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update curl version to 8.4.0 #3868

update curl version to 8.4.0

update curl version to 8.4.0 #3868

Workflow file for this run

name: build
- master
kphp_root_dir: /home/kitten/kphp
kphp_polyfills_dir: /home/kitten/kphp/kphp-polyfills
kphp_build_dir: /home/kitten/kphp/build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- os: buster # old curl
compiler: g++
cpp: 17
asan: off
ubsan: off
- os: focal # new curl
compiler: clang++
cpp: 17
asan: off
ubsan: on
# - os: focal
# compiler: g++-10
# cpp: 20
# asan: on
# ubsan: off
# - os: jammy
# compiler: g++
# cpp: 20
# asan: on
# ubsan: off
name: "${{matrix.os}}/${{matrix.compiler}}/c++${{matrix.cpp}}/asan=${{matrix.asan}}/ubsan=${{matrix.ubsan}}"
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Get polyfills repo
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: 'VKCOM/kphp-polyfills'
path: 'kphp-polyfills'
- name: Cache docker image
uses: actions/cache@v3
id: docker-image-cache
path: kphp-build-env-${{matrix.os}}.tar
key: docker-image-cache-${{matrix.os}}-${{ hashFiles('.github/workflows/Dockerfile.*', 'tests/python/requirements.txt') }}
- name: Build and save docker image
if: steps.docker-image-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
docker build -f $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/.github/workflows/Dockerfile.${{matrix.os}} $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -t kphp-build-img-${{matrix.os}}
docker save --output kphp-build-env-${{matrix.os}}.tar kphp-build-img-${{matrix.os}}
- name: Load docker image from cache
if: steps.docker-image-cache.outputs.cache-hit == 'true'
run: docker load --input kphp-build-env-${{matrix.os}}.tar
- name: Start docker container
run: |
docker run -dt --name kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}} kphp-build-img-${{matrix.os}}
docker cp $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/. kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}}:${{env.kphp_root_dir}}
- name: Add git safe directory
run: docker exec kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}} bash -c
"git config --global --add ${{env.kphp_root_dir}}"
- name: Build all
run: docker exec kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}} bash -c
"cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${{matrix.compiler}} -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=${{matrix.cpp}} -DADDRESS_SANITIZER=${{matrix.asan}} -DUNDEFINED_SANITIZER=${{matrix.ubsan}} -DPDO_DRIVER_MYSQL=ON -DPDO_DRIVER_PGSQL=ON -DPDO_LIBS_STATIC_LINKING=ON -S ${{env.kphp_root_dir}} -B ${{env.kphp_build_dir}} && make -C ${{env.kphp_build_dir}} -j$(nproc) all"
- name: Run unit tests
run: docker exec kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}} bash -c
"make -C ${{env.kphp_build_dir}} -j$(nproc) test"
- name: Compile test
run: docker exec kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}} bash -c
"chown -R kitten ${{env.kphp_root_dir}} && cd ${{env.kphp_root_dir}} && ${{env.kphp_root_dir}}/objs/bin/kphp2cpp --cxx ${{matrix.compiler}} test.php && kphp_out/server -o --user kitten"
- name: Compile test2
run: docker exec kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}} bash -c
"chown -R kitten ${{env.kphp_root_dir}} && cd ${{env.kphp_root_dir}} && ${{env.kphp_root_dir}}/objs/bin/kphp2cpp --cxx ${{matrix.compiler}} test2.php && kphp_out/server -o --user kitten"
- name: Compile test3
run: docker exec kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}} bash -c
"chown -R kitten ${{env.kphp_root_dir}} && cd ${{env.kphp_root_dir}} && ${{env.kphp_root_dir}}/objs/bin/kphp2cpp --cxx ${{matrix.compiler}} test3.php && kphp_out/server -o --user kitten"
- name: Compile test4
run: docker exec kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}} bash -c
"chown -R kitten ${{env.kphp_root_dir}} && cd ${{env.kphp_root_dir}} && ${{env.kphp_root_dir}}/objs/bin/kphp2cpp --cxx ${{matrix.compiler}} test4.php && kphp_out/server -o --user kitten"
- name: Polyfills composer install
run: docker exec kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}} bash -c
"composer install -d ${{env.kphp_polyfills_dir}}"
- name: Run python tests
id: python_tests
continue-on-error: true
run: docker exec kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}} bash -c
"chown -R kitten /home && su kitten -c 'GITHUB_ACTIONS=1 KPHP_TESTS_POLYFILLS_REPO=${{env.kphp_polyfills_dir}} KPHP_CXX=${{matrix.compiler}} python3.7 -m pytest --tb=native -n$(nproc) ${{env.kphp_root_dir}}/tests/python/'"
- name: Prepare python tests artifacts
if: steps.python_tests.outcome == 'failure'
run: docker cp kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}}:${{env.kphp_root_dir}}/tests/python/_tmp/ ${{runner.temp}} &&
rm -rf ${{runner.temp}}/_tmp/*/working_dir
- name: Upload python tests artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
if: steps.python_tests.outcome == 'failure'
path: ${{runner.temp}}/_tmp/
- name: Fail pipeline if python tests failed
if: steps.python_tests.outcome == 'failure'
run: exit 1
- name: Remove docker container
run: docker rm -f kphp-build-container-${{matrix.os}}
# build-macos:
# runs-on: ${{matrix.os}}-12
# strategy:
# matrix:
# include:
# - os: macos
# compiler: clang++
# cpp: 17
# name: "${{matrix.os}}/${{matrix.compiler}}/c++${{matrix.cpp}}"
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# # because of
# - name: Check Environment
# run: |
# brew untap --force homebrew/cask
# - name: Setup Environment
# run: |
# brew tap shivammathur/php
# brew update
# brew install re2c cmake coreutils openssl libiconv re2 pcre yaml-cpp zstd googletest shivammathur/php/php@7.4 python@3.12
# brew link --overwrite --force shivammathur/php/php@7.4
# /usr/local/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/bin/python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip --break-system-packages && /usr/local/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/bin/pip3 install jsonschema install --break-system-packages jsonschema
# - name: Run cmake
# run: cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${{matrix.compiler}} -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=${{matrix.cpp}} -DDOWNLOAD_MISSING_LIBRARIES=On -S $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -B ${{runner.workspace}}/build
# - name: Build all
# run: make -C ${{runner.workspace}}/build -j$(nproc) all
# - name: Run unit tests
# run: make -C ${{runner.workspace}}/build -j$(nproc) test
# - name: Compile dummy PHP script
# working-directory: ${{runner.workspace}}/build
# run: |
# echo 'hello world' > demo.php
# $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/objs/bin/kphp2cpp --cxx ${{matrix.compiler}} demo.php
# kphp_out/server -o