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Sample tutorial

This document provides a walk-through tutorial for performing model-based testing of a ROS node from a RoboChart component. It may be useful to also read through the documentation in robotest-ros-gen, in addition, to this mini-tutorial.


  • RoboTool installed using the latest release from the robotool repository. If running under Wayland, start Eclipe from the command line ensuring it is running in X11 mode, to avoid potential incompatibilities, by setting the GDK_BACKEND environment variable to X11, that is, by using the command GDK_BACKEND=X11 ./eclipse. Otherwise, start Eclipse normally. To determine whether you're running under Wayland, you can query the value of the environment variable XDG_SESSION_TYPE, for example, by running the command echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE in a terminal.
  • FDR4 installed from For installation and activation of FDR4 on modern Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, follow the instructions in the SLEEC-TK repository.
  • ROS1 (Noetic), for executing the sample node and running the automatically generated tests.

Starting from a RoboChart model

This repository includes a sample RoboTool project with a sample ROS node for exercising the ROS test generator. We recommend that you import this Git repository in RoboTool first, by:

  1. Copy the URL of this project into your clipboard.
  2. Going to File > Import.
  3. Select Git > Project from Git (with smart import), then click Next.
  4. Select Clone URI followed by Next twice.
  5. Select the inner project ros-sample and click Next and finally Finish.


Inspect the model by opening the graphical representation, if you have not already opened it, by clicking, for example, on the main.rct element under RCPackage in the Model explorer, shown on the left.

Generating forbidden traces

For this task first ensure FDR4 is installed and has it license active. To ensure the license has been activated open FDR4 on its own and follow the instructions.

To generate forbidden traces:

  1. Expand the main.rct file, in the Model explorer shown on the left, until the component State Machine Def stm0 shows up.
  2. Right-click on the component, and select RoboTool. You may need to select it twice in order for the additional options to show up.
  3. Select Testgen. You should be asked to select how many events to include in the forbidden traces.
  4. After the generation has completed, a file of the name file_main.rtspec will automatically be re-generated under the folder test-gen. Note that files are overwritten without warning.

Example of trace generation

Exercise 1

Inspect the generated forbidden traces and check you understand their correspondence with the RoboChart model. In particular consider:

  1. Why events carry an in or out parameter.
  2. The correspondence between names in the rtspec file and those in the RoboChart model.

If in doubt, you can use Ctrl followed by a click on an element of the trace. It will open the corresponding event in the RoboChart textual representation of the model.

Exercise 2

Open the file csp-gen/instantiations.csp and change the line core_nat from the default to nametype core_nat = {0..6}. Re-generate the forbidden traces.

  1. Consider how the forbidden traces have changed and ensure you understand why.
  2. Are there values related to the output that are now covered by the list of traces? Consider the definition of core_nat that you changed.

Transforming traces for input to the ROS test generator

To make the traces in a format suitable for the ROS test generator their syntax needs to be converted.

Exercise 1

Open the file test-gen/file_main_target.rtspec. How do the traces differ from test-gen/file_main.rtspec?

Exercise 2

Transform the traces from one format to the other using a built-in transformation. To do this:

  1. Expand the folder utils in the Model explorer.
  2. Right-click on CSPM2RC.launch and select Run as > 1 CSPM2RC.
  3. Some output will be produced on Console and no exceptions should be thrown.

Example of transforming forbidden traces

Inspect the re-generated file in test-gen/file_main_target.rtspec. Consider changing the core_nat value, as before, and (1) re-generating the forbidden traces, followed (2) by the transformation. Ensure you understand the traces.

Generating tests for ROS

To generate a test driver for ROS, a rostest configuration needs to be specified via one or more files. For this sample, these have already been created in the folder ros.

Exercise 1

Expand the folder ros and inspect the file map.rostest and sample.rostest. The file map.rostest defines a mapping between the ROS node sample and the RoboChart component stm0. Inspect both files and use Ctrl + click as before to inspect the elements of the configuration.

Exercise 2

To trigger generation of the ROS test code, you can make a small change to the file, e.g. adding white text and saving it. It will automatically regenerate code under the folder catkin_ws/src/ros-gen. Inspect the automatically generated code. In particular focus on:

  1. The main source file for a test, such as catkin_ws/src/ros-gen/map/tests/mm_suite/t0/src/main.cpp.
  2. The user-configurable file for the test suite under catkin_ws/src/ros-gen/map/mm_suite/usr/events.cpp. For this analysis it may be useful to look at the definition of ROS messages under catkin_ws/src/sample/msg.

Exercise 3

Inspect the Python code for the sample node under catkin_ws/src/sample/src/ Consult the ROS wiki if needed to understand the basic concepts of a publisher/subscriber node.

Exercise 4

Install ROS (ideally Noetic under Ubuntu 20.04) and configure the catkin_ws as the ROS workspace:

  1. Open a terminal in that folder and type (or similar): source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash, followed by catkin_make. There should be no errors or warning after running this command.
  2. Then type source devel/setup.bash.
  3. Finally run rostest map_mm_suite map.test.

Examine the output results and check which traces fail. Can you understand why they fail when looking at the program? Can you fix the code, bearing in mind the source RoboChart model? Rerun the tests whenever you make changes to the sample

Exercise 5

Write a new node or expand the RoboChart model and enrich your implementation to handle more topics.