This is a full-stack hotel website where users can book rooms, send queries to the admin or hotel owner, and login or register. The admin can handle users, bookings, rooms, read queries, and manage the hotel.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Swiper.js, JavaScript
- Backend: PHP
- Database: MySQL
- User Management: Users can register, login, and update their profiles.
- Booking System: Users can book rooms and view their booking history.
- Query System: Users can send queries to the admin or hotel owner.
- Admin Panel: Admin can manage users, bookings, rooms, and read queries.
- Responsive Design: The website is responsive and works on all devices.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Start your local server (e.g., XAMPP, WAMP).
Import the database: Open phpMyAdmin and create a new database called hbwebsite. and make tables used in this project
Set up environment variables:Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:
DB_HOST=localhost DB_USER=root DB_PASS= DB_NAME=hbwebsite
Start the development server.
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost/hbwebsite to view the website.
- Register as a new user or login if you already have an account.
- Browse available rooms and select the one you want to book.
- Fill in the booking details and confirm your booking.
- Send queries to the admin or hotel owner through the query form.
- Admin can manage users, bookings, rooms, and read queries from the admin panel.
- Vishal (@vishal-038)