This project is a Node.js backend server that provides APIs and real-time updates for a admin panel and customer pages for the TV Networks APP. related to a system managing users, programs, channels, etc.
It uses Node.js/Express.js, Prisma with PostgreSQL database, Socket.IO for real-time notifications and JWT, etc.
Clone the repository
Install dependencies
Configure the database
Create a .env file in the root of the project with the following content: DATABASE_URL="postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/mydatabase"
Generate Prisma Client
Run database migrations
Start the server
The server will run on http://localhost:5000.
/routes/dashboard - Retrieves the data for the dashboard charts. /routes/programs - Manges CRUD operations related programs. /routes/channels - Manges CRUD operations related channels. /routes/auth - Handles user registration and login.
database-changed - Emitted when there is a change in the database to notify the frontend.
Project Structure src/ - Contains the source code. controllers/ - Contains the request handlers. routes/ - Contains the API routes. middleware/ - Middlewares for input validation, authentication and authorization. prisma/ - Contains Prisma schema and migration files. app.ts - The entry point of the application.