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Spring cleanup

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@davidp57 davidp57 released this 11 May 11:45
· 261 commits to master since this release

Lots of changes and new things in this release:

  • added SLMOD commands to the chat (-veaf login, -veaf logout, etc.)
  • hardened the defenses on airbases (used SA6s and Hawks)
  • removed forced INS alignment on M2K ; made all configurations the same in all M2K
  • removed all the static assets on the Tarawa
  • modified the time and weather configurations
  • Tarawa and Stennis are stationary to work around the infamous "slide on deck" bug
  • removed the ATIS towers
  • managed helicopters (removed airport FARPS, reset helo positions and count, set correct pilot names for CTLD)
  • halfed all the escorts
  • corrected the assets frequencies to make them match the freqplan
  • removed a few things to prune the radio menu
  • tuned the Battle for Beslan mission
  • added Mirage 2000C fighters, both Hot and Cold on Gudauta and Tbilissi
  • "airquake" fighters are now separated by 35 nm.
  • correction to the MOVE menu (was empty)
  • removed Moose:PSEUDOATC and Moose:SCORING (radio menu on diet)
  • added 4 MinVody CAP combat missions
  • corrected the Bombers training mission (and set bombers to fly straight)
  • updated build process to the new system (corrected)
  • removed ATIS and the radio relays (clients were getting "packet too big" errors in the dcs log)
  • carrier operations are not planned at mission start
  • changed the F/A-18C groups so they contain a single aircraft.
  • changed the weather in 1700-broken (less wind)
  • set the default skin of all the F/A-18C to Perka's 14.735 VEAF