A full downloadable excel document can be found here.
Please note these results are a .xlsx file and will require excel, google docs, or a compatible program to open the file.
> As a **user**, I want to be able to navigate through the whole site smoothly.
Tests Covering story:
- TC008
- TC010
- TC011
- TCO12
- TC015
As a user, I want to understand the purpose of the site upon loading it.
Tests Covering story:
- TC015
As a user, I want the website to be responsive so that I can view the web pages
from my mobile, tablet, or desktop.
Tests Covering story:
- TC007
As a user, I want to be able to return to the main site without having to use the browser buttons
so that I can easily return to the website if I navigate to a page that does not exist.
Tests Covering story:
- TC008
- TC010
- TC011
- TCO12
- TC013
- TC014
- TC015
As a user, I want to be able to contact the site owner.
Tests Covering story:
- TC009
- TC019
As a user, I want to be able to view a list of products so that I can select some to purchase.
Tests Covering story:
- TC020
As a user, I want to be able to view individual product details so that I can identify the price,
description, and product image.
Tests Covering story:
- TC020
- TC022
As a user, I want to be able to access a blog.
Tests Covering story:
- TC021
As a user, I want to be able to easily register for an account so that I can have a
personal account and be able to view my profile.
Tests Covering story:
- TC017
As a user, I want to be able to easily log in or log out so that I can access
my personal account information.
Tests Covering story:
- TC016
- TC018
As a user, I want to be able to easily recover my password in case I forget it so
that I can recover access to my account.
Tests Covering story:
- TC016
As a user, I want to be able to receive an email confirmation after registering so that
I can verify that my account registration was successful.
Tests Covering story:
- TC017
As a user, I want to be able to have a personalized user profile so that I can view my
personal order history and order confirmation.
Tests Covering story:
- TC008
- TC010
- TC011
As a user, I want to be able to sort the list of available products so that I can easily
identify the best-priced and categorically sorted products.
Tests Covering story:
- TC020
As a user, I want to be able to sort a specific category of product so that I can find the
best-priced product in a specific category, or sort the products in that category by name.
Tests Covering story:
- TC020
As a user, I want to be able to search for a product by name or description so that I can
find a specific product I would like to purchase.
Tests Covering story:
- TC020
As a user, I want to be able to easily see what I have searched for and the number of results
so that I can quickly decide whether the product I want is available.
Tests Covering story:
- TC020
As a user, I want to be able to easily select the quantity of a product when purchasing.
Tests Covering story:
- TC020
- TC022
As a user, I want to be able to view items in my bag to be purchased.
Tests Covering story:
- TC022
As a user, I want to be able to easily enter my payment information so that I can check out quickly.
Tests Covering story:
- TC023
- TC024
- TC025
- TC026
As a user, I want to have my personal and payment information safe and secure.
Tests Covering story:
- TC023
- TC024
- TC025
- TC026
As a user, I want to be able to view an order confirmation after checkout.
Tests Covering story:
- TC026
As a user, I want to be able to receive an email confirmation after checking out with order confirmation.
Tests Covering story:
- TC024
- TC026
As a site owner, I want to be able to add products to the store.
Tests Covering story:
- TC020
As a site owner, I want to be able to edit/update a product.
Tests Covering story:
- TC020
As a site owner I want to be able to remove products.
Tests Covering story:
- TC020
As a site owner I want to be able to edit/update a blog post.
Tests Covering story:
- TC021
As a site owner I want to be able to delete a blog post
Tests Covering story:
- TC021
Checked console for payment and getting:
1.Uncaught IntegrationError: Please call Stripe() with your publishable key. You used an empty string. at Yr ((index):1:186232) at new e ((index):1:254579) at dc ((index):1:284719) at stripe_elements.js:9:16
Resolution: Removed the stripe_elements.js file on checkout_success template.
Issue: Issue not getting verification email or order confirmation email.
Resolution: Removed DEVELOPMENT variable in Heroku.
Issue: Issue not getting verification email or order confirmation email another time.
Resolution: It was the gmail accounts app security that had been disabled. Went through the process of getting it restarted, and added new password to Heroku.
Issue: Not being automatically filled in with user info if they are logged in.
Resolution: Assistance from tutor support on this one, tried a couple of things before adding this to contact view:
if request.user.is_authenticated:
contact_form = ContactForm(initial={
'full_name': request.user.username,
'email': request.user.email,
Issue: Issue not getting the footer to stick to the bottom.
Resolution: Added d-flex flex-column h-100 to body in htm customized from: https://radu.link/make-footer-stay-bottom-page-bootstrap/
And added a empty row and col to not let footer cover to much of the front-page.
Issue: Being able to write in your own quantity and go beyond the limit.
Resolution: Added this to the quantity javascript: $("[type='number']").keypress(function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); });