Optimized command line for quick installation and startup of Kaspa (or kaspa based coins) cryptocurrency node.
- For Support join us on Discord
- This command file is intended for a Windows operating system (local machine only), and its purpose is to run and manage the CLI Wallet, easily and quickly.
- Currnetly supporet Kaspa, Karlsen, Sedra and Nexellia currencies.
- Install cli Wallet.
- Index UTXOs.
- Start Daemon.
- Create New Wallet.
- Restore Wallet from mnemonic.
- Create New Address.
- Show Balance.
- Show Addresses.
- Dump UnEncrypted Data.
- Sweep from Privat Key.
- Send Coins.
- Sign Transtaction.
- Parse Transtaction.
- Broadcast Transtaction.
- Create UnSigned Transtaction.
- Start Mining.
- Show Node Info.
- Show Dag Block Info.
- Place the CMD file in the coin installation folder (cli wallet version).
- If you haven't installed the official cli wallet for the coin, you'll have the option to download it to the current folder.
- This cmd file will only use official commands for the wallet.
- All downloads will be done from this github repository or the official coin github repository.
- This cmd file is not a Coin Wallet, it is a file that can install and run the Kaspa (or kaspa based coins) official windows cli wallet.
- This cmd file does not save, send, copy or share any information, and intended for use on the local machine only.
- This cmd file will never ask you for passwords, addresses or payment methods.
- This cmd file does not require an additional external download.
- There is no operating fee for this program.
- We are not affiliated with Kaspa, or any other listed coin. (Karlsen, Sedra, Nexellia, etc.)