====== Before posting an issue, please make sure your issue has not already been resolved or answered elsehwere.
Common Issue #1:
"Error retrieving iOS version number as there was no data returned."
Check if your app is available in the US App Store, otherwise add the corresponding country code when setting up Siren: https://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Siren/blob/master/Siren/Siren.swift#L198
Common Issue #2:
"Support for macOS App Store."
Siren does not and will not support the macOS App Store.
Common Issue #3:
"Support for prompting TestFlight users to update to the newest beta build."
Siren does not support this functionality. There is no publicly accessible TstFlight API akin to that of the public App Store API that Siren can utilize to provide this functionality.