Welcome to the Ustad Mobile Cloud Portal for statistics, analytical Course Management System. Code Named- UMCloudDj This project is based on Django 1.6 and integrates ADL_LRS for more robust reporting along with CMS concepts inspired by Ustad Mobile platform's usage.
Note: this repo itself is not enough to run the server. Follow the steps and it should co-operate on an Ubuntu fresh machine.
To run the server,
There are two ways: Step by step or by the script
The UstadMobile Cloud Server or: UMCloudDj runs on Django and uses ADL NET's LRS Django server built in.
Steps to set up UMCloudDj on your system.
Install dependencies in your Linux environment (Tested in Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi2)
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get install -y screen libjpeg-dev apache2 python python-pip python-virtualenv tree git sqlite3 build-essential unzip ant git fabric postgresql python-setuptools postgresql-server-dev-all python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libpq-dev python-pip
sudo apt-get install -y python-pygraphviz
Install Python dependencies
sudo pip install virtualenv Django==1.6.6 requests coverage Image django_extensions gunicorn==0.14.2 pytz==2012c supervisor==3.0a12 oauth2==1.5.170 bencode==1.0 psycopg2==2.5 isodate==0.4.9 python-dateutil==1.5 unipath==1.0 pycrypto==2.5 lxml==2.3.4 jsonfield==0.9.19 graphviz simplejson phonenumbers
sudo apt-get install -y python-pygraphviz
2b. Sometimes we may need to set this (not crutial):
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_TYPE=en_US.UTF-8
Clone both UMCloudDj as well as modified LRS server:
git clone https://github.com/UstadMobile/UMCloudDj-Code.git UMCloudDj git clone https://github.com/varunasingh/ADL_LRS.git ADL_LRS_VS
Copy the ADL LRS into UMCloudDj
cp -r ADL_LRS_VS/lrs UMCloudDj/ cp -r ADL_LRS_VS/oauth_provider UMCloudDj/ cp -r ADL_LRS_VS/adl_lrs UMCloudDj/ rm -f UMCloudDj/adl_lrs/settings.py
(You can remove the main ADL_LRS_VS if you want: rm -rf ADL_LRS_VS)
Make log directory in UMCloudDj
cd UMCloudDj mkdir logs
Configure postgres in your system
a. Get version, create postgres cluster based on that version
VER=dpkg -l | grep postgresql- | head -n 1 | awk ' { print $2 }' | awk -F\- '{ print $2 }'
sudo pg_createcluster ${VER} main --start
b.Create postgres user and password !!REPLACE pguser and pgpassword with your postgres username and password!!
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER pguser WITH PASSWORD 'pgpassword';"
- Set up settings.py
a. Copy template to create your own settings.py
cp UMCloudDj/settings.py.edit UMCloudDj/settings.py
b. Edit in your SECRET key
(Remember to remove existing secret keys)
c. Add postgres user and password to settings.py
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'umcdj',
'USER': 'pguser',
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '',
Set up the Database
python manage.py createcachetable cache_statement_list python manage.py createcachetable attachment_cache
python manage.py syncdb --noinput
If success:
9a. Load Super User Data and set up database:
!!REPLACE SUPERUSERNAME and SUPERPASSWORD with your Super admin credenntials that you like!!
echo "from django.contrib.auth.models import User; User.objects.create_superuser('SUPERUSERNAME', 'info@ustadmobile.com', 'SUPERPASSWORD')" | python manage.py shell
9b. Load UMCloud Fixtures (Tables and data needed to start UMCloud)
python manage.py loaddata uploadeXe/fixtures/initial-model-data.json
Set up relationships on fixtures
date +%Y-%m-%d
echo "from uploadeXe.models import User_Roles; User_Roles.objects.create(name='build',user_userid_id=1,role_roleid_id=1,add_date='${DATE2}')" | python manage.py shell echo "from organisation.models import User_Organisations; User_Organisations.objects.create(add_date='${DATE2}',user_userid_id=1,organisation_organisationid_id=1)" | python manage.py shell -
Make file folders necessary for upload functionality
cd UMCloudDj/media/ mkdir eXeExport mkdir eXeUpload mkdir eXeUpload/UPLOAD_CHUNKS mkdir test mkdir eXeTestElp mkdir eXeTestExport
Run the server :
cd ../ python manage.py runserver 0:8042
Go to your browser : localhost:8042 and it should be up and running.
There is a build script within this main repository called: umclouddj-server-development-setup.sh
Get this script to a location where you want the server folder contents to reside : wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UstadMobile/UMCloudDj-Code/master/umclouddj-server-development-setup.sh
You might need to make this script executable:
chmod a+x umclouddj-server-development-setup.sh
Run the script as an example like so:
./umclouddj-server-development-setup.sh "bobtheadmin" "!t$r@|30|3$W0r!|]" "blah" "blah" "secretkey10212wdsda><?:<>!@%" "postgresumcloud" "postgresumcloudpassword" "/path/to/exe.git"(optional)
The usage for this script is:
Usage: .sh <Super username> <password> <wordpress pass> <um pass> <secret key> <postgres user> <postgres password> <exe link>(optional)
Ex: .sh bobtheadmin "!t$r@|30|3$W0r!|]" worddpass umtestpass "secretkey_10212wdsda><?:<>!@%*%$" postgresumcloud "postgresumcloudpassword"
Super username> This will be the super admin of the django projet.
password> Super admin's password
wordpress pass> Internal usage. Set to "blah" (Will be depriciated)
um pass> Internal usage. Set to "blah" or anything else. (Will be depriciated)
secret key> This is a random key that should be secret only to you. Can be long and have special characters. Make sure it is in quotes. This is a django specific secret key. Read more about secret keys in Django's docs.
postgres user> UMCloudDj stored data in postgres. This is the username that will be updated in the project settings. Make your own username and these credentials should not be shared. Admin use.
postgres pass> This is the password for the database that UMCloudDj uses. It will be updated in the projects' settings file.
Once this script runs successfully, cd in to the project directory:
cd UMCloudDj/
and run this command to run the server in development mode.
$ python manage.py runserver
The server will run on over port 8000 or you can specify the port and IP after runserer.
$ python manage.py runserver 0:8004 # runs in 8004 port
The above steps starts the server in development mode (ie: it basically runs over the python command. The ideal way to run a server would be behind apache and wsgi. Steps for this and updates to the build script will be added next.