I am a student at HTL 3 Rennweg, specializing in Media Technology for the next two years. Here you can find an overview of my projects and interests 😎
- 🎓 Student at HTL 3 Rennweg, Vienna/Austria
- 📚 Specialization: IT/Media Technology
- 📅 School Year: 4th grade 2024/25
- 🌱 Currently Learning: Web Development, Graphic Design, Photographie and Video Production
Description: Currently in Development is our first practical Projcet Manegment task. Our Team of three is working on a video production of an overview of the most interesting final projects at our school. Together with the power of Social Media and some Blog-Posts on our school website the project will be finished in January 2025.
Skills: Video Production, Design, Web Development, Social Media, Project Management
Description: My school tasks of the Subject Webdevelopment are all safed in a repositoryon Github. This repository is all about DreamLabs. DreamLabs Production is a virtual company founded by Laurens Vidan and Valentin Köberl as part of the Media Technology course at HTL 3 Rennweg. In this course, we focus on web technologies, particularly HTML5, CSS, PHP and JavaScript.
Technologies: HTML5, CSS, Javascript
Description: My school tasks of the Subject Softwaredevelopment are all safed in a repository on Github. It is all about Javascript. This year, we focus on web technologies, particularly JavaScript.
Technologies: Javascript, Vue.js
- 📧 Email: contact@valentinkoeberl.com
- 💼 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valentin-k%C3%B6berl-988128290/
- 🌐 Portfolio: https://www.valentinkoeberl.com/portfolio/
- 👥 Linktree: https://linktree.valentinkoeberl.com
Thank you for visiting my profile! 😊