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Argus API Client

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This is the official Python client library for the Argus API server.

The Argus server is an incident registry, capable of aggregating alerts from multiple source systems. Argus also can send event notifications (via e-mail, SMS, etc.) when incidents are created or resolved.

Usage examples

The pyargus library models the official API endoints of Argus as methods on an API client object.

At the moment, only the methods and models needed to interact with incident-related endpoints are supported.

The Client class is found in pyargus.client, and the various supported data models, such as Incident, Event, Acknowledgement and SourceSystem, are implemented in pyargus.models.

Listing open incidents that have not been acknowledged

>>> from pyargus.client import Client
>>> c = Client(api_root_url="", token="foobar")
>>> for incident in c.get_incidents(open=True, acked=False):
...    print(incident)
Incident(pk=4, start_time=datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 4, 16, 37, 43, 293726, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), '+02:00')), end_time=datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999), source=SourceSystem(pk=2, name='testnav', type='nav', user=3, base_url='http://localhost/'), source_incident_id='202430', details_url='http://localhost/search/event/202430', description='uninett-gsw2 BGP session with is DOWN', level=5, ticket_url='', tags={'location': 'Teknobyen Innovasjonssenter', 'kundetjeneste': 'Nett_CNaaS', 'kunde': '', 'event_type': 'bgpState', 'alert_type': 'bgpDown', 'room': '100', 'organization': 'uninett.srv', 'host': ''}, stateful=True, open=True, acked=False)
Incident(pk=3, start_time=datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 4, 16, 32, 53, 128780, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), '+02:00')), end_time=datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999), source=SourceSystem(pk=2, name='testnav', type='nav', user=3, base_url='http://localhost/'), source_incident_id='202429', details_url='http://localhost/search/event/202429', description='uninett-gsw1 BGP session with is DOWN', level=5, ticket_url='', tags={'location': 'Teknobyen Innovasjonssenter', 'kundetjeneste': 'Nett_CNaaS', 'kunde': '', 'event_type': 'bgpState', 'alert_type': 'bgpDown', 'host': '', 'room': '100', 'organization': 'uninett.srv'}, stateful=True, open=True, acked=False)
Incident(pk=2, start_time=datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 31, 14, 58, 31, 118794, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), '+02:00')), end_time=datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999), source=SourceSystem(pk=2, name='testnav', type='nav', user=3, base_url='http://localhost/'), source_incident_id='184296', details_url='http://localhost/search/event/184296', description='Link DOWN on Gi0/3 at oldsmobile.lab (Simple is better than complex)', level=5, ticket_url='', tags={'room': '113', 'location': 'Teknobyen Innovasjonssenter', 'organization': 'uninett.testlab', 'kundetjeneste': 'Nett_CNaaS', 'kunde': '', 'event_type': 'linkState', 'alert_type': 'linkDown', 'host': '', 'interface': 'Gi0/3'}, stateful=True, open=True, acked=False)

As you can see, the arguments given to get_incidents() are translated verbatim into the arguments supported by the /incidents endpoint in the API.

List only "my" incidents

The incidents API also has an /incidents/mine endpoint, which works just like the /incidents endpoint, but searches only the incidents that were posted by the connecting user. This is useful for glue services, when they need to compare the list of open Argus incidents it has produced with the current list of active alerts in its source system.


>>> from pyargus.client import Client
>>> c = Client(api_root_url="", token="foobar")
>>> for incident in c.get_my_incidents(open=True, acked=False):
...    print(incident)
Incident(pk=3, start_time=datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 4, 16, 32, 53, 128780, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), '+02:00')), end_time=datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999), source=SourceSystem(pk=3, name='foobar, type='nav', user=4, base_url='http://localhost/'), source_incident_id='2716057', details_url='http://localhost/search/event/2716057', description='uninett-gsw1 BGP session with is DOWN', level=5, ticket_url='', tags={'location': 'Teknobyen Innovasjonssenter', 'kundetjeneste': 'Nett_CNaaS', 'kunde': '', 'event_type': 'bgpState', 'alert_type': 'bgpDown', 'host': '', 'room': '100', 'organization': 'uninett.srv'}, stateful=True, open=True, acked=False)

Post a new incident

>>> from pyargus.client import Client
>>> from pyargus.models import Incident
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> c = Client(api_root_url="", token="foobar")
>>> i = Incident(
...     description="The earth was demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass",
...     tags={
...         "host": "",
...     }
... )
>>> c.post_incident(i)
Incident(pk=8, start_time=datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 22, 11, 41, 53, 580947, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), '+02:00')), end_time=None, source=SourceSystem(pk=2, name='testnav', type='nav', user=3, base_url='http://localhost/'), source_incident_id='', details_url='', description='The earth was demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass', level=5, ticket_url='', tags={'host': ''}, stateful=False, open=False, acked=False)

The post_incident() method returns the full Incident record, as stored in Argus. If you need it, you can get the incident ID from the the primary key attribute pk, in case you need to address it directly later.

Close an existing incident

Incidents are closed by posting a END type event to an incident's event log, with an optional timestamp. The Client class provides the follow convenience method for this operation:

>>> from pyargus.client import Client
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> c = Client(api_root_url="", token="foobar")
>>> c.resolve_incident(incident=8, description="The demolition was cancelled",
Event(pk=10, actor='testnav', description='The demolition was cancelled', incident=8, received=datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 22, 11, 47, 11, 978438, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), '+02:00')), timestamp=datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 22, 11, 47, 11, 946076, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), '+02:00')), type='END')

Modify an existing incident

Argus does not allow modification of most incident attributes, but things like the tag list can be changed. Modifications are made by constructing an Incident object with the pk attribute set to the id of the incident you wish you modify, and then adding values to the attributes you wish to modify:

>>> from pyargus.client import Client
>>> from pyargus.models import Incident
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> c = Client(api_root_url="", token="foobar")
>>> i = Incident(
...     pk=8,
...     tags={
...         "host": "",
...         "location": "Milky way",
...     }
... )
>>> c.update_incident(i)
Incident(pk=8, start_time=datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 22, 11, 41, 53, 580947, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), '+02:00')), end_time=None, source=SourceSystem(pk=2, name='testnav', type='nav', user=3, base_url='http://localhost/'), source_incident_id='', details_url='', description='The earth was demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass', level=None, ticket_url='', tags={'host': '', 'location': 'Milky way'}, stateful=False, open=False, acked=False)

Stateless incidents

Argus supports a concept of "stateless" incidents. Stateless incidents represent single points in time, and do not have an end time. To explicitly create stateless incidents, set the end_time attribute to the STATELESS sentinel, like so:

from datetime import datetime
from pyargus.models import Incident, STATELESS

stateless_incident = Incident(
    description="Something happened",,

Get a new authentication token

If your argus server is running version 1.29.0 or newer you can request to get a new token (with a new expiration date) via API version 2. The token you are using to access the server with must still be valid.

tokenobj = c.refresh_token()
c = Client(api_root_url="", token=tokenobj.token)
# save the contents of tokenobj in an environment variable, config file or
# secrets file so that it is not lost on program exit


  • Doesn't provide high-level error handling yet.


Code style

Pyargus uses ruff as a source code formatter. Ruff is part of the optional dev dependencies listed in pyproject.toml

A pre-commit hook will format new code automatically before committing. To enable this pre-commit hook, run

$ pre-commit install


A Python-based API client library for Argus







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Contributors 3

