SSRC_SleepStatistics - Documentation and Code for generating Sleep statistics used at the Surrey Sleep Research Centre
SSRC_SleepStatistics Copyright (C) 2024 Kiran K G Ravindran and contributors. Refer to the License.txt for more details.
This repository contains the documentation and matlab scripts for generating the SSRC Polysomnography sleep statistics. The complete list of the sleep statistics and the corresponding definitions can be found in the "Polysomnography Data Extraction and Analysis Specification" document. The Code and its description can be found in the src folder
Matlab 2021 or above
The example data for the Marker and Hypnograms txt files can be found in: exampledata
The data format matches the export file formats of Somnomedics PSG analysis software - Domino v3.
- Prof. Derk-Jan Dijk, Surrey Sleep Research Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
- Dr. Ciro della Monica, Surrey Sleep Research Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
- Marta Messina Pineda, Surrey Sleep Research Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
- Lucinda Granger, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK [Creator of Legacy software against which the SSRC_SleepStatistics was evaluated]
- Revell VL, della Monica C, Mendis J, Hassanin H, Halter RJ, Chaplan SR, Dijk DJ., "Effects of the selective orexin-2 receptor antagonist JNJ-48816274 on sleep initiated in the circadian wake maintenance zone: a randomised trial", Neuropsychopharmacology, 2022. (DOI:
- Kiran K G Ravindran, C. della Monica, G. Atzori, D. Lambert, H. Hassanin, V. Revell, and D.-J. Dijk, “Three Contactless Sleep Trackers Compared with Polysomnography and Actigraphy in a Heterogenous Group of Older Men and Women in a Model of Mild Sleep Disturbance”, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2023. (DOI:
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