FastAPI-powered food-ordering chatbot using Dialogflow and Mysql. Effortlessly place, modify, and track orders for an enhanced dining experience.
backend: Contains Python FastAPI backend code
db: contains the dump of the database. you need to import this into your MySQL db by using MySQL workbench tool dialogflow_assets: this has training phrases etc. for our intents
frontend: website code
pip install mysql-connector pip install "fastapi[all]" OR just run pip install -r backend/requirements.txt to install both in one shot
- Go to backend directory in your command prompt
- Run this command: uvicorn main:app --reload
- To install ngrok, go to and install ngrok version that is suitable for your OS
- Extract the zip file and place ngrok.exe in a folder.
- Open windows command prompt, go to that folder and run this command: ngrok http 80000
NOTE: ngrok can timeout. you need to restart the session if you see session expired message.