$ git clone https://github.com/ValeevGroup/TiledArray.git tiledarray
$ cd tiledarray
$ cmake -B build \
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/tiledarray/install \
-D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/vg/toolchains/<toolchain-file-for-your-platform>.cmake \
$ cmake --build build
(recommended, but optional): $ cmake --build build --target check
$ cmake --build build --target install
There are 2 ways to build TiledArray:
- by searching for pre-compiled dependencies first; some dependencies, if they are not found, TiledArray will build from source, and
- by building all critical dependencies from source.
Both methods are supported. However, for most users we strongly recommend to build as many dependencies from source as possible. Only package maintainers have necessary expertise to properly build TiledArray from separately built components. Hence by default TiledArray will not look for precompiled versions of critical dependencies (MADNESS, BTAS, etc.).
C++ compiler with support for the C++17 standard, or a more recent standard. This includes the following compilers:
- GNU C++, version 7.0 or higher
- Clang, version 5 or higher
- Apple Clang, version 9.3 or higher
- Intel C++ compiler, version 19 or higher
See the current Travis CI matrix for the most up-to-date list of compilers that are known to work.
CMake, version 3.15 or higher; if {CUDA,HIP} support is needed, CMake {3.18,3.21} or higher is required.
Git 1.8 or later (required to obtain TiledArray and MADNESS source code from GitHub)
Eigen, version 3.3.5 or higher; if CUDA is enabled then 3.3.7 is required (will be downloaded automatically, if missing)
Boost libraries, version 1.59 or higher (will be downloaded automatically, if missing). The following principal Boost components are used:
- Boost.Iterator: header-only
- Boost.Container: header-only
- Boost.Test: header-only or (optionally) as a compiled library, only used for unit testing
- Boost.Range: header-only, only used for unit testing
Range-V3 -- a Ranges library that served as the basis for Ranges component of C++20 and later.
BTAS, tag 1cfcb12647c768ccd83b098c64cda723e1275e49 . If usable BTAS installation is not found, TiledArray will download and compile BTAS from source. This is the recommended way to compile BTAS for all users.
MADNESS, tag ef97ad1f0080da04f9592f03185c1a331cd5e001 . Only the MADworld runtime and BLAS/LAPACK C API component of MADNESS is used by TiledArray. If usable MADNESS installation is not found, TiledArray will download and compile MADNESS from source. This is the recommended way to compile MADNESS for all users. A detailed list of MADNESS prerequisites can be found at MADNESS' INSTALL file; it also also contains detailed MADNESS compilation instructions.
Compiling MADNESS requires the following prerequisites:
- An implementation of Message Passing Interface version 2 or 3, with support
. - (optional) Intel Thread Building Blocks (TBB), available in a commercial or an open-source form
Compiling BTAS requires the following prerequisites:
Optional prerequisites:
- for execution on GPGPUs:
- device programming runtime:
- CUDA compiler and runtime -- for execution on NVIDIA's CUDA-enabled accelerators. CUDA 11 or later is required.
- HIP/ROCm compiler and runtime -- for execution on AMD's ROCm-enabled accelerators. Note that TiledArray does not use ROCm directly but its C++ Heterogeneous-Compute Interface for Portability,
; although HIP can also be used to program CUDA-enabled devices, in TiledArray it is used only to program ROCm devices, hence ROCm and HIP will be used interchangeably.
- LibreTT -- free tensor transpose library for CUDA, ROCm, and SYCL platforms that is based on the original cuTT library extended to provide thread-safety improvements (via github.com/ValeevGroup/cutt) and extended to non-CUDA platforms by @victor-anisimov (tag 6eed30d4dd2a5aa58840fe895dcffd80be7fbece).
- Umpire -- portable memory manager for heterogeneous platforms (tag 8c85866107f78a58403e20a2ae8e1f24c9852287).
- device programming runtime:
- Doxygen -- for building documentation (version 1.8.12 or later).
- ScaLAPACK -- a distributed-memory linear algebra package. If detected, the following C++ components will also be sought and downloaded, if missing:
- scalapackpp -- a modern C++ (C++17) wrapper for ScaLAPACK (tag 6397f52cf11c0dfd82a79698ee198a2fce515d81); pulls and builds the following additional prerequisite
- blacspp -- a modern C++ (C++17) wrapper for BLACS
- scalapackpp -- a modern C++ (C++17) wrapper for ScaLAPACK (tag 6397f52cf11c0dfd82a79698ee198a2fce515d81); pulls and builds the following additional prerequisite
- Python3 interpreter -- to test (optionally-built) Python bindings
- TTG -- C++ implementation of the Template Task Graph programming model for fine-grained flow-graph composition of distributed memory programs (tag 3fe4a06dbf4b05091269488aab38223da1f8cb8e).
Many of these dependencies can be installed with a package manager, such as Homebrew on OS X or apt-get on Debian Linux distributions; this is the preferred method. Since configuring and building other dependencies (such as MADNESS) can be difficult even for experts, we recommend letting the TiledArray download and build them for you.
Check out the source code as follows:
$ git clone https://github.com/ValeevGroup/tiledarray.git
It is necessary to compile TiledArray outside of the source code tree. Most users can simply create a build directory inside the source tree:
$ cd tiledarray; mkdir build; cd build
Instructions below assume that you are located in the build directory. We will assume that
the environment variable TILEDARRAY_SOURCE_DIR
specifies the location of the
TiledArray source tree.
TiledArray is configured and built with CMake. When configuring with CMake, you specify a set of CMake variables on the command line, where each variable argument is prepended with the '-D' option. Typically, you will need to specify the install path for TiledArray, build type, and MPI Compiler wrappers.
For basic builds you may not need to provide any arguments to CMake, however most users will want to nudge CMake towards configuring TiledArray as desired by specifying the C++ compiler to use, the MPI compiler wrapper to use, etc. The Valeev Research Group provides a number of toolchain files that can be used to specify a generic or a specific platform, e.g. to compile MPQC on MacOS use this script:
$ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/tiledarray \
-D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/vg/toolchains/macos-clang-mpi-accelerate.cmake \
Note that the macos-clang-mpi-accelerate
toolchain file is part of the the Valeev Group CMake kit which is downloaded and placed within the build tree by CMake at configure time.
Following are several common examples of configuring TiledArray where instead of a toolchain file we specify CMake variables "manually" (on the command line).
- Basic configuration. This will search for dependencies on your system. If the
required dependencies are not found on your system, they will be downloaded
and installed during the build process (this includes Eigen, Boost,
and MADNESS, but not MPI or TBB). The
cache variables is a semicolon separated list of search paths.
$ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/tiledarray \
-D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/dependency;/path/to/another/dependency \
- Basic configuration with unit tests.
$ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/tiledarray \
-D BOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost \
-D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/dependency;/path/to/another/dependency \
- Specify dependencies, w/o MADNESS installed on the system
$ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/tiledarray \
-D EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/eigen/include/eigen3 \
-D LAPACK_LIBRARIES="-L/path/to/lapack/lib -llapack -L/path/to/blas/lib -lblas" \
-D TBB_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/tbb \
- Specify dependencies, w/ MADNESS installed on the system
$ cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/tiledarray \
-D EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/eigen/include/eigen3 \
-D LAPACK_LIBRARIES="-L/path/to/lapack/lib -llapack -L/path/to/blas/lib -lblas" \
-D MADNESS_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/madness \
Additional CMake variables are given below.
-- The C++ compilerCMAKE_C_FLAGS
-- The C compile flags (includes CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS)CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
-- The C++ compile flags (includes CPPFLAGS and CXXFLAGS)CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS
-- The linker flagsCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
-- Optimization/debug build type options includeDebug
(optimization off, debugging symbols and assersions on),Release
(optimization on, debugging symbols and assertions off),RelWithDebInfo
(optimization on, debugging symbols and assertions on) andMinSizeRel
(same asRelease
but optimized for executable size). The default is empty build type. It is recommended that you set the build type explicitly.BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
-- Enable shared libraries. This option is only available if the platform supports shared libraries; if that's true andTA_ASSUMES_ASLR_DISABLED
(see below) the default isON
, otherwise the default isOFF
-- Specify the C++ ISO Standard to use. Valid values are17
(default), and20
Most of these are best specified in a toolchain file. TiledArray is recommended to use the toolchains distributed via the Valeev Group CMake kit. TiledArray by default downloads (via the FetchContent CMake module) the VG CMake toolkit which makes the toolchains available without having to download the toolchain files manually. E.g., to use toolchain x
from the VG CMake kit repository provide -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/vg/toolchains/x.cmake
to CMake when configuring TiledArray.
It is typically not necessary to specify optimization or debug flags as the default values provided by CMake are usually correct.
ASLR is a standard technique for increasing platform security implemented by the OS kernel and/or the dynamic linker by randomizing both where the shared libraries are loaded as well as (when enabled) the absolute position of the executable in memory (such executables are known as position-independent executables). Until recently TiledArray and other MADNESS-based applications could not be used on platforms with ASLR if ran with more than 1 MPI rank; if properly configured and built TA can now be safely used on ASLR platforms. Use the following variables to control the ASLR-related aspects of TiledArray and the underlying MADNESS runtime.
-- TiledArray and MADNESS runtime will assume that the Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) is off. By defaultTA_ASSUMES_ASLR_DISABLED
is set toOFF
(i.e. ASLR is assumed to be enabled); this will cause all TiledArray libraries by default to be static (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF
) and compiled as position-independent code (CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON
). This will also enable a runtime check in MADworld for ASLR.CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE
-- This standard CMake variable controls whether targets are compiled by default as position-independent code or not. IfBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF
need to set this toON
if want to use the TiledArray libraries to build shared libraries or position-independent executables.
To make things more concrete, consider the following 2 scenarios:
- Platform with ASLR disabled -- set
to set the defaults correctly and enable the ASLR check.BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
can be set toON
(to produce shared TA/MADworld libraries, e.g., to minimize the executable size) or toOFF
to produce static libraries. If the TA+MADworld static libraries will be linked into shared libraries setCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON
will be set to OFF for maximum efficiency of function calls. - Platform with ASLR enabled -- this is the default. Setting
in this scenario will produce executables that can only be safely used with 1 MPI rank, thusBUILD_SHARED_LIBS
will be defaulted to OFF (i.e. TA+MADworld libraries will be built as static libraries).CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE
is by default set toON
, thus TA+MADworld libraries can be linked into position-independent executables safely. TA+MADworld libraries can also be linked into a shared library, provided that ALL code using TA+MADworld is part of the SAME shared library. E.g. to link TA+MADworld into a Python module compile TA+MADworld libraries and their dependents as static libraries (withCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON
) and link them all together into a single module (same logic applies to shared libraries using TA+MADworld).
You may choose from MPICH, MVAPICH, OpenMPI, Intel MPI, or your vendor provided MPI implementation. Specify the C and C++ MPI compiler wrappers with the following CMake cache variables:
- MPI_C_COMPILER -- The MPI C compiler wrapper
- MPI_CXX_COMPILER -- The MPI C++ compiler wrapper
You can build TiledArray without MPI support by setting ENABLE_MPI to OFF.
Though we strongly recommend compiling with MPI even if you do not intend
to use TiledArray in a distributed memory environment. Note, if you
build MADNESS yourself, you must also configure MADNESS with ENABLE_MPI=OFF
to enable this option.
Even for basic operation TiledArray requires a serial BLAS implementation, either by linking with a
serial version of the BLAS library or by setting the number of threads to one
(1) with an environment variable. This is necessary because TiledArray evaluates tensor
expressions in parallel by subdividing them into small tasks, each of which is assumed
to be single-threaded; attempting to run a multi-threaded BLAS function inside
tasks will oversubscribe the hardware cores (this only exception to this if the MADNESS
runtime uses the same task backend as the BLAS library; this only happens if MADNESS
is configured to use Intel TBB and TBB-based Intel MKL library is used). Thus
it is user's responsibility to correctly specify the BLAS/LAPACK libraries and/or
set the environment variables (e.g. OMP_NUM_THREADS
, etc.)
to ensure single-threaded execution of BLAS/LAPACK kernels
as needed.
As of version 1.0 TiledArray also provides a direct (non-iterative) linear solvers API
implemented using LAPACK and (optionally) ScaLAPACK. Therefore LAPACK is now a mandatory
prerequisite of TiledArray. The use of ScaLAPACK can be enabled by setting CMake cache
to ON
Robust discovery of linear algebra libraries, and especially their distributed-memory variants, is a complex process. Unfortunately even for serial/shared-memory linear algebra libraries only basic scenarios are supported by the standard CMake modules (e.g., BLAS and LAPACK). There are several discovery mechanisms available for robust discovery of linear algebra in TA:
By specifying the
CMake cache variables via CMake command line or via a toolchain. Doing this overrides all other mechanisms of discovery described below and is recommended if the discovery fails for some reason. To help with setting these variables for specific platforms consider using toolchain files from the Valeev Group CMake kit (see examples above). -
The default discovery method utilizes the recently developed linear algebra discovery kit developed by David Williams-Young and co-workers for the NWChemEx projectNWChemEx-Project). The discovery modules will override the standard CMake modules for BLAS and LAPACK, provide modules to discover BLACS and ScaLAPACK. These modules will then be invoked to discover the linear algebra libraries as robustly as feasible. The following CMake cache variables can be used to control the behavior of the NWChemEx discovery kit:
: if set to on, will prefer to link the corresponding component statically.{BLAS,LAPACK,ScaLAPACK}_PREFERENCE_LIST
: these specify the variants of the corresponding libraries to search, in the order of preference. The following are permitted values in these lists:ReferenceBLAS
: NETLIB reference implementationsIntelMKL
: Intel Math Kernel LibraryIBMESSL
: IBM Engineering and Scientific Subroutine LibraryBLIS
: BLAS-Like Instantiation SoftwareOpenBLAS
: OpenBLASAccelerate
: Apple's Accelerate frameworkFLAME
: (LAPACK-only) libFLAME N.B. These differ from the recognized values of theBLA_VENDOR
variable used by the BLAS+LAPACK CMake modules.
If the use of the NWChemEx kit is disabled by setting CMake cache variable
BLAS/LAPACK are imported transitively via the BLAS++/LAPACK++ libraries (which are themselves imported transitively via the BTAS library). Under the most common scenario, where TiledArray will configure and compile BTAS dependency and its BLAS++/LAPACK++ prerequisites from source (this is strongly recommended), BLAS/LAPACK will thus be discovered and imported by BLAS++/LAPACK++ during the TA configuration. There are 2 mechanisms by which BLAS++/LAPACK++ discover BLAS/LAPACK:- the built-in custom discovery kit; no options exist to provide any control
- standard CMake BLAS/LAPACK modules.
The latter is used if CMake cache variable
is specified:BLA_VENDOR
-- controls which vendor BLAS/LAPACK library will be sought (see CMake docs); by default all possible vendor libraries will be considered. E.g., to force the use of the Accelerate framework on MacOS use-DBLA_VENDOR=Apple
Unfortunately, if the standard CMake modules discover BLAS/LAPACK, BLAS++/LAPACK++ will not attempt to discover their name mangling convention. To specify the name mangling to be assumed by BLAS++/LAPACK++ specify CMake cache variable
-- specifies the name mangling assumed by BLAS++/LAPACK++ when using BLAS/LAPACK. Valid values are:lower
: function/variabledgemm
will be mangled todgemm
: function/variabledgemm
will be mangled toDGEMM
: function/variabledgemm
will be mangled todgemm_
More information can be found in the installation instructions for BLAS++ and LAPACK++.
Note that BLAS++/LAPACK++ discover BLAS and LAPACK only; ScaLAPACK library is always discovered using the NWChemEx kit.
Also note that all discovery methods respect the following CMake cache variable:
-- indicates whether static or shared LAPACK and BLAS libraries will be preferred.
Additional platform-specific BLAS/LAPACK notes are listed below.
Intel MKL is a freely-available collection of high-performance libraries that implements BLAS, LAPACK, and ScaLAPACK APIs. MKL is complex: it supports both serial kernels as well as parallel kernels that can take advantage of multiple cores via the use of OpenMP and Intel TBB (the Intel OneAPI toolkit provides MKL also capable of execution on some Intel GPUs and FPGAs), and the necessary MKL link options will depend on the compiler, OS, and other details.
To discover and configure the use of Intel MKL consider these suggestions:
The use of NWChemEx discovery kit is strongly recommended for discovering Intel MKL. The following CMake cache variables can be used to specify the desired Intel MKL configuration:
: whether to look for static or shared/dynamic libraries (default =OFF
: which threading backend to use, supported values aresequential
, andtbb
(default =openmp
: which thread library to use, supported values areIntel
, andPGI
(default depends on the compile)
Most common configurations of Intel MKL can also be discovered by BLAS++/LAPACK++ automatically; if needed, specifying
with appropriate argument can be used to force TiledArray to use MKL. Unfortunately it is not possible to specify the use of TBB-based backend for MKL without the use of a toolchain file. -
All MKL-enabled toolchains in The Valeev Group CMake kit can be used to configure TiledArray to use sequential, OpenMP, or TBB backend by setting the
CMake cache variable toSEQ
, orTBB
, respectively. The toolchains also respect the user-provided choice ofBLA_STATIC
. If multiple MKL versions are present on your system, specify the apropriate variant of the library by loading the correspondingmklvars.sh
script to set environment variablesMKLROOT
and, if necessary,LD_LIBRARY_PATH
.On 64-bit platforms it is possible to specify whether to use 32-bit (
, the default) or 64-bit (ILP64
) integers in BLAS/LAPACK API. To choose theILP64
interface when using the VG MKL toolchains set CMake cache variableINTEGER4
; the same is achieved when using the default BLAS/LAPACK detection by settingBLA_VENDOR
to one of the validIntel*64ilp*
choices. N.B. CurrentlyILP64
variant of BLACS/ScaLAPACK is not supported, due to a pending issue.
Also note that even if OpenMP or TBB backends are used, TiledArray will be default set the number of threads to be used by MKL kernels to 1, regardless of the value of environment variables MKL_NUM_THREADS
. It is possible to change the number of threads to be used programmatically in your application by calling MKL function mkl_set_num_threads()
Support for execution on NVIDIA and AMD GPGPUs is controlled by the following variables:
-- Set toON
to turn on CUDA support. [Default=OFF].CMAKE_CUDA_HOST_COMPILER
-- Set to the path to the host C++ compiler to be used by CUDA compiler. CUDA compilers used to be notorious for only being able to use specific C++ host compilers, but support for more recent C++ host compilers has improved. The default is determined by the CUDA compiler and the user environment variables (PATH
-- Set toON
to turn on HIP/ROCm support. [Default=OFF].LIBRETT_INSTALL_DIR
-- the installation prefix of the pre-installed LibreTT library. This should not be normally needed; it is strongly recommended to let TiledArray build and install LibreTT.UMPIRE_INSTALL_DIR
-- the installation prefix of the pre-installed Umpire library. This should not be normally needed; it is strongly recommended to let TiledArray build and install Umpire.
- For the CUDA compiler and toolkit to be discoverable the CUDA compiler (
) should be in thePATH
environment variable. Refer to the FindCUDAToolkit module for more info. - For the ROCm platform to be discoverable add its prefix path (e.g.,
You can specify the install location of Eigen 3 with the following CMake cache variable:
-- The path to the Eigen 3 include directory
If Eigen is not found at the configure time, it will be downloaded from the Bitbucket repository.
To build Python bindings use the following variable:
-- Set toON
to build Python bindings.
This also requires setting BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
to ON
TiledArray uses a non-release version of MADNESS. Therefore, you should NOT expect the most recent release of MADNESS to work with TiledArray. To ensure you are using the correct version of MADNESS, we recommend allowing CMake to automatically download, configure, and build MADNESS (this is the default behavior). When CMake is configuring TiledArray, it will checkout the correct revision of MADNESS.
The following CMake options may be used to modify build behavior or find MADNESS:
-- Enable the use of ScaLAPACK bindings [Default=OFF]ENABLE_TBB
-- Enable the use of TBB when building MADNESS [Default=ON]ENABLE_GPERFTOOLS
-- Enable the use of gperftools when building MADNESS [Default=OFF]ENABLE_TCMALLOC_MINIMAL
-- Enable the use of gperftool's tcmalloc_minimal library only (the rest of gperftools is skipped) when building MADNESS [Default=OFF]ENABLE_LIBUNWIND
-- Force the discovery of libunwind library when building MADNESS [Default=OFF]ENABLE_WFN91_LINALG_DISCOVERY_KIT
-- Enable the use of NWChemEx's linear algebra discovery [Default=ON]MADNESS_SOURCE_DIR
-- Path to the MADNESS source directoryMADNESS_BINARY_DIR
-- Path to the MADNESS build directoryMADNESS_URL
-- Path to the MADNESS repository [Default=MADNESS git repository]MADNESS_TAG
-- Revision hash or tag to use when building MADNESS (expert only)MADNESS_CMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS
-- Extra flags passed to MADNESS cmake commandMADNESS_CMAKE_GENERATOR
-- the CMake generator to use for building MADNESS [Default=Generator used to build TiledArray]
The following environment variables can be used to help discovery of MADNESS dependencies:
-- the install prefix of TBBGPERFTOOLS_DIR
-- the install prefix of gperftoolsLIBUNWIND_DIR
-- the install prefix of libunwind
If you wish to install MADNESS yourself, we recommend downloading the latest version from the MADNESS git repository. You should not expect the latest release version to work correctly with TiledArray. You can specify the install directory with:
-- Semicolon separated list of directory CMake will use to search for software dependencies.
The following CMake cache variables are for performance tuning. You should only modify these values if you know the values for your particular system.
-- The alignment of memory allocated by TA::Tensor (and other artifacts like TA::host_allocator), in bytes. [Default is platform-specific, if no platform-specific value is found =64]TA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE
-- The cache line size in bytes [Default=64]
controls the alignment of memory allocated for tiles, and TA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE
controls the size of automatic loop unrolling for tensor operations. TiledArray
does not currently use explicit vector instructions (i.e. intrinsics), but
the code is written in such a way that compilers can more easily autovectorize
the operations when supported. In a future version, explicit vectorization
support may be added.
-- Set toON
to disable automatic installation of prerequisites. Useful for experts, hence the name. [Default=OFF].TA_ASSERT_POLICY
to disableTA_ASSERT
to causeTA_ASSERT
assertions to throw,TA_ASSERT_ABORT
to causeTA_ASSERT
assertions to abort. The default isTA_ASSERT_IGNORE
if CMake uses a single-configuration generator andCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
is set toRelease
, else the default isTA_ASSERT_THROW
-- Set ofOFF
to disable building unit tests. The default isON
-- Set toON
to enable tracing of MADNESS tasks using custom task tracer. Note that standard profilers/tracers are generally useless (except in the trivial cases) with MADWorld-based programs since the submission context of tasks is not captured by standard tracing tools; this makes it impossible in a nontrivial program to attribute tasks to source code. WARNING: task tracing his will greatly increase the memory requirements. [Default=OFF].TA_TTG
-- Set toON
to find or fetch the TTG library. [Default=OFF].TA_SIGNED_1INDEX_TYPE
-- Set toOFF
to use unsigned 1-index coordinate type (default for TiledArray 1.0.0-alpha.2 and older). The default isON
, which enables the use of negative indices in coordinates.TA_MAX_SOO_RANK_METADATA
-- Specifies the maximum rank for which to use Small Object Optimization (hence, avoid the use of the heap) for metadata. The default is8
-- Set toON
to profile host memory allocations used by TA::Tensor. This causes the use of Umpire for host memory allocation. This also enables additional tracing facilities provided by Umpire; these can be controlled via environment variableUMPIRE_LOG_LEVEL
, but note that the default is to log Umpire info into a file rather than stdout.TA_TENSOR_MEM_TRACE
-- Set toON
to trace host memory allocations used by TA::Tensor. This turns on support for tracking memory used byTensor
objects; such tracking must be enabled programmatically. This can greatly increase memory consumption by the application and is only intended for expert developers troubleshooting memory use by TiledArray.TA_UT_CTEST_TIMEOUT
-- The value (in seconds) of the timeout to use for running the TA unit tests via CTest when building thecheck
targets. The default timeout is 1500s.IntelMKL_FAIR_DISPATCH
-- If want to use Intel MKL library on non-Intel (e.g., AMD) CPUs, set toON
to use fair kernel dispatch. [Default=OFF].
$ cmake --build .
(optional) $ cmake --build . --target check
$ cmake --build . --target install