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undeSErved trust

This is the repository accompanying the "undeSErVed trust: Exploiting Permutation-Agnostic Remote Attestation" paper published at WOOT21. For more information on the paper check out our Paper Website. As some parts of the attack in the paper depend on the exact binary layout of a binary, reproducing the results from scratch, and therefore adapting the attack to a new binary, is a bit tedious. Thus we decided to also provide prebuilt binaries to make it easier to get started. Be aware that this repository uses submodules.

You can find the permanently archived version submitted to the artifact evaluation under


This repository contains modified versions of four major software projects required to start up a SEV VM with full disk encryption: the KVM module in the Linux kernel, QEMU, OVMF and GRUB. The KVM module offers hardware accelerated virtualization services which are orchestrated by QEMU. OVMF is the initial piece of software that is running in the virtual machine. Finally GRUB takes care of the full disk encryption (in the early boot stage). See Section 6 in the paper for a more detailed description.

The remainder of this repository are tools required performing the attestation/secret injection process of SEV VMs.


Under Ubuntu, you can use apt-get build-dep <package name> to install the build dependencies for a package, once you enabled the src-repositories.

Reproducing the attack using prebuilt binaries

  • Download the latest release from this Github repository. You will need the following files from it:
all vm-image.part files
  1. Install provided kernel binaries from kernel-packages
  2. Boot into the kernel with the kvm_amd.sev=1 kernel parameter. Under Ubuntu you can e.g. achieve this by adding it to to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub and performing sudo update-grub2 (after installing the packages)
  3. Follow the QEMU section to install QEMU
  4. Follow Launching the attack to start the attack. You can use the provided VM image or follow the instructions at to build your own.

Reproducing the results from scratch

This section describes how to perform the attack building everything from scratch.

Linux Kernel

We implemented our attack directly in the Linux Kernel. The modified source code is provided under undeserved-trust-kernel (submodule). You could also use the provided binary packages and only rebuild the KVM module from source in the later parts of this readme.


Execute the or script in undeserved-trust-qemu. Under Ubuntu you can install the build dependencies as follows:

  1. Execute sudo apt install build-essential ninja-build git
  2. Enable deb-src entries in /etc/apt/sources.lst and execute sudo apt update
  3. Execute sudo apt build-dep qemu-system-x86 to install dependencies.


As described in the paper, GRUB needs to be modified in order to pickup the disk encryption key from a location in memory that is provided to it by OVMF. The directory grub/orig-patches contains the patches to enable this. As the GRUB version coming with Ubuntu does not support luks2 we created a version of the patches without the luks2 specific changes in grub/without-luks2-for-ubuntu-grub. The plain upstream GRUB version is missing some parts for booting the Linux OS. Thus we recommend to use the grub source provided by your distribution (Ubuntu in our case). The folder grub/ubuntu-grub-src contains a copy of the version we used but you can also download your own version. The following describes how to build the src package provided by Ubuntu but should work for any deb based src package.

  1. Copy the files from grub/without-luks2-for-ubuntu-grub to the debian/patches in the GRUB src folder.
  2. Add

at the end of debian/patches/series to include the patches in the build process

  1. Test that everything applies correctly with quilt push -a
  2. Build Deb packages with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck debuild -b -uc -us (without the nocheck you have endure the horribly slow unit testing)
  3. Extract the content of the deb package grub-efi-amd64-bin_<version>.deb with dpkg -x <package> <target dir>. All other .deb packages are not required. We will denote the path to the extracted content as GRUB_DIR and use it when building OVMF.


Our attack depends on the exact binary layout of the OVMF image. In the attack scenario this is not a problem, as the image is always known to the attacker. However, our current workflow for adapting the attack to a new OVMF image requires some manual fiddling. In the following we will describe our current workflow. For reproducing we would advise to use the provided OVMF image, for which we already prepared the attack.

Note that the code in undeserved-trust-ovmf (submodule) contains the following additional print statement in the function SecCoreStartupWithStack at OvmfPKg/Sec/SecMain.c:920

    "Vaddr FindAndReportEntryPoints %p\n",

We added it to easily get the virtual address of the area where we wanted to place our attack. This could also be achieved by more extensive analysis of the binary.

  1. Edit OvmfPkg/AmdSev/Grub/ and change the value of of the -d parameter of mkimage to GRUB_DIR/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi (see GRUB_DIR in GRUB section).
  2. Run OvmfPkg/AmdSev/Grub/ to prepare the GRUB image for use by OVMF
  3. Build OVMF using the (top level of OVMF folder). For the next step we will need the resulting OVMF image ./DEBUG_GCC5/FV/OVMF.fd

Find OVMF Blocks for Stage 1 attack

Start the OVMF in QEMU and use GDB to break at the address of the targeted area (address given by the print statement of the previous step).

Use UEFITool to extract the PE32 image section out of the OVMF image OVMF.fd. Use the assembly instructions displayed with GDB to locate the position of the code in the extracted binary using IDA. This also gives you the "binary offset" to "address at runtime" mapping. (this mapping is constant / does not change for different runs).

Next, search for an instruction (in the targeted code area) that starts at a 16-byte aligned address. This will be the starting point of the attack.

Use the gomov tool (see binary release package) on the OVMF image to find the blocks required for the gadget displayed in Figure 3 of the paper. You may not find the exact instructions we used. However, there are many ways to replicate this gadget. Make sure all your blocks are distinct (you cannot use the same block twice, as we do not copy the data but swap the data of two locations). Also, especially for the cpuid instruction, you may encounter crashes in the next steps if the code blocks you choose are needed to progress to the point of the attack in OVMF binary.

Edit launch_attack_config in undeserved-trust-kernel/arch/x86/kvm/launch-attack.c in the Linux. as follows:

  • Enter the offsets of your blocks in the OVMF image to stage1_block_offsets
  • Enter the offset of the targeted location in the OVMF image to launch_attack_config.target_block

Edit Kernel attack code for Stage 2

Use ROPgadget to find the addresses used for the Stage 2 from Figure 4. Then edit launch_attack_config in kernel-src/arch/x86/kvm/launch-attack.c.

For our OVMF binary the address of the shared GHCB page, that we use for leaking the key, is 0x809000. If you use another binary this might vary. You could modify the kernel to print the address for you (in a function with access to an VKM or vcpu/svm struct it's under svm->vmcb->control.ghcb_gpa)

To get the correct timing for manipulating the cpuid values, the attack code needs the number of cpuid calls performed before the execution of the injected cpuid call. Getting this information is a bit messy, as the call count varies between sev-es, plain sev and plain runs of the VM. Thus, we cannot easily use a debugger to get this information. Instead, we added a print statement to the kernels cpuid emulation and edited the OVMF image so that it executes a hlt instruction at the point where the injected cpuid instruction would be. Using the added print statement this gives you the right call count. Enter it in target_cpuid_call_count

After editing, rebuild and reload the kvm module with the in the kernel source directory.

Preparing the disk image for the VM

You can either use the provided image disk.img or follow the manual at [ ]

Launching the attack

To start using the SEV-ES VM you need to prepare something called the launch blob, which contains the public Diffie-Hellman key of the guest owner.

  • Install dependencies for sev-tool: sudo apt install libssl-dev libvirt-dev uuid-dev
  • Compile sev-tool with: autoreconf -vif && ./configure && make
  • execute the following commands
    sudo ./sevtool --pdh_cert_export && sudo ./sevtool --generate_launch_blob 0x5
    cat godh.cert | base64 | sudo tee godh.base64
    cat launch_blob.bin | base64 | sudo tee  launch_blob.base64
  • Edit the Variables at the start of (use the base64 version of the launch blob and the godh) and run it, to start the VM. The VM will wait for the secret injection, which will be done in the next step.
  • Edit the --tiktek-file param in to point to the tiktek file generated with sev-tool. Afterwards, start which will check the launch measurement and provide the secret. You may need to issue pip3 install Crypto pycryptodome to install its dependencies. If you are using a custom OVMF image, edit the hash value in To calculate it use cat <ovmf image> <vmsa.bin> > outfile.bin ; sha256sum outfile.bin.
  • If everything worked, the VM will print out some lines ending with Vaddr FindAndReportEntryPoints and halt (observable by the low cpu usage). This means everything worked. To read out the secret from the shared page you can use the QEMU console. Use telnet localhost 5555 to connect and then enter xp /47bx 0x809130 to dump the content of the shared page to which the secret was leaked. You can check it by getting the hex representation of the launched password via echo -n <password> | od -A n -t x1 in order to check that it is part of the dump.

You may now do your happy dance