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rusty_attiny13a Public[stable, code] A weekend experiment using the Rust programming language on small attiny13a microcontrollers.
Rust 2
MCU-I2C-Expander Public[stable, project, code] The main idea of this project is to use small microcontrollers like `Atmega328`, `Attiny88`, `...` to extend functionality (e.g. `watchdog timer`, `volatile memory`, `RAM`, …
C++ 1
PROTOTYPE-DEMO-Esp8266OledGPSPager Public archive[DEPRECATED, project, desc, code] Its main purpose is to track the user by GPS (send final data to the server), as well as receive short messages from the server and display them on the oled screen.
PROTOTYPE-DEMO-Esp8266OledMax30102MQTT Public archive[DEPRECATED, project, desc, code, info] The main task was to develop a miniature battery device capable of measuring human oxygen saturation (BMP) and heart rate (SP) in real time, and then send th…
PROTOTYPE-DEMO-Esp8266DSTIKE Public archive[DEPRECATED, desc, code, info] This project creates a minimal arduino working environment for the ESP8266 DSTIKE device.
ATTiny13TWISlaveLib Public[stable, desc, code] Software implementation of the i2c slave bus on the attiny13a microcontroller
- thinkcentre-m715q Public
[in progress, minipc, info, experiment, mods] Modification kit for small PC m715q
UlinProject/thinkcentre-m715q’s past year of commit activity - snapmaker-original Public
[in progress, 3D printer, info, experiment, mods] Information about this 3D printer (original Snapmaker), set of profiles, models, firmware and modifications
UlinProject/snapmaker-original’s past year of commit activity - REDBOXMINI3-ARMBIAN Public
[singleboard, stable, code, info] All technical information about the REDBOX MINI 3 device, including the ability to build the Linux ARMBIAN distribution.
UlinProject/REDBOXMINI3-ARMBIAN’s past year of commit activity - echo_script Public
[raw, code, experiment] Declarative Rust macros in functional style (Analog of 2.0 macros).
UlinProject/echo_script’s past year of commit activity - REDBOXMINI5-ARMBIAN Public
[singleboard, unstable, code, info] All technical information about the REDBOX MINI 5 device, including the ability to build the Linux ARMBIAN distribution.
UlinProject/REDBOXMINI5-ARMBIAN’s past year of commit activity - PROTOTYPE-DEMO-HOMEAISYSTEM Public archive
[desc, stable, info] Voice-based Home Assistant with Offline Speech Synthesis and Home Automation Integration
UlinProject/PROTOTYPE-DEMO-HOMEAISYSTEM’s past year of commit activity - ATTiny13TWISlaveLib Public
[stable, desc, code] Software implementation of the i2c slave bus on the attiny13a microcontroller
UlinProject/ATTiny13TWISlaveLib’s past year of commit activity - DemoBeaconWhisperer Public archive
[DEPRECATED, desc, info, code] This repository contains a prototype of a covert Bluetooth communication system that simulates beacons (without acknowledgments). The system was developed for informational purposes and is intended for experimentation (+outdated).
UlinProject/DemoBeaconWhisperer’s past year of commit activity - rusty_attiny13a Public
[stable, code] A weekend experiment using the Rust programming language on small attiny13a microcontrollers.
UlinProject/rusty_attiny13a’s past year of commit activity