We're working on building a SignalK based system for caravan or boating electronics based on Raspberry PI and Arduino. In this repository we'll provide the Arduino sketches to read in sensors and to display messages. The central server will be installed on a Raspberry Pi. More Information about the project is on our "Use a Raspberry PI as SignalK server" page, german version is here.
This sketch is for AVR based Arduinos, e.g. the Uno or MEGA. It is sending SignalK messages using SignalK over UDP and a Wiznet W5100 Ethernet shield. Timestamps are acquired using NTP. Input examples are a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic, a Bosch BMP280 and a analog input. More details about the sketch are on our "Arduino Uno as SignalK Source" page, german version is here.
This sketch is for AVR based Ardinos, e.g. the Uno or MEGA. It does two things: Reading in a pushbutton and sending a put request to a SignalK server and locally switching a load using a smart FET and sending voltage and current to the SignalK server.
Th sketch reads in a push button and on state change sends a PUT-Request to a SignalK-Server. On success, a LED is switched to show to requested state. On failure or while waiting for processing the request, the LED is blinking. More details about the sketch are here, german version is here.
By pressing the push button, additionally a load is switched on and off using the smart FET. Currently, there is no rouing throught the SignalK server but the voltage and current of the smart FET are sent to the SignalK server. You can find more about the sketch here, german version is here
This sketch is for ESP8266 based Arduinos, e.g. the WeMos D1 and the WeMos 0.66" OLED display. It subscribes to two SignalK paths using a WiFi/TCP connection and displays the values. Values can be from an NMEA recording or from and Arduino Uno using the Arduino-AVR-SignalK sketch. More details about the sketch are on our Receiving SignalK using an ESP8266 page, german version is here.