diff --git a/.yamato/osx_metal-hdrp-2020.3.yml b/.yamato/osx_metal-hdrp-2020.3.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..180d83b2a --- /dev/null +++ b/.yamato/osx_metal-hdrp-2020.3.yml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +# +# +# +test_projects: + - name: HdrpGraphicsTest-2020.3 +unity_versions: + - name: 2020.3 + - name: 2021.1 +--- +{% for test_project in test_projects %} +{% for unity_version in unity_versions %} +{{ test_project.name }}_OSX_Metal_playmode_mono_Linear_{{ unity_version.name }}: + name: {{ test_project.name }} on OSX_Metal_playmode_mono_Linear on version {{ unity_version.name }} + agent: + type: Unity::metal::macmini + image: slough-ops/macos-10.14-xcode:stable + flavor: m1.mac + variables: + UPM_REGISTRY: https://artifactory-slo.bf.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-candidates + commands: + - curl -s https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/unity-tools-local/utr-standalone/utr --output TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/utr + - chmod +x TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/utr + - ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP "bash -lc 'pip3 install unity-downloader-cli --user --index-url https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple --upgrade'" + - scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -r $YAMATO_SOURCE_DIR bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP:~/com.unity.toonshader + - scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP:~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini + - ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP '$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin/unity-downloader-cli --source-file ~/com.unity.toonshader/unity_revision_{{ unity_version.name }}.txt -c editor -c il2cpp --wait --published-only' + - |5- + + ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP "export UPM_REGISTRY=https://artifactory-slo.bf.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-candidates; echo \$UPM_REGISTRY; cd ~/com.unity.toonshader/TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }} && ~/com.unity.toonshader/TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/utr --artifacts_path=/Users/bokken/com.unity.toonshader/TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/test-results --editor-location=/Users/bokken/.Editor --extra-editor-arg="-colorspace=Linear" --reruncount=2 --scripting-backend=Mono2x --suite=playmode --testproject=/Users/bokken/com.unity.toonshader/TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}" + UTR_RESULT=$? + mkdir -p TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/test-results/ + scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -r bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP:/Users/bokken/com.unity.toonshader/TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/test-results/ TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/test-results/ + exit $UTR_RESULT + triggers: + branches: + only: + - "/.*/" + artifacts: + logs: + paths: + - "**/test-results/**" + - "TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/Logs/*.log" + dependencies: + - path: .yamato/_editor.yml#editor:priming:{{ unity_version.name }}:macos + rerun: on-new-revision +{% endfor %} +{% endfor %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.yamato/osx_metal-hdrp-2021.2.yml b/.yamato/osx_metal-hdrp-2021.2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7dd2984b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.yamato/osx_metal-hdrp-2021.2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# +# +# +test_projects: + - name: HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2 +unity_versions: + - name: 2021.2 +--- +{% for test_project in test_projects %} +{% for unity_version in unity_versions %} +{{ test_project.name }}_OSX_Metal_playmode_mono_Linear_{{ unity_version.name }}: + name: {{ test_project.name }} on OSX_Metal_playmode_mono_Linear on version {{ unity_version.name }} + agent: + type: Unity::metal::macmini + image: slough-ops/macos-10.14-xcode:stable + flavor: m1.mac + variables: + UPM_REGISTRY: https://artifactory-slo.bf.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-candidates + commands: + - curl -s https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/unity-tools-local/utr-standalone/utr --output TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/utr + - chmod +x TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/utr + - ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP "bash -lc 'pip3 install unity-downloader-cli --user --index-url https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple --upgrade'" + - scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -r $YAMATO_SOURCE_DIR bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP:~/com.unity.toonshader + - scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP:~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini + - ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP '$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin/unity-downloader-cli --source-file ~/com.unity.toonshader/unity_revision_{{ unity_version.name }}.txt -c editor -c il2cpp --wait --published-only' + - |5- + + ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP "export UPM_REGISTRY=https://artifactory-slo.bf.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-candidates; echo \$UPM_REGISTRY; cd ~/com.unity.toonshader/TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }} && ~/com.unity.toonshader/TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/utr --artifacts_path=/Users/bokken/com.unity.toonshader/TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/test-results --editor-location=/Users/bokken/.Editor --extra-editor-arg="-colorspace=Linear" --reruncount=2 --scripting-backend=Mono2x --suite=playmode --testproject=/Users/bokken/com.unity.toonshader/TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}" + UTR_RESULT=$? + mkdir -p TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/test-results/ + scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_macmini -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -r bokken@$BOKKEN_DEVICE_IP:/Users/bokken/com.unity.toonshader/TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/test-results/ TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/test-results/ + exit $UTR_RESULT + triggers: + branches: + only: + - "/.*/" + artifacts: + logs: + paths: + - "**/test-results/**" + - "TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/Logs/*.log" + dependencies: + - path: .yamato/_editor.yml#editor:priming:{{ unity_version.name }}:macos + rerun: on-new-revision +{% endfor %} +{% endfor %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.yamato/win_dx12-hdrp-2021.2.yml b/.yamato/win_dx12-hdrp-2021.2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54011f8dc --- /dev/null +++ b/.yamato/win_dx12-hdrp-2021.2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# +# +# +test_projects: + - name: HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2 +unity_versions: + - name: 2021.2 +--- +{% for test_project in test_projects %} +{% for unity_version in unity_versions %} +{{ test_project.name }}_Win_DX12_playmode_{{ unity_version.name }}: + name: {{ test_project.name }} on Win_DX11_playmode on version {{ unity_version.name }} + agent: + type: Unity::VM::GPU + image: graphics-foundation/win10-dxr:stable + flavor: b1.xlarge + model: rtx2080 + variables: + UPM_REGISTRY: https://artifactory-slo.bf.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-candidates + dependencies: + - path: .yamato/_editor.yml#editor:priming:{{ unity_version.name }}:windows + rerun: on-new-revision + commands: + - curl -s https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/unity-tools-local/utr-standalone/utr.bat --output TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/utr.bat + - pip install unity-downloader-cli --index-url https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple --upgrade + - cd TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }} && unity-downloader-cli --source-file ../../unity_revision_{{ unity_version.name }}.txt -c editor -c il2cpp --wait --published-only + - cd TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }} && utr --suite=playmode --testproject=. --editor-location=.Editor --artifacts_path=test-results + timeout: 360000 + retries: 1 + triggers: + branches: + only: + - "/.*/" + artifacts: + logs: + paths: + - "**/test-results/**" +{% endfor %} +{% endfor %} diff --git a/.yamato/win_vulkan-hdrp-2021.2.yml b/.yamato/win_vulkan-hdrp-2021.2.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e7df2b2f --- /dev/null +++ b/.yamato/win_vulkan-hdrp-2021.2.yml @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# +# +# +test_projects: + - name: HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2 +unity_versions: + - name: 2021.2 +--- +{% for test_project in test_projects %} +{% for unity_version in unity_versions %} +{{ test_project.name }}_Win_Vulkan_playmode_{{ unity_version.name }}: + name: {{ test_project.name }} on Win_Vulkan_playmode on version {{ unity_version.name }} + agent: + type: Unity::VM::GPU + image: graphics-foundation/win10-dxr:stable + flavor: b1.xlarge + model: rtx2080 + variables: + UPM_REGISTRY: https://artifactory-slo.bf.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/npm/upm-candidates + dependencies: + - path: .yamato/_editor.yml#editor:priming:{{ unity_version.name }}:windows + rerun: on-new-revision + commands: + - curl -s https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/unity-tools-local/utr-standalone/utr.bat --output TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }}/utr.bat + - pip install unity-downloader-cli --index-url https://artifactory.prd.it.unity3d.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi/simple --upgrade + - cd TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }} && unity-downloader-cli --source-file ../../unity_revision_{{ unity_version.name }}.txt -c editor -c il2cpp --wait --published-only +# - cd TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }} && utr --scripting-backend=Mono2x --suite=playmode --suite=playmode --testproject=. --editor-location=.Editor --artifacts_path=test-results --zero-tests-are-ok=1 + - cd TestProjects/{{ test_project.name }} && utr --suite=playmode --testproject=. --editor-location=.Editor --artifacts_path=test-results + timeout: 360000 + retries: 1 + triggers: + branches: + only: + - "/.*/" + artifacts: + logs: + paths: + - "**/test-results/**" +{% endfor %} +{% endfor %} diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/RP_Assets/HDRenderPipelineAsset_UTS.asset b/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/RP_Assets/HDRenderPipelineAsset_UTS.asset index 081e4f859..c9dcd6b70 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/RP_Assets/HDRenderPipelineAsset_UTS.asset +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/RP_Assets/HDRenderPipelineAsset_UTS.asset @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: - format: 0 sizeInMegaBytes: 128 m_UseRenderGraph: 1 - m_Version: 20 + m_Version: 21 m_ObsoleteFrameSettings: overrides: 0 enableShadow: 0 diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/manifest.json b/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/manifest.json index ceb52c299..cc0de170e 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/manifest.json +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/manifest.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "com.unity.ide.vscode": "1.2.4", "com.unity.package-validation-suite": "0.10.0-preview", "com.unity.raytracedhardshadow": "https://github.com/unity3d-jp/RaytracedHardShadow.git#bbba12aaf3e7c6fb1c198746ef9a0fcf408b79b9", - "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition": "12.0.0", + "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition": "12.1.0", "com.unity.test-framework": "1.1.29", "com.unity.test-framework.build": "0.0.1-preview.14", "com.unity.test-framework.utp-reporter": "1.0.2-preview", diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/packages-lock.json b/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/packages-lock.json index c1abea211..3bc07bbde 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/packages-lock.json +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/packages-lock.json @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ { "dependencies": { "com.unity.addressables": { - "version": "1.18.15", + "version": "1.19.6", "depth": 1, "source": "registry", "dependencies": { - "com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline": "1.19.1", + "com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline": "1.19.2", "com.unity.modules.assetbundle": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.imageconversion": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.jsonserialize": "1.0.0", @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ "url": "https://packages.unity.com" }, "com.unity.mathematics": { - "version": "1.2.1", + "version": "1.2.4", "depth": 1, "source": "registry", "dependencies": {}, @@ -102,16 +102,17 @@ "hash": "bbba12aaf3e7c6fb1c198746ef9a0fcf408b79b9" }, "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": { - "version": "12.0.0", + "version": "12.1.0", "depth": 1, "source": "builtin", "dependencies": { "com.unity.ugui": "1.0.0", - "com.unity.modules.physics": "1.0.0" + "com.unity.modules.physics": "1.0.0", + "com.unity.modules.jsonserialize": "1.0.0" } }, "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition": { - "version": "12.0.0", + "version": "12.1.0", "depth": 0, "source": "builtin", "dependencies": { @@ -121,40 +122,40 @@ "com.unity.modules.animation": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.imageconversion": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.terrain": "1.0.0", - "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.0.0", - "com.unity.shadergraph": "12.0.0", - "com.unity.visualeffectgraph": "12.0.0", - "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition-config": "12.0.0" + "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.1.0", + "com.unity.shadergraph": "12.1.0", + "com.unity.visualeffectgraph": "12.1.0", + "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition-config": "12.1.0" } }, "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition-config": { - "version": "12.0.0", + "version": "12.1.0", "depth": 1, "source": "builtin", "dependencies": { - "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.0.0" + "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.1.0" } }, "com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline": { - "version": "1.19.1", + "version": "1.19.2", "depth": 2, "source": "registry", "dependencies": {}, "url": "https://packages.unity.com" }, "com.unity.searcher": { - "version": "4.8.0", + "version": "4.9.0", "depth": 2, "source": "registry", "dependencies": {}, "url": "https://packages.unity.com" }, "com.unity.shadergraph": { - "version": "12.0.0", + "version": "12.1.0", "depth": 1, "source": "builtin", "dependencies": { - "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.0.0", + "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.1.0", "com.unity.searcher": "4.8.0" } }, @@ -239,12 +240,12 @@ } }, "com.unity.visualeffectgraph": { - "version": "12.0.0", + "version": "12.1.0", "depth": 1, "source": "builtin", "dependencies": { - "com.unity.shadergraph": "12.0.0", - "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.0.0" + "com.unity.shadergraph": "12.1.0", + "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.1.0" } }, "com.unity.xr.legacyinputhelpers": { diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt b/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt index 69eee739b..598728edb 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpDX12GraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -m_EditorVersion: 2021.2.0b13 -m_EditorVersionWithRevision: 2021.2.0b13 (94c1109a0557) +m_EditorVersion: 2021.2.0b16 +m_EditorVersionWithRevision: 2021.2.0b16 (edbc0738c91b) diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/RP_Assets/HDRenderPipelineAsset_UTS.asset b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/RP_Assets/HDRenderPipelineAsset_UTS.asset index 081e4f859..c9dcd6b70 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/RP_Assets/HDRenderPipelineAsset_UTS.asset +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/RP_Assets/HDRenderPipelineAsset_UTS.asset @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: - format: 0 sizeInMegaBytes: 128 m_UseRenderGraph: 1 - m_Version: 20 + m_Version: 21 m_ObsoleteFrameSettings: overrides: 0 enableShadow: 0 diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadows.unity b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadows.unity index 841a67df4..c9a25e925 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadows.unity +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadows.unity @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ RenderSettings: --- !u!157 &3 LightmapSettings: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - serializedVersion: 11 + serializedVersion: 12 m_GIWorkflowMode: 1 m_GISettings: serializedVersion: 2 @@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ LightmapSettings: m_LightProbeSampleCountMultiplier: 4 m_LightingDataAsset: {fileID: 112000000, guid: a4fa9f3e6dc54c3fa08e00a5e48daddb, type: 2} - m_UseShadowmask: 1 + m_LightingSettings: {fileID: 4890085278179872738, guid: 3669eb39c5a48428199d28195a025684, + type: 2} --- !u!196 &4 NavMeshSettings: serializedVersion: 2 @@ -119,6 +120,8 @@ NavMeshSettings: manualTileSize: 0 tileSize: 256 accuratePlacement: 0 + maxJobWorkers: 0 + preserveTilesOutsideBounds: 0 debug: m_Flags: 0 m_NavMeshData: {fileID: 0} @@ -153,6 +156,8 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_EditorClassIdentifier: m_Profile: {fileID: 0} m_StaticLightingSkyUniqueID: 0 + m_StaticLightingCloudsUniqueID: 0 + m_StaticLightingVolumetricClouds: 0 --- !u!4 &82129924 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 @@ -163,6 +168,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_RootOrder: 9 @@ -195,6 +201,7 @@ RectTransform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1496949129} m_RootOrder: 4 @@ -219,6 +226,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_Color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} m_RaycastTarget: 0 + m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_Maskable: 1 m_OnCullStateChanged: m_PersistentCalls: @@ -382,22 +390,16 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 7a68c43fe1f2a47cfa234b5eeaa98012, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_Version: 10 - m_ObsoleteShadowResolutionTier: 1 - m_ObsoleteUseShadowQualitySettings: 0 - m_ObsoleteCustomShadowResolution: 512 - m_ObsoleteContactShadows: 0 - m_PointlightHDType: 0 - m_SpotLightShape: 0 - m_AreaLightShape: 0 m_Intensity: 1 m_EnableSpotReflector: 0 m_LuxAtDistance: 1 m_InnerSpotPercent: 0 + m_SpotIESCutoffPercent: 100 m_LightDimmer: 1 m_VolumetricDimmer: 1 m_LightUnit: 2 m_FadeDistance: 10000 + m_VolumetricFadeDistance: 10000 m_AffectDiffuse: 1 m_AffectSpecular: 1 m_NonLightmappedOnly: 0 @@ -412,6 +414,9 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_ApplyRangeAttenuation: 1 m_DisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh: 0 m_AreaLightCookie: {fileID: 0} + m_IESPoint: {fileID: 0} + m_IESSpot: {fileID: 0} + m_IncludeForRayTracing: 1 m_AreaLightShadowCone: 120 m_UseScreenSpaceShadows: 0 m_InteractsWithSky: 1 @@ -430,6 +435,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_LightShadowRadius: 0.5 m_SemiTransparentShadow: 0 m_ColorShadow: 1 + m_DistanceBasedFiltering: 0 m_EvsmExponent: 15 m_EvsmLightLeakBias: 0 m_EvsmVarianceBias: 0.00001 @@ -460,8 +466,14 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_NormalBias: 0.75 m_SlopeBias: 0.5 m_ShadowUpdateMode: 0 + m_AlwaysDrawDynamicShadows: 0 + m_UpdateShadowOnLightMovement: 0 + m_CachedShadowTranslationThreshold: 0.01 + m_CachedShadowAngularThreshold: 0.5 m_BarnDoorAngle: 90 m_BarnDoorLength: 0.05 + m_preserveCachedShadow: 0 + m_OnDemandShadowRenderOnPlacement: 1 m_ShadowCascadeRatios: - 0.05 - 0.2 @@ -477,10 +489,17 @@ MonoBehaviour: useOldInspector: 0 useVolumetric: 1 featuresFoldout: 1 - showAdditionalSettings: 0 m_AreaLightEmissiveMeshShadowCastingMode: 0 m_AreaLightEmissiveMeshMotionVectorGenerationMode: 0 m_AreaLightEmissiveMeshLayer: -1 + m_Version: 11 + m_ObsoleteShadowResolutionTier: 1 + m_ObsoleteUseShadowQualitySettings: 0 + m_ObsoleteCustomShadowResolution: 512 + m_ObsoleteContactShadows: 0 + m_PointlightHDType: 0 + m_SpotLightShape: 0 + m_AreaLightShape: 0 --- !u!108 &788655091 Light: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -540,6 +559,7 @@ Light: m_UseColorTemperature: 0 m_BoundingSphereOverride: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_UseBoundingSphereOverride: 0 + m_UseViewFrustumForShadowCasterCull: 1 m_ShadowRadius: 0 m_ShadowAngle: 0 --- !u!4 &788655092 @@ -552,6 +572,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.21115284, y: -0.2525593, z: 0.05657822, w: 0.9425642} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -657,6 +678,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_RootOrder: 10 @@ -768,101 +790,6 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: d0ef8dc2c2eabfa4e8cb77be57a837c0, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_HDProbeVersion: 3 - m_ObsoleteInfiniteProjection: 0 - m_ObsoleteInfluenceVolume: - m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_EditorSimplifiedModeBlendDistance: 0 - m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_EditorSimplifiedModeBlendNormalDistance: 0 - m_EditorAdvancedModeEnabled: 0 - m_EditorAdvancedModeFaceFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_EditorAdvancedModeFaceFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Version: 1 - m_ObsoleteSphereBaseOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_ObsoleteOffset: {x: 0.17817521, y: 1.3917379, z: -0.029944897} - m_Shape: 0 - m_BoxSize: {x: 3.8390794, y: 3.7834759, z: 3.9083462} - m_BoxBlendDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxSideFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_BoxSideFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_SphereRadius: 3 - m_SphereBlendDistance: 0 - m_SphereBlendNormalDistance: 0 - m_ObsoleteFrameSettings: - overrides: 0 - enableShadow: 0 - enableContactShadows: 0 - enableShadowMask: 0 - enableSSR: 0 - enableSSAO: 0 - enableSubsurfaceScattering: 0 - enableTransmission: 0 - enableAtmosphericScattering: 0 - enableVolumetrics: 0 - enableReprojectionForVolumetrics: 0 - enableLightLayers: 0 - enableExposureControl: 1 - diffuseGlobalDimmer: 0 - specularGlobalDimmer: 0 - shaderLitMode: 0 - enableDepthPrepassWithDeferredRendering: 0 - enableTransparentPrepass: 0 - enableMotionVectors: 0 - enableObjectMotionVectors: 0 - enableDecals: 0 - enableRoughRefraction: 0 - enableTransparentPostpass: 0 - enableDistortion: 0 - enablePostprocess: 0 - enableOpaqueObjects: 0 - enableTransparentObjects: 0 - enableRealtimePlanarReflection: 0 - enableMSAA: 0 - enableAsyncCompute: 0 - runLightListAsync: 0 - runSSRAsync: 0 - runSSAOAsync: 0 - runContactShadowsAsync: 0 - runVolumeVoxelizationAsync: 0 - lightLoopSettings: - overrides: 0 - enableDeferredTileAndCluster: 0 - enableComputeLightEvaluation: 0 - enableComputeLightVariants: 0 - enableComputeMaterialVariants: 0 - enableFptlForForwardOpaque: 0 - enableBigTilePrepass: 0 - isFptlEnabled: 0 - m_ObsoleteMultiplier: 0.9 - m_ObsoleteWeight: 0 - m_ObsoleteMode: 0 - m_ObsoleteLightLayers: 1 - m_ObsoleteCaptureSettings: - overrides: 0 - clearColorMode: 0 - backgroundColorHDR: {r: 0.023529412, g: 0.07058824, b: 0.1882353, a: 0} - clearDepth: 1 - cullingMask: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Bits: 4294967295 - useOcclusionCulling: 0 - volumeLayerMask: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Bits: 1 - volumeAnchorOverride: {fileID: 0} - projection: 0 - nearClipPlane: 0.05 - farClipPlane: 10 - fieldOfView: 90 - orthographicSize: 5 - renderingPath: 0 - shadowDistance: 100 m_ProbeSettings: frustum: fieldOfViewMode: 1 @@ -879,6 +806,17 @@ MonoBehaviour: fadeDistance: 10000 rangeCompressionFactor: 1 influence: + m_Shape: 0 + m_BoxSize: {x: 3.8390794, y: 3.7834759, z: 3.9083462} + m_BoxBlendDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxSideFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_BoxSideFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_SphereRadius: 3 + m_SphereBlendDistance: 0 + m_SphereBlendNormalDistance: 0 m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_EditorSimplifiedModeBlendDistance: 0 @@ -891,30 +829,23 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Version: 1 m_ObsoleteSphereBaseOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_ObsoleteOffset: {x: 0.17817521, y: 1.3917379, z: -0.029944897} - m_Shape: 0 - m_BoxSize: {x: 3.8390794, y: 3.7834759, z: 3.9083462} - m_BoxBlendDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxSideFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_BoxSideFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_SphereRadius: 3 - m_SphereBlendDistance: 0 - m_SphereBlendNormalDistance: 0 proxy: - m_CSVersion: 1 - m_ObsoleteSphereInfiniteProjection: 0 - m_ObsoleteBoxInfiniteProjection: 0 m_Shape: 0 m_BoxSize: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} m_SphereRadius: 1 + m_CSVersion: 1 + m_ObsoleteSphereInfiniteProjection: 0 + m_ObsoleteBoxInfiniteProjection: 0 proxySettings: useInfluenceVolumeAsProxyVolume: 1 capturePositionProxySpace: {x: -0.17817521, y: -1.3917379, z: 0.029944897} captureRotationProxySpace: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} mirrorPositionProxySpace: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} mirrorRotationProxySpace: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} + resolutionScalable: + m_Override: 512 + m_UseOverride: 0 + m_Level: 0 resolution: 512 cameraSettings: customRenderingSettings: 0 @@ -928,6 +859,10 @@ MonoBehaviour: maximumLODLevel: 0 maximumLODLevelMode: 0 maximumLODLevelQualityLevel: 0 + sssQualityMode: 0 + sssQualityLevel: 0 + sssCustomSampleBudget: 20 + msaaMode: 1 materialQuality: 0 renderingPathCustomFrameSettingsOverrideMask: mask: @@ -1023,6 +958,8 @@ MonoBehaviour: enableFptlForForwardOpaque: 0 enableBigTilePrepass: 0 isFptlEnabled: 0 + roughReflections: 1 + distanceBasedRoughness: 0 m_ProbeSettingsOverride: probe: 0 camera: @@ -1108,7 +1045,130 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_CaptureRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_FieldOfView: 0 m_Aspect: 0 - m_EditorOnlyData: 0 + m_SHForNormalization: + sh[ 0]: 0 + sh[ 1]: 0 + sh[ 2]: 0 + sh[ 3]: 0 + sh[ 4]: 0 + sh[ 5]: 0 + sh[ 6]: 0 + sh[ 7]: 0 + sh[ 8]: 0 + sh[ 9]: 0 + sh[10]: 0 + sh[11]: 0 + sh[12]: 0 + sh[13]: 0 + sh[14]: 0 + sh[15]: 0 + sh[16]: 0 + sh[17]: 0 + sh[18]: 0 + sh[19]: 0 + sh[20]: 0 + sh[21]: 0 + sh[22]: 0 + sh[23]: 0 + sh[24]: 0 + sh[25]: 0 + sh[26]: 0 + m_HasValidSHForNormalization: 0 + m_HDProbeVersion: 3 + m_ObsoleteInfiniteProjection: 0 + m_ObsoleteInfluenceVolume: + m_Shape: 0 + m_BoxSize: {x: 3.8390794, y: 3.7834759, z: 3.9083462} + m_BoxBlendDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxSideFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_BoxSideFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_SphereRadius: 3 + m_SphereBlendDistance: 0 + m_SphereBlendNormalDistance: 0 + m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_EditorSimplifiedModeBlendDistance: 0 + m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_EditorSimplifiedModeBlendNormalDistance: 0 + m_EditorAdvancedModeEnabled: 0 + m_EditorAdvancedModeFaceFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_EditorAdvancedModeFaceFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_Version: 1 + m_ObsoleteSphereBaseOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_ObsoleteOffset: {x: 0.17817521, y: 1.3917379, z: -0.029944897} + m_ObsoleteFrameSettings: + overrides: 0 + enableShadow: 0 + enableContactShadows: 0 + enableShadowMask: 0 + enableSSR: 0 + enableSSAO: 0 + enableSubsurfaceScattering: 0 + enableTransmission: 0 + enableAtmosphericScattering: 0 + enableVolumetrics: 0 + enableReprojectionForVolumetrics: 0 + enableLightLayers: 0 + enableExposureControl: 1 + diffuseGlobalDimmer: 0 + specularGlobalDimmer: 0 + shaderLitMode: 0 + enableDepthPrepassWithDeferredRendering: 0 + enableTransparentPrepass: 0 + enableMotionVectors: 0 + enableObjectMotionVectors: 0 + enableDecals: 0 + enableRoughRefraction: 0 + enableTransparentPostpass: 0 + enableDistortion: 0 + enablePostprocess: 0 + enableOpaqueObjects: 0 + enableTransparentObjects: 0 + enableRealtimePlanarReflection: 0 + enableMSAA: 0 + enableAsyncCompute: 0 + runLightListAsync: 0 + runSSRAsync: 0 + runSSAOAsync: 0 + runContactShadowsAsync: 0 + runVolumeVoxelizationAsync: 0 + lightLoopSettings: + overrides: 0 + enableDeferredTileAndCluster: 0 + enableComputeLightEvaluation: 0 + enableComputeLightVariants: 0 + enableComputeMaterialVariants: 0 + enableFptlForForwardOpaque: 0 + enableBigTilePrepass: 0 + isFptlEnabled: 0 + m_ObsoleteMultiplier: 0.9 + m_ObsoleteWeight: 0 + m_ObsoleteMode: 0 + m_ObsoleteLightLayers: 1 + m_ObsoleteCaptureSettings: + overrides: 0 + clearColorMode: 0 + backgroundColorHDR: {r: 0.023529412, g: 0.07058824, b: 0.1882353, a: 0} + clearDepth: 1 + cullingMask: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Bits: 4294967295 + useOcclusionCulling: 0 + volumeLayerMask: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Bits: 1 + volumeAnchorOverride: {fileID: 0} + projection: 0 + nearClipPlane: 0.05 + farClipPlane: 10 + fieldOfView: 90 + orthographicSize: 5 + renderingPath: 0 + shadowDistance: 100 m_ReflectionProbeVersion: 9 m_ObsoleteInfluenceShape: 0 m_ObsoleteInfluenceSphereRadius: 3 @@ -1240,22 +1300,16 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 7a68c43fe1f2a47cfa234b5eeaa98012, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_Version: 10 - m_ObsoleteShadowResolutionTier: 1 - m_ObsoleteUseShadowQualitySettings: 0 - m_ObsoleteCustomShadowResolution: 512 - m_ObsoleteContactShadows: 0 - m_PointlightHDType: 0 - m_SpotLightShape: 0 - m_AreaLightShape: 0 m_Intensity: 1.5 m_EnableSpotReflector: 0 m_LuxAtDistance: 1 m_InnerSpotPercent: 0 + m_SpotIESCutoffPercent: 100 m_LightDimmer: 1 m_VolumetricDimmer: 1 m_LightUnit: 2 m_FadeDistance: 10000 + m_VolumetricFadeDistance: 10000 m_AffectDiffuse: 1 m_AffectSpecular: 1 m_NonLightmappedOnly: 0 @@ -1270,6 +1324,9 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_ApplyRangeAttenuation: 1 m_DisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh: 0 m_AreaLightCookie: {fileID: 0} + m_IESPoint: {fileID: 0} + m_IESSpot: {fileID: 0} + m_IncludeForRayTracing: 1 m_AreaLightShadowCone: 120 m_UseScreenSpaceShadows: 0 m_InteractsWithSky: 1 @@ -1288,6 +1345,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_LightShadowRadius: 0.5 m_SemiTransparentShadow: 0 m_ColorShadow: 1 + m_DistanceBasedFiltering: 0 m_EvsmExponent: 15 m_EvsmLightLeakBias: 0 m_EvsmVarianceBias: 0.00001 @@ -1318,8 +1376,14 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_NormalBias: 0.75 m_SlopeBias: 0.5 m_ShadowUpdateMode: 0 + m_AlwaysDrawDynamicShadows: 0 + m_UpdateShadowOnLightMovement: 0 + m_CachedShadowTranslationThreshold: 0.01 + m_CachedShadowAngularThreshold: 0.5 m_BarnDoorAngle: 90 m_BarnDoorLength: 0.05 + m_preserveCachedShadow: 0 + m_OnDemandShadowRenderOnPlacement: 1 m_ShadowCascadeRatios: - 0.05 - 0.2 @@ -1335,10 +1399,17 @@ MonoBehaviour: useOldInspector: 0 useVolumetric: 1 featuresFoldout: 1 - showAdditionalSettings: 0 m_AreaLightEmissiveMeshShadowCastingMode: 0 m_AreaLightEmissiveMeshMotionVectorGenerationMode: 0 m_AreaLightEmissiveMeshLayer: -1 + m_Version: 11 + m_ObsoleteShadowResolutionTier: 1 + m_ObsoleteUseShadowQualitySettings: 0 + m_ObsoleteCustomShadowResolution: 512 + m_ObsoleteContactShadows: 0 + m_PointlightHDType: 0 + m_SpotLightShape: 0 + m_AreaLightShape: 0 --- !u!114 &897078985 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -1351,22 +1422,16 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 7a68c43fe1f2a47cfa234b5eeaa98012, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_Version: 10 - m_ObsoleteShadowResolutionTier: 1 - m_ObsoleteUseShadowQualitySettings: 0 - m_ObsoleteCustomShadowResolution: 512 - m_ObsoleteContactShadows: 0 - m_PointlightHDType: 0 - m_SpotLightShape: 0 - m_AreaLightShape: 0 m_Intensity: 4 m_EnableSpotReflector: 0 m_LuxAtDistance: 1 m_InnerSpotPercent: 0 + m_SpotIESCutoffPercent: 100 m_LightDimmer: 1 m_VolumetricDimmer: 1 m_LightUnit: 2 m_FadeDistance: 10000 + m_VolumetricFadeDistance: 10000 m_AffectDiffuse: 1 m_AffectSpecular: 1 m_NonLightmappedOnly: 0 @@ -1381,6 +1446,9 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_ApplyRangeAttenuation: 1 m_DisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh: 0 m_AreaLightCookie: {fileID: 0} + m_IESPoint: {fileID: 0} + m_IESSpot: {fileID: 0} + m_IncludeForRayTracing: 1 m_AreaLightShadowCone: 120 m_UseScreenSpaceShadows: 0 m_InteractsWithSky: 1 @@ -1399,6 +1467,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_LightShadowRadius: 0.5 m_SemiTransparentShadow: 0 m_ColorShadow: 1 + m_DistanceBasedFiltering: 0 m_EvsmExponent: 15 m_EvsmLightLeakBias: 0 m_EvsmVarianceBias: 0.00001 @@ -1429,8 +1498,14 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_NormalBias: 0.75 m_SlopeBias: 0.5 m_ShadowUpdateMode: 0 + m_AlwaysDrawDynamicShadows: 0 + m_UpdateShadowOnLightMovement: 0 + m_CachedShadowTranslationThreshold: 0.01 + m_CachedShadowAngularThreshold: 0.5 m_BarnDoorAngle: 90 m_BarnDoorLength: 0.05 + m_preserveCachedShadow: 0 + m_OnDemandShadowRenderOnPlacement: 1 m_ShadowCascadeRatios: - 0.05 - 0.2 @@ -1446,12 +1521,19 @@ MonoBehaviour: useOldInspector: 0 useVolumetric: 1 featuresFoldout: 1 - showAdditionalSettings: 0 m_AreaLightEmissiveMeshShadowCastingMode: 0 m_AreaLightEmissiveMeshMotionVectorGenerationMode: 0 m_AreaLightEmissiveMeshLayer: -1 ---- !u!1 &923880393 -GameObject: + m_Version: 11 + m_ObsoleteShadowResolutionTier: 1 + m_ObsoleteUseShadowQualitySettings: 0 + m_ObsoleteCustomShadowResolution: 512 + m_ObsoleteContactShadows: 0 + m_PointlightHDType: 0 + m_SpotLightShape: 0 + m_AreaLightShape: 0 +--- !u!1 &923880393 +GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 19 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} @@ -1493,6 +1575,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_RootOrder: 11 @@ -1570,6 +1653,7 @@ RectTransform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1496949129} m_RootOrder: 5 @@ -1594,6 +1678,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_Color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} m_RaycastTarget: 0 + m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_Maskable: 1 m_OnCullStateChanged: m_PersistentCalls: @@ -1684,6 +1769,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_RootOrder: 5 @@ -1728,6 +1814,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 1861203670} m_Father: {fileID: 0} @@ -1761,6 +1848,7 @@ RectTransform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1496949129} m_RootOrder: 2 @@ -1785,6 +1873,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_Color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} m_RaycastTarget: 0 + m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_Maskable: 1 m_OnCullStateChanged: m_PersistentCalls: @@ -1839,6 +1928,7 @@ RectTransform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1496949129} m_RootOrder: 3 @@ -1863,6 +1953,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_Color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} m_RaycastTarget: 0 + m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_Maskable: 1 m_OnCullStateChanged: m_PersistentCalls: @@ -1955,7 +2046,72 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 23c1ce4fb46143f46bc5cb5224c934f6, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_Version: 7 + clearColorMode: 0 + backgroundColorHDR: {r: 0.025, g: 0.07, b: 0.19, a: 0} + clearDepth: 1 + volumeLayerMask: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Bits: 1 + volumeAnchorOverride: {fileID: 0} + antialiasing: 0 + SMAAQuality: 2 + dithering: 0 + stopNaNs: 0 + taaSharpenStrength: 0.6 + TAAQuality: 1 + taaHistorySharpening: 0.35 + taaAntiFlicker: 0.5 + taaMotionVectorRejection: 0 + taaAntiHistoryRinging: 0 + taaBaseBlendFactor: 0.875 + physicalParameters: + m_Iso: 200 + m_ShutterSpeed: 0.005 + m_Aperture: 16 + m_FocusDistance: 10 + m_BladeCount: 5 + m_Curvature: {x: 2, y: 11} + m_BarrelClipping: 0.25 + m_Anamorphism: 0 + flipYMode: 0 + xrRendering: 1 + fullscreenPassthrough: 0 + allowDynamicResolution: 0 + customRenderingSettings: 0 + invertFaceCulling: 0 + probeLayerMask: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Bits: 4294967295 + hasPersistentHistory: 0 + allowDeepLearningSuperSampling: 1 + deepLearningSuperSamplingUseCustomQualitySettings: 0 + deepLearningSuperSamplingQuality: 0 + deepLearningSuperSamplingUseCustomAttributes: 0 + deepLearningSuperSamplingUseOptimalSettings: 1 + deepLearningSuperSamplingSharpening: 0 + exposureTarget: {fileID: 0} + materialMipBias: 0 + m_RenderingPathCustomFrameSettings: + bitDatas: + data1: 70297877217101 + data2: 4539628425463136256 + lodBias: 1 + lodBiasMode: 0 + lodBiasQualityLevel: 0 + maximumLODLevel: 0 + maximumLODLevelMode: 0 + maximumLODLevelQualityLevel: 0 + sssQualityMode: 0 + sssQualityLevel: 0 + sssCustomSampleBudget: 20 + msaaMode: 1 + materialQuality: 0 + renderingPathCustomFrameSettingsOverrideMask: + mask: + data1: 0 + data2: 0 + defaultFrameSettings: 0 + m_Version: 8 m_ObsoleteRenderingPath: 0 m_ObsoleteFrameSettings: overrides: 0 @@ -2002,51 +2158,6 @@ MonoBehaviour: enableFptlForForwardOpaque: 0 enableBigTilePrepass: 0 isFptlEnabled: 0 - clearColorMode: 0 - backgroundColorHDR: {r: 0.025, g: 0.07, b: 0.19, a: 0} - clearDepth: 1 - volumeLayerMask: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Bits: 1 - volumeAnchorOverride: {fileID: 0} - antialiasing: 0 - SMAAQuality: 2 - dithering: 0 - stopNaNs: 0 - taaSharpenStrength: 0.6 - physicalParameters: - m_Iso: 200 - m_ShutterSpeed: 0.005 - m_Aperture: 16 - m_BladeCount: 5 - m_Curvature: {x: 2, y: 11} - m_BarrelClipping: 0.25 - m_Anamorphism: 0 - flipYMode: 0 - fullscreenPassthrough: 0 - allowDynamicResolution: 0 - customRenderingSettings: 0 - invertFaceCulling: 0 - probeLayerMask: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Bits: 4294967295 - hasPersistentHistory: 0 - m_RenderingPathCustomFrameSettings: - bitDatas: - data1: 70297877217101 - data2: 4539628425463136256 - lodBias: 1 - lodBiasMode: 0 - lodBiasQualityLevel: 0 - maximumLODLevel: 0 - maximumLODLevelMode: 0 - maximumLODLevelQualityLevel: 0 - materialQuality: 0 - renderingPathCustomFrameSettingsOverrideMask: - mask: - data1: 0 - data2: 0 - defaultFrameSettings: 0 --- !u!20 &1464498221 Camera: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -2100,6 +2211,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.01881634, y: -0.44294432, z: -0.009300493, w: -0.8963034} m_LocalPosition: {x: -1.4659605, y: 0.3517233, z: -0.8612113} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -2173,6 +2285,7 @@ RectTransform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1496949129} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -2197,6 +2310,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_Color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} m_RaycastTarget: 0 + m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_Maskable: 1 m_OnCullStateChanged: m_PersistentCalls: @@ -2281,6 +2395,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_FallbackScreenDPI: 96 m_DefaultSpriteDPI: 96 m_DynamicPixelsPerUnit: 1 + m_PresetInfoIsWorld: 0 --- !u!223 &1496949128 Canvas: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -2312,6 +2427,7 @@ RectTransform: m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: - {fileID: 1467344792} - {fileID: 2007753304} @@ -2357,6 +2473,7 @@ RectTransform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1496949129} m_RootOrder: 7 @@ -2381,6 +2498,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_Color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} m_RaycastTarget: 0 + m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_Maskable: 1 m_OnCullStateChanged: m_PersistentCalls: @@ -2435,6 +2553,7 @@ Transform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0.02, y: 1.49, z: 1.36} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1254482975} m_RootOrder: 0 @@ -2468,7 +2587,7 @@ ReflectionProbe: m_BlendDistance: 1 m_HDR: 1 m_BoxProjection: 0 - m_RenderDynamicObjects: 0 + m_RenderDynamicObjects: 1 m_UseOcclusionCulling: 1 m_Importance: 1 m_CustomBakedTexture: {fileID: 0} @@ -2484,101 +2603,6 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: d0ef8dc2c2eabfa4e8cb77be57a837c0, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_HDProbeVersion: 3 - m_ObsoleteInfiniteProjection: 0 - m_ObsoleteInfluenceVolume: - m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_EditorSimplifiedModeBlendDistance: 0 - m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_EditorSimplifiedModeBlendNormalDistance: 0 - m_EditorAdvancedModeEnabled: 0 - m_EditorAdvancedModeFaceFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_EditorAdvancedModeFaceFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Version: 1 - m_ObsoleteSphereBaseOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_ObsoleteOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_Shape: 0 - m_BoxSize: {x: 3.6, y: 3.6, z: 3.7} - m_BoxBlendDistancePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_BoxBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_BoxBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxSideFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_BoxSideFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_SphereRadius: 3 - m_SphereBlendDistance: 0 - m_SphereBlendNormalDistance: 0 - m_ObsoleteFrameSettings: - overrides: 0 - enableShadow: 0 - enableContactShadows: 0 - enableShadowMask: 0 - enableSSR: 0 - enableSSAO: 0 - enableSubsurfaceScattering: 0 - enableTransmission: 0 - enableAtmosphericScattering: 0 - enableVolumetrics: 0 - enableReprojectionForVolumetrics: 0 - enableLightLayers: 0 - enableExposureControl: 1 - diffuseGlobalDimmer: 0 - specularGlobalDimmer: 0 - shaderLitMode: 0 - enableDepthPrepassWithDeferredRendering: 0 - enableTransparentPrepass: 0 - enableMotionVectors: 0 - enableObjectMotionVectors: 0 - enableDecals: 0 - enableRoughRefraction: 0 - enableTransparentPostpass: 0 - enableDistortion: 0 - enablePostprocess: 0 - enableOpaqueObjects: 0 - enableTransparentObjects: 0 - enableRealtimePlanarReflection: 0 - enableMSAA: 0 - enableAsyncCompute: 0 - runLightListAsync: 0 - runSSRAsync: 0 - runSSAOAsync: 0 - runContactShadowsAsync: 0 - runVolumeVoxelizationAsync: 0 - lightLoopSettings: - overrides: 0 - enableDeferredTileAndCluster: 0 - enableComputeLightEvaluation: 0 - enableComputeLightVariants: 0 - enableComputeMaterialVariants: 0 - enableFptlForForwardOpaque: 0 - enableBigTilePrepass: 0 - isFptlEnabled: 0 - m_ObsoleteMultiplier: 1 - m_ObsoleteWeight: 1 - m_ObsoleteMode: 1 - m_ObsoleteLightLayers: 1 - m_ObsoleteCaptureSettings: - overrides: 0 - clearColorMode: 0 - backgroundColorHDR: {r: 0.023529412, g: 0.07058824, b: 0.1882353, a: 0} - clearDepth: 1 - cullingMask: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Bits: 4294967295 - useOcclusionCulling: 1 - volumeLayerMask: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Bits: 1 - volumeAnchorOverride: {fileID: 0} - projection: 0 - nearClipPlane: 0.3 - farClipPlane: 1000 - fieldOfView: 90 - orthographicSize: 5 - renderingPath: 0 - shadowDistance: 100 m_ProbeSettings: frustum: fieldOfViewMode: 1 @@ -2595,6 +2619,17 @@ MonoBehaviour: fadeDistance: 10000 rangeCompressionFactor: 1 influence: + m_Shape: 0 + m_BoxSize: {x: 3.6, y: 3.6, z: 3.7} + m_BoxBlendDistancePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_BoxBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_BoxBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxSideFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_BoxSideFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_SphereRadius: 3 + m_SphereBlendDistance: 0 + m_SphereBlendNormalDistance: 0 m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistancePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} m_EditorSimplifiedModeBlendDistance: 1 @@ -2607,30 +2642,23 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Version: 1 m_ObsoleteSphereBaseOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_ObsoleteOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_Shape: 0 - m_BoxSize: {x: 3.6, y: 3.6, z: 3.7} - m_BoxBlendDistancePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_BoxBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_BoxBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_BoxSideFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_BoxSideFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_SphereRadius: 3 - m_SphereBlendDistance: 0 - m_SphereBlendNormalDistance: 0 proxy: - m_CSVersion: 1 - m_ObsoleteSphereInfiniteProjection: 0 - m_ObsoleteBoxInfiniteProjection: 0 m_Shape: 0 m_BoxSize: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} m_SphereRadius: 1 + m_CSVersion: 1 + m_ObsoleteSphereInfiniteProjection: 0 + m_ObsoleteBoxInfiniteProjection: 0 proxySettings: useInfluenceVolumeAsProxyVolume: 1 capturePositionProxySpace: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} captureRotationProxySpace: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} mirrorPositionProxySpace: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} mirrorRotationProxySpace: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} + resolutionScalable: + m_Override: 512 + m_UseOverride: 0 + m_Level: 0 resolution: 512 cameraSettings: customRenderingSettings: 0 @@ -2644,6 +2672,10 @@ MonoBehaviour: maximumLODLevel: 0 maximumLODLevelMode: 0 maximumLODLevelQualityLevel: 0 + sssQualityMode: 0 + sssQualityLevel: 0 + sssCustomSampleBudget: 20 + msaaMode: 1 materialQuality: 0 renderingPathCustomFrameSettingsOverrideMask: mask: @@ -2739,6 +2771,8 @@ MonoBehaviour: enableFptlForForwardOpaque: 0 enableBigTilePrepass: 0 isFptlEnabled: 0 + roughReflections: 1 + distanceBasedRoughness: 0 m_ProbeSettingsOverride: probe: 0 camera: @@ -2824,7 +2858,130 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_CaptureRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_FieldOfView: 0 m_Aspect: 0 - m_EditorOnlyData: 0 + m_SHForNormalization: + sh[ 0]: 0 + sh[ 1]: 0 + sh[ 2]: 0 + sh[ 3]: 0 + sh[ 4]: 0 + sh[ 5]: 0 + sh[ 6]: 0 + sh[ 7]: 0 + sh[ 8]: 0 + sh[ 9]: 0 + sh[10]: 0 + sh[11]: 0 + sh[12]: 0 + sh[13]: 0 + sh[14]: 0 + sh[15]: 0 + sh[16]: 0 + sh[17]: 0 + sh[18]: 0 + sh[19]: 0 + sh[20]: 0 + sh[21]: 0 + sh[22]: 0 + sh[23]: 0 + sh[24]: 0 + sh[25]: 0 + sh[26]: 0 + m_HasValidSHForNormalization: 0 + m_HDProbeVersion: 3 + m_ObsoleteInfiniteProjection: 0 + m_ObsoleteInfluenceVolume: + m_Shape: 0 + m_BoxSize: {x: 3.6, y: 3.6, z: 3.7} + m_BoxBlendDistancePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_BoxBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_BoxBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_BoxSideFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_BoxSideFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_SphereRadius: 3 + m_SphereBlendDistance: 0 + m_SphereBlendNormalDistance: 0 + m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_EditorSimplifiedModeBlendDistance: 0 + m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendNormalDistancePositive: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_EditorAdvancedModeBlendNormalDistanceNegative: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_EditorSimplifiedModeBlendNormalDistance: 0 + m_EditorAdvancedModeEnabled: 0 + m_EditorAdvancedModeFaceFadePositive: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_EditorAdvancedModeFaceFadeNegative: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_Version: 1 + m_ObsoleteSphereBaseOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_ObsoleteOffset: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + m_ObsoleteFrameSettings: + overrides: 0 + enableShadow: 0 + enableContactShadows: 0 + enableShadowMask: 0 + enableSSR: 0 + enableSSAO: 0 + enableSubsurfaceScattering: 0 + enableTransmission: 0 + enableAtmosphericScattering: 0 + enableVolumetrics: 0 + enableReprojectionForVolumetrics: 0 + enableLightLayers: 0 + enableExposureControl: 1 + diffuseGlobalDimmer: 0 + specularGlobalDimmer: 0 + shaderLitMode: 0 + enableDepthPrepassWithDeferredRendering: 0 + enableTransparentPrepass: 0 + enableMotionVectors: 0 + enableObjectMotionVectors: 0 + enableDecals: 0 + enableRoughRefraction: 0 + enableTransparentPostpass: 0 + enableDistortion: 0 + enablePostprocess: 0 + enableOpaqueObjects: 0 + enableTransparentObjects: 0 + enableRealtimePlanarReflection: 0 + enableMSAA: 0 + enableAsyncCompute: 0 + runLightListAsync: 0 + runSSRAsync: 0 + runSSAOAsync: 0 + runContactShadowsAsync: 0 + runVolumeVoxelizationAsync: 0 + lightLoopSettings: + overrides: 0 + enableDeferredTileAndCluster: 0 + enableComputeLightEvaluation: 0 + enableComputeLightVariants: 0 + enableComputeMaterialVariants: 0 + enableFptlForForwardOpaque: 0 + enableBigTilePrepass: 0 + isFptlEnabled: 0 + m_ObsoleteMultiplier: 1 + m_ObsoleteWeight: 1 + m_ObsoleteMode: 1 + m_ObsoleteLightLayers: 1 + m_ObsoleteCaptureSettings: + overrides: 0 + clearColorMode: 0 + backgroundColorHDR: {r: 0.023529412, g: 0.07058824, b: 0.1882353, a: 0} + clearDepth: 1 + cullingMask: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Bits: 4294967295 + useOcclusionCulling: 1 + volumeLayerMask: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Bits: 1 + volumeAnchorOverride: {fileID: 0} + projection: 0 + nearClipPlane: 0.3 + farClipPlane: 1000 + fieldOfView: 90 + orthographicSize: 5 + renderingPath: 0 + shadowDistance: 100 m_ReflectionProbeVersion: 9 m_ObsoleteInfluenceShape: 0 m_ObsoleteInfluenceSphereRadius: 3 @@ -2862,6 +3019,7 @@ RectTransform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1496949129} m_RootOrder: 1 @@ -2886,6 +3044,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_Color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} m_RaycastTarget: 0 + m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_Maskable: 1 m_OnCullStateChanged: m_PersistentCalls: @@ -2940,6 +3099,7 @@ RectTransform: m_LocalRotation: {x: -0, y: -0, z: -0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 1496949129} m_RootOrder: 6 @@ -2964,6 +3124,7 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Material: {fileID: 0} m_Color: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} m_RaycastTarget: 0 + m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} m_Maskable: 1 m_OnCullStateChanged: m_PersistentCalls: diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadowsSettings.lighting b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadowsSettings.lighting new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57e596d20 --- /dev/null +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadowsSettings.lighting @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!850595691 &4890085278179872738 +LightingSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: LightAndShadowsSettings + serializedVersion: 4 + m_GIWorkflowMode: 1 + m_EnableBakedLightmaps: 1 + m_EnableRealtimeLightmaps: 1 + m_RealtimeEnvironmentLighting: 1 + m_BounceScale: 1 + m_AlbedoBoost: 1 + m_IndirectOutputScale: 1 + m_UsingShadowmask: 1 + m_BakeBackend: 1 + m_LightmapMaxSize: 1024 + m_BakeResolution: 40 + m_Padding: 2 + m_LightmapCompression: 3 + m_AO: 1 + m_AOMaxDistance: 0.1 + m_CompAOExponent: 1 + m_CompAOExponentDirect: 1 + m_ExtractAO: 0 + m_MixedBakeMode: 2 + m_LightmapsBakeMode: 1 + m_FilterMode: 1 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 15204, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} + m_ExportTrainingData: 0 + m_TrainingDataDestination: TrainingData + m_RealtimeResolution: 2 + m_ForceWhiteAlbedo: 0 + m_ForceUpdates: 0 + m_FinalGather: 1 + m_FinalGatherRayCount: 256 + m_FinalGatherFiltering: 1 + m_PVRCulling: 1 + m_PVRSampling: 1 + m_PVRDirectSampleCount: 32 + m_PVRSampleCount: 500 + m_PVREnvironmentSampleCount: 500 + m_PVREnvironmentReferencePointCount: 2048 + m_LightProbeSampleCountMultiplier: 4 + m_PVRBounces: 2 + m_PVRMinBounces: 2 + m_PVREnvironmentMIS: 0 + m_PVRFilteringMode: 2 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeDirect: 0 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeIndirect: 0 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeAO: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeDirect: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeIndirect: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeAO: 0 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusDirect: 1 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusIndirect: 5 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusAO: 2 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaDirect: 0.5 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaIndirect: 2 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaAO: 1 + m_PVRTiledBaking: 0 diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadowsSettings.lighting.meta b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadowsSettings.lighting.meta new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a021d40a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadowsSettings.lighting.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 3669eb39c5a48428199d28195a025684 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 4890085278179872738 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/manifest.json b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/manifest.json index 7dffc88b2..89cf3d992 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/manifest.json +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/manifest.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "com.unity.ide.vscode": "1.2.4", "com.unity.package-validation-suite": "0.10.0-preview", "com.unity.raytracedhardshadow": "https://github.com/unity3d-jp/RaytracedHardShadow.git", - "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition": "12.0.0", + "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition": "12.1.0", "com.unity.test-framework": "1.1.29", "com.unity.test-framework.build": "0.0.1-preview.14", "com.unity.test-framework.utp-reporter": "1.0.2-preview", diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/packages-lock.json b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/packages-lock.json index 36ced7864..9f39d6298 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/packages-lock.json +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/Packages/packages-lock.json @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ { "dependencies": { "com.unity.addressables": { - "version": "1.18.15", + "version": "1.19.6", "depth": 1, "source": "registry", "dependencies": { - "com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline": "1.19.1", + "com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline": "1.19.2", "com.unity.modules.assetbundle": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.imageconversion": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.jsonserialize": "1.0.0", @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ "url": "https://packages.unity.com" }, "com.unity.mathematics": { - "version": "1.2.1", + "version": "1.2.4", "depth": 1, "source": "registry", "dependencies": {}, @@ -102,16 +102,17 @@ "hash": "1a2bee4ad3597752862b1dc0a0e99e07087d933b" }, "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": { - "version": "12.0.0", + "version": "12.1.0", "depth": 1, "source": "builtin", "dependencies": { "com.unity.ugui": "1.0.0", - "com.unity.modules.physics": "1.0.0" + "com.unity.modules.physics": "1.0.0", + "com.unity.modules.jsonserialize": "1.0.0" } }, "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition": { - "version": "12.0.0", + "version": "12.1.0", "depth": 0, "source": "builtin", "dependencies": { @@ -121,40 +122,40 @@ "com.unity.modules.animation": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.imageconversion": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.terrain": "1.0.0", - "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.0.0", - "com.unity.shadergraph": "12.0.0", - "com.unity.visualeffectgraph": "12.0.0", - "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition-config": "12.0.0" + "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.1.0", + "com.unity.shadergraph": "12.1.0", + "com.unity.visualeffectgraph": "12.1.0", + "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition-config": "12.1.0" } }, "com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition-config": { - "version": "12.0.0", + "version": "12.1.0", "depth": 1, "source": "builtin", "dependencies": { - "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.0.0" + "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.1.0" } }, "com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline": { - "version": "1.19.1", + "version": "1.19.2", "depth": 2, "source": "registry", "dependencies": {}, "url": "https://packages.unity.com" }, "com.unity.searcher": { - "version": "4.8.0", + "version": "4.9.0", "depth": 2, "source": "registry", "dependencies": {}, "url": "https://packages.unity.com" }, "com.unity.shadergraph": { - "version": "12.0.0", + "version": "12.1.0", "depth": 1, "source": "builtin", "dependencies": { - "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.0.0", + "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.1.0", "com.unity.searcher": "4.8.0" } }, @@ -239,12 +240,12 @@ } }, "com.unity.visualeffectgraph": { - "version": "12.0.0", + "version": "12.1.0", "depth": 1, "source": "builtin", "dependencies": { - "com.unity.shadergraph": "12.0.0", - "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.0.0" + "com.unity.shadergraph": "12.1.0", + "com.unity.render-pipelines.core": "12.1.0" } }, "com.unity.xr.legacyinputhelpers": { diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/EditorBuildSettings.asset b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/EditorBuildSettings.asset index 0e4294926..3ea469b0d 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/EditorBuildSettings.asset +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/EditorBuildSettings.asset @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ EditorBuildSettings: - enabled: 1 path: Assets/Scenes/EmissiveAnimation.unity guid: 003a6919efce4f2eb098cd27bad910a8 - - enabled: 1 + - enabled: 0 path: Assets/Scenes/LightAndShadows.unity guid: 73a7f438006c4b7fafd3d5b4743fa8dc - enabled: 1 diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset index f53fd51bc..37200a818 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset @@ -372,6 +372,103 @@ PlayerSettings: m_Height: 36 m_Kind: 0 m_SubKind: + - m_BuildTarget: iPhone + m_Icons: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 180 + m_Height: 180 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 120 + m_Height: 120 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 167 + m_Height: 167 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 152 + m_Height: 152 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 76 + m_Height: 76 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 120 + m_Height: 120 + m_Kind: 3 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 80 + m_Height: 80 + m_Kind: 3 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 80 + m_Height: 80 + m_Kind: 3 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 40 + m_Height: 40 + m_Kind: 3 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 87 + m_Height: 87 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 58 + m_Height: 58 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 29 + m_Height: 29 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 58 + m_Height: 58 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 29 + m_Height: 29 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 60 + m_Height: 60 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 40 + m_Height: 40 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 40 + m_Height: 40 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 20 + m_Height: 20 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 1024 + m_Height: 1024 + m_Kind: 4 + m_SubKind: App Store m_BuildTargetBatching: - m_BuildTarget: Standalone m_StaticBatching: 0 diff --git a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt index 69eee739b..598728edb 100644 --- a/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt +++ b/TestProjects/HdrpGraphicsTest-2021.2/ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -m_EditorVersion: 2021.2.0b13 -m_EditorVersionWithRevision: 2021.2.0b13 (94c1109a0557) +m_EditorVersion: 2021.2.0b16 +m_EditorVersionWithRevision: 2021.2.0b16 (edbc0738c91b) diff --git a/com.unity.toonshader/CHANGELOG.md b/com.unity.toonshader/CHANGELOG.md index a476d1f57..fa1ec96ef 100644 --- a/com.unity.toonshader/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/com.unity.toonshader/CHANGELOG.md @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ * typo in documants. * missing mono behaviors in sample scenes. * HDRP:BoxLightAdjustment script. some flags are not updated properly when some checkboxes are clicked. +* HDRP:Shader compile errors when used with HDRP 12.1 ## [0.4.0-preview] - 2021-10-13 ### Added diff --git a/com.unity.toonshader/Runtime/HDRP/Shaders/ShaderPassForwardUTS.hlsl b/com.unity.toonshader/Runtime/HDRP/Shaders/ShaderPassForwardUTS.hlsl index 45df4f890..193561f49 100644 --- a/com.unity.toonshader/Runtime/HDRP/Shaders/ShaderPassForwardUTS.hlsl +++ b/com.unity.toonshader/Runtime/HDRP/Shaders/ShaderPassForwardUTS.hlsl @@ -220,6 +220,9 @@ void Frag(PackedVaryingsToPS packedInput, context.shadowContext = InitShadowContext(); context.shadowValue = 1; context.sampleReflection = 0; +#if VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL (12, 1 ) + context.splineVisibility = -1; +#endif // With XR single-pass and camera-relative: offset position to do lighting computations from the combined center view (original camera matrix). // This is required because there is only one list of lights generated on the CPU. Shadows are also generated once and shared between the instanced views.