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Merge pull request #30 from VeriNum/nans
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Parameterize Nans by prec/emax rather than type
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ak-2485 authored Jan 16, 2025
2 parents 65a9bca + 46a5e47 commit 407b658
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181 changes: 87 additions & 94 deletions vcfloat/FPCompCert.v
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Expand Up @@ -29,43 +29,38 @@ Proof.
apply ProofIrrelevance.ProofIrrelevanceTheory.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2 in H2; auto.

Require Import Coq.Classes.EquivDec.
Require Import ZArith.

Lemma conv_nan_ex:
{ conv_nan: forall ty1 ty2 (STD1: is_standard ty1) (STD2: is_standard ty2),
binary_float (fprec ty1) (femax ty1) -> (* guaranteed to be a nan, if this is not a nan then any result will do *)
nan_payload (fprec ty2) (femax ty2)
conv_nan Tsingle Tdouble _ _ = Floats.Float.of_single_nan
{ conv_nan: forall (prec1 emax1 prec2 emax2 : Z),
(1< prec2)%Z ->
binary_float prec1 emax1 -> (* guaranteed to be a nan, if this is not a nan then any result will do *)
nan_payload prec2 emax2
conv_nan (fprec Tsingle) (femax Tsingle) (fprec Tdouble) (femax Tdouble) (fprec_gt_one _) = Floats.Float.of_single_nan
conv_nan Tdouble Tsingle _ _ = Floats.Float.to_single_nan
conv_nan (fprec Tdouble) (femax Tdouble) (fprec Tsingle) (femax Tsingle) (fprec_gt_one _) = Floats.Float.to_single_nan
eapply exist.
intros ty1 ty2 ? ?.
destruct (type_eq_dec ty1 Tsingle _ _).
destruct (type_eq_dec ty2 Tdouble _ _).
exact Floats.Float.of_single_nan.
auto using any_nan.
intros ? ? ? ? ?.
(* destruct (eq_dec (prec1, fprec Tsingle) (emax1, femax Tsingle)). *)
destruct (BinInt.Z.eq_dec prec1 (fprec Tsingle)). {
destruct (BinInt.Z.eq_dec emax1 (femax Tsingle)); [ | intros; auto using any_nan].
destruct (BinInt.Z.eq_dec prec2 (fprec Tdouble)); [ | intros; auto using any_nan].
destruct (BinInt.Z.eq_dec emax2 (femax Tdouble)); [ | intros; auto using any_nan].
subst; exact Floats.Float.of_single_nan.
destruct (type_eq_dec ty1 Tdouble _ _).
destruct (type_eq_dec ty2 Tsingle _ _).
exact Floats.Float.to_single_nan.
auto using any_nan.
destruct (BinInt.Z.eq_dec prec1 (fprec Tdouble)). {
destruct (BinInt.Z.eq_dec emax1 (femax Tdouble)); [ | intros; auto using any_nan].
destruct (BinInt.Z.eq_dec prec2 (fprec Tsingle)); [ | intros; auto using any_nan].
destruct (BinInt.Z.eq_dec emax2 (femax Tsingle)); [ | intros; auto using any_nan].
subst; exact Floats.Float.to_single_nan.
auto using any_nan.
Expand All @@ -75,100 +70,98 @@ Defined.

Definition conv_nan := let (c, _) := conv_nan_ex in c.

Lemma single_double_ex (U: _ -> Type):
(forall ty, U ty) ->
forall s: U Tsingle,
forall d: U Tdouble,
Lemma single_double_ex (U: forall prec emax, (1<prec)%Z -> Type):
(forall prec emax H, U prec emax H) ->
forall (s: forall H, U (fprec Tsingle) (femax Tsingle) H)
(d: forall H, U (fprec Tdouble) (femax Tdouble) H),
f: forall ty {STD: is_standard ty}, U ty |
f Tsingle _ = s /\
f Tdouble _ = d
f: forall prec emax H, U prec emax H |
f (fprec Tsingle) (femax Tsingle) = s /\
f (fprec Tdouble) (femax Tdouble) = d
intro ref.
intros ty ?.
destruct (type_eq_dec ty Tsingle _ _).
exact s.
intros prec emax H.
destruct (Z.eq_dec prec (fprec Tsingle)). {
destruct (Z.eq_dec emax (femax Tsingle)); [ | apply ref].
subst. apply s.
destruct (type_eq_dec ty Tdouble _ _).
exact d.
destruct (Z.eq_dec prec (fprec Tdouble)). {
destruct (Z.eq_dec emax (femax Tdouble)); [ | apply ref].
subst. apply d.
apply ref.
split; reflexivity.

Definition single_double (U: _ -> Type)
(f_: forall ty, U ty)
(s: U Tsingle)
(d: U Tdouble)
Definition single_double (U: forall prec emax, (1<prec)%Z -> Type)
(f_: forall prec emax H, U prec emax H)
(s: forall H, U (fprec Tsingle) (femax Tsingle) H)
(d: forall H, U (fprec Tdouble) (femax Tdouble) H)
forall ty {STD: is_standard ty}, U ty :=
forall prec emax H, U prec emax H :=
let (f, _) := single_double_ex U f_ s d in f.

Definition binop_nan : forall ty {STD: is_standard ty}, binary_float (fprec ty) (femax ty) ->
binary_float (fprec ty) (femax ty) ->
nan_payload (fprec ty) (femax ty) :=
Definition binop_nan : forall prec emax,
(1<prec)%Z ->
binary_float prec emax ->
binary_float prec emax ->
nan_payload prec emax :=
(fun ty =>
binary_float (fprec ty) (femax ty) ->
binary_float (fprec ty) (femax ty) ->
nan_payload (fprec ty) (femax ty))
(fun ty _ _ => any_nan ty)
(fun prec emax H =>
binary_float prec emax ->
binary_float prec emax ->
nan_payload prec emax)
(fun prec emax H _ _ => any_nan prec emax H)
(fun _ => Floats.Float32.binop_nan)
(fun _ => Floats.Float.binop_nan).

Definition abs_nan :=
(fun ty =>
binary_float (fprec ty) (femax ty) ->
nan_payload (fprec ty) (femax ty))
(fun ty _ => any_nan ty)
(fun prec emax H =>
binary_float prec emax ->
nan_payload prec emax)
(fun prec emax H _ => any_nan prec emax H)
(fun _ => Floats.Float32.abs_nan)
(fun _ => Floats.Float.abs_nan).

Definition opp_nan :=
(fun ty =>
binary_float (fprec ty) (femax ty) ->
nan_payload (fprec ty) (femax ty))
(fun ty _ => any_nan ty)

(fun prec emax H =>
binary_float prec emax ->
nan_payload prec emax)
(fun prec emax H _ => any_nan prec emax H)
(fun _ => Floats.Float32.neg_nan)
(fun _ => Floats.Float.neg_nan).

Module FMA_NAN.
(* some of these definitions adapted from [the open-source part of] CompCert *)
Import ZArith. Import Coq.Lists.List.

(** Transform a Nan payload to a quiet Nan payload. *)

Definition quiet_nan_payload (t: type) (p: positive) :=
Z.to_pos (Zbits.P_mod_two_p (Pos.lor p ((Zaux.iter_nat xO (Z.to_nat (fprec t - 2)) 1%positive))) (Z.to_nat (fprec t - 1))).
Definition quiet_nan_payload (prec: Z) (p: positive) :=
Z.to_pos (Zbits.P_mod_two_p (Pos.lor p ((Zaux.iter_nat xO (Z.to_nat (prec - 2)) 1%positive))) (Z.to_nat (prec - 1))).

Lemma quiet_nan_proof (t: type):
forall p, Binary.nan_pl (fprec t) (quiet_nan_payload t p) = true.
Lemma quiet_nan_proof (prec: Z): (1<prec)%Z ->
forall p, Binary.nan_pl prec (quiet_nan_payload prec p) = true.
pose proof (fprec_gt_one t).
apply normalized_nan; auto; lia.

Definition quiet_nan (t: type) {STD: is_standard t} (sp: bool * positive) :
{x : binary_float (fprec t) (femax t) | Binary.is_nan _ _ x = true} :=
Definition quiet_nan prec emax (H: (1<prec)%Z) (sp: bool * positive) :
{x : binary_float prec emax | Binary.is_nan _ _ x = true} :=
let (s, p) := sp in
exist _ (Binary.B754_nan (fprec t) (femax t) s (quiet_nan_payload t p)
(quiet_nan_proof t p)) (eq_refl _).
exist _ (Binary.B754_nan prec emax s (quiet_nan_payload prec p)
(quiet_nan_proof prec H p)) (eq_refl _).

Definition default_nan (t: type) := (fst Archi.default_nan_64, iter_nat (Z.to_nat (fprec t - 2)) _ xO xH).
Definition default_nan (prec: Z) := (fst Archi.default_nan_64, iter_nat (Z.to_nat (prec - 2)) _ xO xH).


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,33 +189,33 @@ Definition ARMchoose_nan (is_signaling: positive -> bool)
in choose_snan l0.

Definition choose_nan (t: type) : list (bool * positive) -> bool * positive :=
Definition choose_nan (prec: Z) : list (bool * positive) -> bool * positive :=
match the_nan_scheme with
| NAN_SCHEME_RISCV => fun _ => default_nan t
| NAN_SCHEME_X86 => fun l => match l with nil => default_nan t | n :: _ => n end
| NAN_SCHEME_ARM => ARMchoose_nan (fun p => negb (Pos.testbit p (Z.to_N (fprec t - 2))))
(default_nan t)
| NAN_SCHEME_RISCV => fun _ => default_nan prec
| NAN_SCHEME_X86 => fun l => match l with nil => default_nan prec | n :: _ => n end
| NAN_SCHEME_ARM => ARMchoose_nan (fun p => negb (Pos.testbit p (Z.to_N (prec - 2))))
(default_nan prec)

Definition cons_pl {t: type} {STD: is_standard t} (x : binary_float (fprec t) (femax t)) (l : list (bool * positive)) :=
Definition cons_pl {prec emax} (x : binary_float prec emax) (l : list (bool * positive)) :=
match x with
| Binary.B754_nan _ _ s p _ => (s, p) :: l
| _ => l

Definition fma_nan_1 (t: type) {STD: is_standard t}
(x y z: binary_float (fprec t) (femax t)) : nan_payload (fprec t) (femax t) :=
Definition fma_nan_1 prec emax H
(x y z: binary_float prec emax) : nan_payload prec emax :=
let '(a, b, c) := Archi.fma_order x y z in
quiet_nan t (choose_nan t (cons_pl a (cons_pl b (cons_pl c nil)))).
quiet_nan prec emax H (choose_nan prec (cons_pl a (cons_pl b (cons_pl c nil)))).

Definition fma_nan_pl (t: type) {STD: is_standard t} (x y z: binary_float (fprec t) (femax t)) : {x : binary_float (fprec t) (femax t) | Binary.is_nan _ _ x = true} :=
Definition fma_nan_pl prec emax H (x y z: binary_float prec emax) : {x : binary_float prec emax | Binary.is_nan _ _ x = true} :=
match x, y with
| Binary.B754_infinity _ _ _, Binary.B754_zero _ _ _ | Binary.B754_zero _ _ _, Binary.B754_infinity _ _ _ =>
if Archi.fma_invalid_mul_is_nan
then quiet_nan t (choose_nan t (default_nan t :: cons_pl z nil))
else fma_nan_1 t x y z
then quiet_nan prec emax H (choose_nan prec (default_nan prec :: cons_pl z nil))
else fma_nan_1 prec emax H x y z
| _, _ =>
fma_nan_1 t x y z
fma_nan_1 prec emax H x y z

Expand All @@ -235,7 +228,7 @@ End FMA_NAN.
div_nan := binop_nan;
abs_nan := abs_nan;
opp_nan := opp_nan;
sqrt_nan := (fun ty _ _ => any_nan ty);
sqrt_nan := (fun prec emax H _ => any_nan prec emax H);
fma_nan := FMA_NAN.fma_nan_pl

Expand Down

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