Bib Buddy offers a platform for concentrated literary work. For that, we create an open atmosphere for your thoughts and ideas during research. Our service makes your literary work as intuitive as never before!
Bib Buddy offers the possibility to retrieve data for books by scanning their barcodes, typing their ISBNs or simply adding the data manually in a form. All books can be structured in shelves in your personal library inside the app. Naturally, that library is searchable.
To support mobile literature work, the app offers to save notes relating to a book either in textual form, with your usual formatting options (text style, alignment...) or in auditory form to quickly store a thought in your app.
With Bib Buddy you can share your data and notes about a book, a complete shelf or even your whole library as a BibTeX file. This file can be imported from Zotero or other literature software so you can make the best out of the thoughts you gathered within the app!
Bib Buddy is developed by Sabrina Freisleben (@xSabrina), Silvia Ivanova (@silvia-ivanova-github-rep), Sarah Kurek (@SarahKurek), Luis Moßburger (@luismossburger) and Claudia Schönherr (@claudia3).
This app was developed during the practical part of the seminar "Advanced Methods Software Engineering" at the Media Informations Group, University of Regensburg by Alexander Bazo.
Data about books is provided by an API of "B3Kat" - a service of German libraries in Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg.
Icons made by Freepik from