self-sovereign, revocable, and recoverable.
Staking-capable time locking and theft prevention (Verus Vault)
- Enables identities to be locked, preventing any funds under their control from being spent while locked, but still allowing seamless staking of funds. When locked, a user specifies an unlock delay, typically long enough to notice when someone who might have compromised a user’s keys would have to unlock the ID before spending. The only way to circumvent the unlock delay is to revoke and recover an ID. Users may also choose to create and use fresh private keys when unlocking an ID as well. This enables virtually theft proof workflow and a solution to inheritance, trusts, vesting schedules, the 5$ wrench attack, and identity theft. IDs may be used as friendly name cryptocurrency addresses for all currencies on all Verus PBaaS blockchains in the Verus network. The VerusID protocol is a protocol, which can also be implemented on non-Verus systems.
Multi-currency, user created, decentralized tokens and merge-mineable, interoperable blockchains without programming
- Enables any user with an ID to create their own token currency or even full fledged, multi-currency, ID-issuing 50% POW/50% POS, 51% hash attack resistant blockchain that can send and receive from the Verus chain which launched it. All PBaaS chains run from the same daemon, and projects may choose to join the worldwide Verus community in improving the daemon. In doing so, they will start with a complete, multi-currency, ID-capable blockchain with DeFi capabilities that is merge-mineable and stakeable with other blockchains in the Verus network.
Consensus integrated DeFi liquidity pools and fractional currency baskets
- Any ID owner may define Verus DeFi fractional basket currencies with one or more asset currencies backing the liquidity pool at a fractional percentage ranging from 5% to 100% backing. The Verus DeFi protocol ensures that all currency conversions that use a particular liquidity pool and are mined into one block are solved and priced simultaneously, addressing the problems of miner extracted value (MEV) and front-running, while providing fee-based DeFi integrated incentives to miners and stakers, ensuring smooth consensus operation and fee conversion capabilities by integrating DeFi liquidity pools directly into the consensus and cross-chain bridge protocols.
Simultaneous blockchain and blockchain liquidity pool launches
- Launch of a world class, worldwide, merge-mineable blockchain along with a fully decentralized or centralized “bridge” converter liquidity pool as part of defining a new blockchain. Bridge converter currencies have the same flexibility as other fractional 100% asset backed or partially asset backed currencies, but is bound to the launch of the new blockchain, runs on the new blockchain, and all fees generated via cross chain fee conversions or general use of the liquidity pool are earned on the new blockchain with no rent going back to the Verus blockchain, only seamless connectivity.
Blockchain-based, crowdfunding currency launches with minimum participation or automatic refunds, including for dual launches (blockchain and bridge)
- Set required minimum levels of worldwide participation in your preferred currencies on chain. If by the start time of your blockchain, minimums are not met, all participants will automatically get a refund of all of their pre-conversions, less the network fees. The launch options also provide for maximum participation in one or more currencies, pre-launch discounts, price neutral pre-allocations to select IDs that increase the fractional reserve ratio to issue currencies, similarly price neutral carve-outs of proceeds, and pre-launch discounts for early participants. Using VerusIDs, launches can also include vesting schedules in the pre-allocations as well.
An interoperable, multichain network for new use cases and unlimited scale**
- The Verus multi-currency, multi-chain network allows the creation of an unlimited number of interoperable blockchains in the Verus network. Notary IDs, specified at chain definition, provide decentralized blockchain-specific bridge confirmation, enabling public blockchains available to the world for merge mining and staking, as well as private, internal blockchains, which are easy to setup with easy bridging of public currencies into an organization and onto their internal private network and back, with all features and currencies of the public chain but none of the access. There is no limit on the number of blockchains that may continuously operate and interoperate on the Verus network. While there is some overhead for cross notarization, the model for the Verus blockchain network is fractal, enabling an unlimited number of simultaneously operating, interoperable blockchains.
Locking and Unlocking IDs
- Time Lock:
The timelock parameter defines the unlock height of the identity.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 0, "timelock": <Unlock block height>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Time Delay:
The timelock parameter defines how many blocks to delay an ID's unlock when the flags are set back to an unlocked state.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 2, "timelock": <Unlock block delay>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Revoking an identity will clear its locked status, regardless of time delay or unlock height.
- A locked identity cannot revoke itself.
Conversion Queries
The getcurrencyconverters
API retrieves all currencies that have at least 1000 VRSC in reserve, are greater than 10% VRSC reserve ratio, and have all listed currencies as reserves
- E.g. BTC ETH:
Will return all currencies that have btc/eth markets at or above the liquidity threshold.
verus -chain=VRSCTEST getcurrencyconverters btc eth
Sending and Converting Currency
Warning: All testnet coins/currencies have no value and will disappear whenever VRSCTEST is reset
The sendcurrency
API can be used to send and convert funds.
- Sending VRSCTEST from a single address (bob@) to a single recipient (alice@):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "bob@" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@","amount":10}]'
- Sending VRSCTEST from all private wallet funds to two recipients with friendly-name z-addresses (alice@:private and bob@:private):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*Z" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@:private","amount":10},{"currency":"VRSCTEST","address":"bob@:private","amount":10}]'
- Converting VRSCTEST to a fractional basket currency, VRSC-BTC using IDs as a funding source:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*i" '[{"address":"bob@","amount":10, "convertto":"VRSC-BTC"}]'
- Converting VRSCTEST to another reserve, BTC through a fractional currency, VRSC-BTC:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"bob@","amount":10, "convertto":"BTC","via":"VRSC-BTC"}]'
- Preconverting to new currency, NEWCOIN, before it is active:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"alice@","amount":10, "convertto":"NEWCOIN", "preconvert":true, "refundto":"alice@"}]'
- Sending VRSCTEST cross-chain to PBaaSChain:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":...
Announcing MANDATORY UPGRADE v0.7.3-6, REQUIRED FOR KOMODO NOTARY SEASON 5. Notaries, pools, and exchanges should upgrade to this version as soon as possible, before notary changes take effect on block 1562500. Failing to update will not prevent connection to the network, but updating in a timely manner will ensure a stronger, notarized connection to the Verus blockchain.
New Verus Multicurrency, Multichain, DeFi Enabled Testnet
With an easy GUI for basic operations or command line for more advanced functions. Without any programming, you can now create new identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains for your business, your government, your projects, a worthy cause, your family, or your next decentralized application suite. Send currencies worldwide on the same chain, or across blockchains with ease. Even convert currencies to others on the network without an exchange by sending to yourself and converting along the way.
The new Verus testnet is a full-featured, intrinsically decentralized multi-chain blockchain platform with an unlimited number of identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains. It is accessible from the released versions of Verus Desktop and Verus CLI wallets, and it is the beginning of a new age in crypto. There are so many things you can do with Verus that you cannot with any other cryptocurrency platform, and you can try them all today.
As Verus PBaaS offers completely new capabilities that go beyond today’s decentralized platforms in many fundamental ways, the worldwide Verus community put its energy into creation, rather than convincing everyone that its capabilities are possible. Members across the Verus worldwide community have worked hard to make this all possible, and we are more than excited that you can now experience it firsthand. If you have an interest in the future of crypto, you owe it to yourself to learn about Verus, an unlimited scale, decentralized future with truth and privacy for all.
The Verus testnet, available in the Verus Desktop or cli wallets as the VRSCTEST coin, has the following capabilities, which to our knowledge are unique in crypto today.
Self sovereign, revocable, recoverable identities (currently on mainnet) VerusID
- Enables permissionless registration of friendly name strong identities and funds addresses that are simultaneously fully self-sovereign, revocable, and recoverable.
Staking-capable time locking and theft prevention (Verus Vault)
- Enables identities to be locked, preventing any funds under their control from being spent while locked, but still allowing seamless staking of funds. When locked, a user specifies an unlock delay, typically long enough to notice when someone who might have compromised a user’s keys would have to unlock the ID before spending. The only way to circumvent the unlock delay is to revoke and recover an ID. Users may also choose to create and use fresh private keys when unlocking an ID as well. This enables virtually theft proof workflow and a solution to inheritance, trusts, vesting schedules, the 5$ wrench attack, and identity theft. IDs may be used as friendly name cryptocurrency addresses for all currencies on all Verus PBaaS blockchains in the Verus network. The VerusID protocol is a protocol, which can also be implemented on non-Verus systems.
Multi-currency, user created, decentralized tokens and merge-mineable, interoperable blockchains without programming
- Enables any user with an ID to create their own token currency or even full fledged, multi-currency, ID-issuing 50% POW/50% POS, 51% hash attack resistant blockchain that can send and receive from the Verus chain which launched it. All PBaaS chains run from the same daemon, and projects may choose to join the worldwide Verus community in improving the daemon. In doing so, they will start with a complete, multi-currency, ID-capable blockchain with DeFi capabilities that is merge-mineable and stakeable with other blockchains in the Verus network.
Consensus integrated DeFi liquidity pools and fractional currency baskets
- Any ID owner may define Verus DeFi fractional basket currencies with one or more asset currencies backing the liquidity pool at a fractional percentage ranging from 5% to 100% backing. The Verus DeFi protocol ensures that all currency conversions that use a particular liquidity pool and are mined into one block are solved and priced simultaneously, addressing the problems of miner extracted value (MEV) and front-running, while providing fee-based DeFi integrated incentives to miners and stakers, ensuring smooth consensus operation and fee conversion capabilities by integrating DeFi liquidity pools directly into the consensus and cross-chain bridge protocols.
Simultaneous blockchain and blockchain liquidity pool launches
- Launch of a world class, worldwide, merge-mineable blockchain along with a fully decentralized or centralized “bridge” converter liquidity pool as part of defining a new blockchain. Bridge converter currencies have the same flexibility as other fractional 100% asset backed or partially asset backed currencies, but is bound to the launch of the new blockchain, runs on the new blockchain, and all fees generated via cross chain fee conversions or general use of the liquidity pool are earned on the new blockchain with no rent going back to the Verus blockchain, only seamless connectivity.
Blockchain-based, crowdfunding currency launches with minimum participation or automatic refunds, including for dual launches (blockchain and bridge)
- Set required minimum levels of worldwide participation in your preferred currencies on chain. If by the start time of your blockchain, minimums are not met, all participants will automatically get a refund of all of their pre-conversions, less the network fees. The launch options also provide for maximum participation in one or more currencies, pre-launch discounts, price neutral pre-allocations to select IDs that increase the fractional reserve ratio to issue currencies, similarly price neutral carve-outs of proceeds, and pre-launch discounts for early participants. Using VerusIDs, launches can also include vesting schedules in the pre-allocations as well.
An interoperable, multichain network for new use cases and unlimited scale**
- The Verus multi-currency, multi-chain network allows the creation of an unlimited number of interoperable blockchains in the Verus network. Notary IDs, specified at chain definition, provide decentralized blockchain-specific bridge confirmation, enabling public blockchains available to the world for merge mining and staking, as well as private, internal blockchains, which are easy to setup with easy bridging of public currencies into an organization and onto their internal private network and back, with all features and currencies of the public chain but none of the access. There is no limit on the number of blockchains that may continuously operate and interoperate on the Verus network. While there is some overhead for cross notarization, the model for the Verus blockchain network is fractal, enabling an unlimited number of simultaneously operating, interoperable blockchains.
Locking and Unlocking IDs
- Time Lock:
The timelock parameter defines the unlock height of the identity.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 0, "timelock": <Unlock block height>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Time Delay:
The timelock parameter defines how many blocks to delay an ID's unlock when the flags are set back to an unlocked state.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 2, "timelock": <Unlock block delay>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Revoking an identity will clear its locked status, regardless of time delay or unlock height.
- A locked identity cannot revoke itself.
Conversion Queries
The getcurrencyconverters
API retrieves all currencies that have at least 1000 VRSC in reserve, are greater than 10% VRSC reserve ratio, and have all listed currencies as reserves
- E.g. BTC ETH:
Will return all currencies that have btc/eth markets at or above the liquidity threshold.
verus -chain=VRSCTEST getcurrencyconverters btc eth
Sending and Converting Currency
Warning: All testnet coins/currencies have no value and will disappear whenever VRSCTEST is reset
The sendcurrency
API can be used to send and convert funds.
- Sending VRSCTEST from a single address (bob@) to a single recipient (alice@):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "bob@" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@","amount":10}]'
- Sending VRSCTEST from all private wallet funds to two recipients with friendly-name z-addresses (alice@:private and bob@:private):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*Z" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@:private","amount":10},{"currency":"VRSCTEST","address":"bob@:private","amount":10}]'
- Converting VRSCTEST to a fractional basket currency, VRSC-BTC using IDs as a funding source:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*i" '[{"address":"bob@","amount":10, "convertto":"VRSC-BTC"}]'
- Converting VRSCTEST to another reserve, BTC through a fractional currency, VRSC-BTC:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"bob@","amount":10, "convertto":"BTC","via":"VRSC-BTC"}]'
- Preconverting to new currency, NEWCOIN, before it is active:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"alice@","amount":10, "convertto":"NEWCOIN", "preconvert":true, "refundto":"alice@"}]'
- Sending VRSCTEST cross-chain to PBaaSChain:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"RXLYm4J6qi7yam9zXtkEkRwbv...
Announcing NON-MANDATORY GUI upgrade v0.7.3-5, required to continue participating in the PBaaS enabled testnet. v0.7.3-5 resolves an ID wallet sync issue for mainnet that could occur when recovering a revoked ID, causing the wallet to double count some amounts. This issue could not result in either loss of funds nor a security issue. This release also resolves all known testnet issues on the current testnet and does not require a testnet reset.
New Verus Multicurrency, Multichain, DeFi Enabled Testnet
With an easy GUI for basic operations or command line for more advanced functions. Without any programming, you can now create new identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains for your business, your government, your projects, a worthy cause, your family, or your next decentralized application suite. Send currencies worldwide on the same chain, or across blockchains with ease. Even convert currencies to others on the network without an exchange by sending to yourself and converting along the way.
The new Verus testnet is a full-featured, intrinsically decentralized multi-chain blockchain platform with an unlimited number of identities, currencies, liquidity pools, and blockchains. It is accessible from the released versions of Verus Desktop and Verus CLI wallets, and it is the beginning of a new age in crypto. There are so many things you can do with Verus that you cannot with any other cryptocurrency platform, and you can try them all today.
As Verus PBaaS offers completely new capabilities that go beyond today’s decentralized platforms in many fundamental ways, the worldwide Verus community put its energy into creation, rather than convincing everyone that its capabilities are possible. Members across the Verus worldwide community have worked hard to make this all possible, and we are more than excited that you can now experience it firsthand. If you have an interest in the future of crypto, you owe it to yourself to learn about Verus, an unlimited scale, decentralized future with truth and privacy for all.
The Verus testnet, available in the Verus Desktop or cli wallets as the VRSCTEST coin, has the following capabilities, which to our knowledge are unique in crypto today.
Self sovereign, revocable, recoverable identities (currently on mainnet) VerusID
- Enables permissionless registration of friendly name strong identities and funds addresses that are simultaneously fully self-sovereign, revocable, and recoverable.
Staking-capable time locking and theft prevention (Verus Vault)
- Enables identities to be locked, preventing any funds under their control from being spent while locked, but still allowing seamless staking of funds. When locked, a user specifies an unlock delay, typically long enough to notice when someone who might have compromised a user’s keys would have to unlock the ID before spending. The only way to circumvent the unlock delay is to revoke and recover an ID. Users may also choose to create and use fresh private keys when unlocking an ID as well. This enables virtually theft proof workflow and a solution to inheritance, trusts, vesting schedules, the 5$ wrench attack, and identity theft. IDs may be used as friendly name cryptocurrency addresses for all currencies on all Verus PBaaS blockchains in the Verus network. The VerusID protocol is a protocol, which can also be implemented on non-Verus systems.
Multi-currency, user created, decentralized tokens and merge-mineable, interoperable blockchains without programming
- Enables any user with an ID to create their own token currency or even full fledged, multi-currency, ID-issuing 50% POW/50% POS, 51% hash attack resistant blockchain that can send and receive from the Verus chain which launched it. All PBaaS chains run from the same daemon, and projects may choose to join the worldwide Verus community in improving the daemon. In doing so, they will start with a complete, multi-currency, ID-capable blockchain with DeFi capabilities that is merge-mineable and stakeable with other blockchains in the Verus network.
Consensus integrated DeFi liquidity pools and fractional currency baskets
- Any ID owner may define Verus DeFi fractional basket currencies with one or more asset currencies backing the liquidity pool at a fractional percentage ranging from 5% to 100% backing. The Verus DeFi protocol ensures that all currency conversions that use a particular liquidity pool and are mined into one block are solved and priced simultaneously, addressing the problems of miner extracted value (MEV) and front-running, while providing fee-based DeFi integrated incentives to miners and stakers, ensuring smooth consensus operation and fee conversion capabilities by integrating DeFi liquidity pools directly into the consensus and cross-chain bridge protocols.
Simultaneous blockchain and blockchain liquidity pool launches
- Launch of a world class, worldwide, merge-mineable blockchain along with a fully decentralized or centralized “bridge” converter liquidity pool as part of defining a new blockchain. Bridge converter currencies have the same flexibility as other fractional 100% asset backed or partially asset backed currencies, but is bound to the launch of the new blockchain, runs on the new blockchain, and all fees generated via cross chain fee conversions or general use of the liquidity pool are earned on the new blockchain with no rent going back to the Verus blockchain, only seamless connectivity.
Blockchain-based, crowdfunding currency launches with minimum participation or automatic refunds, including for dual launches (blockchain and bridge)
- Set required minimum levels of worldwide participation in your preferred currencies on chain. If by the start time of your blockchain, minimums are not met, all participants will automatically get a refund of all of their pre-conversions, less the network fees. The launch options also provide for maximum participation in one or more currencies, pre-launch discounts, price neutral pre-allocations to select IDs that increase the fractional reserve ratio to issue currencies, similarly price neutral carve-outs of proceeds, and pre-launch discounts for early participants. Using VerusIDs, launches can also include vesting schedules in the pre-allocations as well.
An interoperable, multichain network for new use cases and unlimited scale**
- The Verus multi-currency, multi-chain network allows the creation of an unlimited number of interoperable blockchains in the Verus network. Notary IDs, specified at chain definition, provide decentralized blockchain-specific bridge confirmation, enabling public blockchains available to the world for merge mining and staking, as well as private, internal blockchains, which are easy to setup with easy bridging of public currencies into an organization and onto their internal private network and back, with all features and currencies of the public chain but none of the access. There is no limit on the number of blockchains that may continuously operate and interoperate on the Verus network. While there is some overhead for cross notarization, the model for the Verus blockchain network is fractal, enabling an unlimited number of simultaneously operating, interoperable blockchains.
Locking and Unlocking IDs
- Time Lock:
The timelock parameter defines the unlock height of the identity.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 0, "timelock": <Unlock block height>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Time Delay:
The timelock parameter defines how many blocks to delay an ID's unlock when the flags are set back to an unlocked state.verus -chain=VRSCTEST updateidentity '{"name": "ID@", "flags": 2, "timelock": <Unlock block delay>, "minimumsignatures": 1, "primaryaddresses": ["t-address"]}'
- Revoking an identity will clear its locked status, regardless of time delay or unlock height.
- A locked identity cannot revoke itself.
Conversion Queries
The getcurrencyconverters
API retrieves all currencies that have at least 1000 VRSC in reserve, are greater than 10% VRSC reserve ratio, and have all listed currencies as reserves
- E.g. BTC ETH:
Will return all currencies that have btc/eth markets at or above the liquidity threshold.
verus -chain=VRSCTEST getcurrencyconverters btc eth
Sending and Converting Currency
Warning: All testnet coins/currencies have no value and will disappear whenever VRSCTEST is reset
The sendcurrency
API can be used to send and convert funds.
- Sending VRSCTEST from a single address (bob@) to a single recipient (alice@):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "bob@" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@","amount":10}]'
- Sending VRSCTEST from all private wallet funds to two recipients with friendly-name z-addresses (alice@:private and bob@:private):
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*Z" '[{"currency":"vrsctest","address":"alice@:private","amount":10},{"currency":"VRSCTEST","address":"bob@:private","amount":10}]'
- Converting VRSCTEST to a fractional basket currency, VRSC-BTC using IDs as a funding source:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*i" '[{"address":"bob@","amount":10, "convertto":"VRSC-BTC"}]'
- Converting VRSCTEST to another reserve, BTC through a fractional currency, VRSC-BTC:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"bob@","amount":10, "convertto":"BTC","via":"VRSC-BTC"}]'
- Preconverting to new currency, NEWCOIN, before it is active:
verus -chain=VRSCTEST sendcurrency "*" '[{"address":"alice@","amount":10, "convertto":"NEWCOIN", "preconvert":true, "refundto":"alice@"}]'
- Sending VRSCTEST cross-chain to PBaaSChain: