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CIS 3605

Victor Williams edited this page Aug 13, 2020 · 1 revision

CIS 3605. INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL FORENSICS. 3 CREDIT HOURS. This course is typically offered in Fall. This course is a broad introduction to the field of Digital Forensics. It covers various fundamental topics necessary for digital forensics investigation. The course begins with foundations of electronic evidence including cyber crime laws, the 4th Amendment, compliance and requirements, collection and handling, analysis, and reporting. The course also covers fundamentals of file systems with specific details pertaining to Microsoft FAT file systems. Students will learn two important forensics techniques - file recovery and file carving - among other things. Finally, forensics artifacts relevant to Windows Systems and Networks are discussed with relevant lab activities and students are also introduced to Antiforensics. Hands-on lab activities familiarize students with several relevant investigation techniques and the use of open source forensics tools.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: (CIS 2107|Minimum Grade of C-|May not be taken concurrently OR CIS 2229|Minimum Grade of C-|May not be taken concurrently) AND (CIS 2168|Minimum Grade of C-|May not be taken concurrently)

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