Day 10 - Functions with Output
Day 11 - The Blackjack Capstone Project
Day 12 - Scope and Number Guessing Game
Day 13 - Finding and fixing bugs
Day 14 - Higher-Lower Game Project
Day 15 - Intermediate - Coffee Machine
Day 16 - Object Oriented Programming
Day 17 - Quiz Project and Benifits of OOP
Day 18 - Turtle and Graphical User Interface
Day 19 - Instant , state and higher order functions
Day 23 - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project
Day 24 - File directory and path - Mailing Merge
Day 25 - Working with csv and libraries - States Guessing
Day 37 - Habit Tracking Project
Day 39 + 40 - Flight Deal Finder
Day 45- Web scrapping with Beautifull soup
Day 47 - Amazom Product Price Tracker
Day 48 - Selenium web scrapping
Day 49 - Automatic LinkedIn Job
Day 8 - Function Parameter and Caeser Cipher
Day 9 - Python dictionaries , Nesting , Secret Auction
Day1 - Working with variables in python to manage data
Day2 - Understanding data types and how manipulate strings
Day26 - List comprehension and NATO alphabits
Day27 - Tkinter - args - GUI based programs
Day28 - tkinter - pomodoro application
Day29 - Password Manager using tkinter GUI
Day3 - Control flow and logical operators
Day30 - Errors and Exceptions handling
Day32 - SMTP mail and manage Date
Day33 - Application Program Interface -ISS Position Now
Day34 - API Practice and GUI Quiz App
Day35 - Key Authentication , SMS sender abour weather condition
Day36 - Stock Trading News Alert Project
Day38 - Workout Tracking Using Google Sheet
Day4 - Randomisations and Python lists
Day41 + Day42 Simple portfolia using basic html
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parent directory Nov 6, 2022
Nov 5, 2022
Nov 5, 2022
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