~ Employee Records
- Introduction
- Technical Stack
- Build and Deployment
- Authentication
- Validation
Developer : M Venu Gopal
Mail ID : venumalladi18@gmail.com
Github Repo : Django-React-CRUD
Django-React-CRUD App is used to perform CRUD Operations (Create, Read, Update,Delete) on the Employee Records of XYZ Company. Requirements :
- List the Employee Records of XYZ Company
- User should be able to perform Create (Add new employee), Read (Read the list of employees), Update (Update the details of existing employee) and Delete (Delete an employee from the list)
- Only Authenticated Users should be able to perform Create, Update and Delete Operations (they must be protected) whereas any user should be able to perform Read Operation and get the list of employees
- To keep all the dependencies required by this Project isolated, Python Virtual Environment has been used.
- Backend API has been built using Python and Django framework
- Front-end has been built using ReactJS
- CSS, Bootstrap and Reactstrap have been used to style the front-end application
- User will be able to perform CRUD operations only after successful login
- As of now, Signing Up a new User feature shall be added based on requirements.
- Download the zip file and extract the code from the above mentioned Github Repository.
- Make sure python3 and virtualenv are installed on your system.
- Else to install virtualenv run the command - pip3 install virtualenv
- After successful installation run - source xyz_env/bin/activate
- Once the virtual environment is activated, the name ( xyz_env ) of your virtual environment will appear on the left side of your terminal. This will let you know that the virtual environment is currently active.
- Now run the command : pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- This will download all python packages required for the project
- Now, change directory, cd django_react_proj
- To start and run the Backend server, use the command: python manage.py runserver (In django_react_proj folder)
- This will run our backend api on localhost:8000/
This will run our backend api on localhost:8000/
- Open localhost:8000/api/employees in browser. This allows you to check your current status of db.
- To start running front-end make sure NodeJS is installed on your system. Now, open Node.js command prompt.
- Change your current directory from root (Root user) to front-end folder and run the command : npm install
- This will install all node-packages required based on package.json file in the front-end folder
- After successful installation, run command: npm start
This will run our front-end application on localhost:3000/
- A login form will be loaded and on successful login : Username : venu Password : user1234 On incorrect credentials, error will be shown. You will be redirected to localhost:3000/employees-list/ which will let you perform all required CRUD Operations on the backend.
For now, Sign Up feature hasn’t been added and form validation is done using Auth Token, but this can be further developed into database of User accounts in the backend API
Adding a new Employee to DataBase:
- EMP ID : Employee ID will be Unique ID assigned by the company to that particular Employee (Cannot be Empty)
- EMP Name : Name of the Employee (Cannot be Empty)
- EMAIL : Mail ID of the Employee (Cannot be Empty and should be valid mail id (Validated based on Input type))
- Phone : Contact number of the Employee (Cannot be Empty and Input should be a valid phone number(Validated based on RegEx - Regular Expression)))
Editing an existing Employee from the DataBase:
- Initially, existing data from the database will be loaded on the form, but can be edited as per requirements
- EMP ID : Employee ID will be Unique ID assigned by the company to that particular Employee (Cannot be Empty)
- EMP Name : Name of the Employee (Cannot be Empty)
- EMAIL : Mail ID of the Employee (Cannot be Empty and should be valid mail id (Validated based on Input type))
- Phone : Contact number of the Employee (Cannot be Empty and Input should be a valid phone number(Validated based on RegEx - Regular Expression)))
Delete an Employee from the DataBase:
- On clicking Delete button, alert will pop up asking for deletion confirmation
- On further confirmation, employee will be deleted from the database
- On selecting Cancel, no changes will be made to the database