This repository is organized into 5 types of python scripts :
- Scripts containing useful tools (functions) and variables used in several scripts :
- Scripts encoding entangled jobs dedicated to compute outputs used for statistics, going from raw data to dataframes usable for stats :
- Scripts allowing visualisation of preprocessed data, loading outputs from jobs :
- Notebooks and scripts used for generating figures and associated statistics by loading outputs from jobs :
- stats_bandpower.ipynb
- stats_coherence_at_resp.ipynb
- stats_correlation.ipynb
- stats_ecg_peaks_coupling.ipynb
- stats_eda.ipynb
- stats_hrv.ipynb
- stats_modulation_cycle_signal.ipynb
- stats_power_at_resp.ipynb
- stats_psycho.ipynb
- stats_resp_features.ipynb
- stats_rsa.ipynb
- stats_stim_scoring.ipynb
- stats_with_tempo.ipynb
- Other scripts/notebooks for explorations or debugging :
- verif_ecg.ipynb
- sandbox.ipynb
The second type of scripts (computing scripts) are coded thanks to entangled jobs (output = xarray.Dataset()) corresponding to the following :
- convert_vhdr_job
- function : Convert raw data from brainvision to an xarray format
- recruit : --
- run keys : sub, ses
- ica_figure_job
- function : Save ICA figures to manually select (in a dictionnary in for each sub/ses the EOG components to remove
- recruit : --
- run keys : sub, ses
- preproc_job
- function : Preproc raw EEG (Reref + Notch + ICA + detrend + bandpass filter)
- recruit : --
- run keys : sub, ses
- artifact_job
- function : Detect movement artifacts based on sharp cooccuring burst of gamma power on all channels
- recruit : preproc_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- artifact_by_chan_job
- function : Detect movement artifacts based on sharp burst of gamma power channel by channel
- recruit : preproc_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- eeg_interp_artifact_job
- function : Replace movement artifacts times by interpolation of patches of signal containing the average frequency content of the whole signal of the channel
- recruit : preproc_job + artifact_by_chan_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- count_artifact_job
- function : Count time duration (absolute and relative) of movement artifacting
- recruit : artifact_job
- run keys : sub
- convert_vhdr_job
- psd_eeg_job
- function : Compute power spectrum of EEG (lowest freq = 0.1 Hz)
- recruit : eeg_interp_artifact_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- psd_bandpower_job
- function : Compute power spectrum of EEG (lowest freq = 1 Hz) ready to extract bandpower
- recruit : eeg_interp_artifact_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- psd_baselined_job
- function : Normalize power spectrum of music and odor session by baseline session power spectrum
- recruit : psd_bandpower_job
- run keys : sub, stim (music,odor)
- psd_eeg_job
- psd_eeg_job
- function : Compute bandpower for each frequency band (EEG)
- recruit : psd_baselined_job
- run keys : sub, stim (music,odor)
- psd_eeg_job
- coherence_job
- function : Compute magnitude squared coherence between EEG and Resp signals
- recruit : eeg_interp_artifact_job + convert_vhdr_job (to get resp signal)
- run keys : sub, ses
- coherence_at_resp_job
- function : Extract coherence value between EEG and RESP signal at the dominant respiratory frequency
- recruit : coherence_job + convert_vhdr_job (to get resp signal to get its dominant frequency)
- run keys : sub, ses
- coherence_job
- power_at_resp_job
- function : Compute power spectrum value of EEG at respiratory dominant frequency
- recruit : psd_eeg_job + convert_vhdr_job (to get resp signal)
- run keys : sub, ses
- power_at_resp_job
- respiration_features_job
- function : Compute respiration features from raw resp signal and annotate cycles according to cooccuring artifacting of EEG signals
- recruit : convert_vhdr_job + artifact_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- respiration_features_job
- ecg_job
- function : Preproc ECG
- recruit : convert_vhdr_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- ecg_peak_job
- function : Detect ECG R peaks
- recruit : convert_vhdr_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- rri_signal_job
- function : Compute heart rate continuous signal from ECG R peaks
- recruit : ecg_job + ecg_peak_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- ecg_peaks_coupling_job
- function : Compute phase angles of ECG R peaks according to their relative position during cooccuring respiratory cycle
- recruit : ecg_peak_job + respiration_features_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- ecg_job
- rsa_phase_job
- function : Cyclically deform heart rate signal according to respiratory timestamps of each respiratory cycle
- recruit : ecg_peak_job + respiration_features_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- rsa_features_job
- function : Extract Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia features respiratory cycle by respiratory cycle
- recruit : ecg_peak_job + respiration_features_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- rsa_phase_job
- cycle_signal_job
- function : Cyclically deform EEG (and respi) signals according to respiratory timestamps of each respiratory cycle and compute average evoked potential
- recruit : eeg_interp_artifact_job + convert_vhdr_job + respiration_features_job + rri_signal_job (to deform heart rate signal at the same time)
- run keys : sub, ses
- modulation_cycle_signal_job
- function : Compute amplitude of average evoked potential of EEG respi epochs, a marker of modulation
- recruit : cycle_signal_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- cycle_signal_job
- power_job
- function : Compute time frequency power maps of EEG signals by convolution with morlet wavelets
- recruit : eeg_interp_artifact_job
- run keys : sub, ses, chan
- baseline_job
- function : Compute mean/median/sd/mad of EEG time frequency power for each frequency bin (so on time axis) from baseline session
- recruit : power_job
- run keys : sub, chan
- phase_freq_job
- function : Normalize raw time frequency power maps by baseline + cyclically deform it by respiratory epochs/timestamps to get phase frequency power maps
- recruit : power_job + baseline_job + respiration_features_job
- run keys : sub, ses, chan
- phase_freq_concat_job
- function : Concatenate phase-frequency power maps from sub,ses into one Dataset by channel
- recruit : phase_freq_job
- run keys : chan
- erp_time_freq_job
- function : Same process than phase freq but without cyclically deforming EEG data, keeping a time basis, and average time-frequency power dynamic centered on a respiratory time point
- recruit : power_job + baseline_job + respiration_features_job
- run keys : sub, ses, chan
- erp_concat_job
- function : Concatenate erp power maps from sub,ses into one Dataset by channel
- recruit : convert_vhdr_job
- run keys : chan
- power_job
- eda_job
- function : Compute electrodermal activity metrics
- recruit : convert_vhdr_job
- run keys : sub, ses
- eda_job
- maia_job
- function : Compute MAIA metrics (multidimensional assessment of Interoceptive Awareness)
- recruit : --
- run keys : sub
- stai_longform_job
- function : Compute State Trait Anxiety metrics from long-form STAI questionnaire
- recruit : --
- run keys : sub, ses
- relaxation_job
- function : Compute relaxation metrics from relaxation questionnaire
- recruit : --
- run keys : sub
- emotions_job
- function : Process evaluation of emotions induced by stimuli assessed on questionnaires
- recruit : --
- run keys : sub
- oas_job
- function : Process OAS (Odor Awareness Scale) questionnaires
- recruit : --
- run keys : sub
- bmrq_job
- function : Process BMRQ (Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire) questionnaires
- recruit : --
- run keys : sub
- maia_job
- defines jobs just to concatenate metric outputs of previous jobs into dataset (dataframes into dataset)
- maia_concat_job
- recruit : maia_job
- bandpower_concat_job
- recruit : bandpower_job
- coherence_at_resp_concat_job
- recruit : coherence_at_resp_job
- eda_concat_job
- recruit : eda_job
- power_at_resp_concat_job
- recruit : power_at_resp_job
- relaxation_concat_job
- recruit : relaxation_job
- resp_features_concat_job
- recruit : respiration_features_job
- rsa_concat_job
- recruit : rsa_features_job
- modulation_cycle_signal_concat_job
- recruit : modulation_cycle_signal_job
- oas_concat_job
- recruit : oas_job
- bmrq_concat_job
- recruit : bmrq_job
Note about job functionning :
- Each job is coded with :
- A main function that defines the pipeline (ex : compute_respiration_features())
- A test function that allows debugging of the main function (ex : test_compute_respiration_features())
- The using of jobtools to construct a job from the main function and associate it to parameters
(ex :
- respiration_features_job = jobtools.Job(precomputedir, # The parent folder where folder of outputs is stored 'respiration_features', # The name of the folder where outputs are stored respiration_features_params, # The parameters of the job compute_respiration_features # The main function )
- jobtools.register_job(respiration_features_job) # Register the job )
- Once job is ready, it can be computed. To do that, it can be recruited by other jobs or manually run over all run keys by running a "compute_all()" function where the desired job is recruited (ex : jobtools.compute_job_list(respiration_features_job, run_keys, force_recompute=False, engine='loop'))
- "test" or "compute_all" functions can be run in the "if name == 'main':" section of the scripts (last section).