Utilities to download content from Bilibili
- M 必需依赖
- O 可选依赖
- UNIX 指 Linux, MacOS, BSD 等非Windows平台,理论上兼容Windows上的MinGW / WSL,目前仅在Linux平台上验证过
- http前端 理论上兼容所有现代浏览器,目前仅在Firefox上验证过
项目 | OS | Python3.8+ | httpx | ffprobe |
video.py | UNIX | M | M | |
favlist.py | UNIX | M | M | |
user.py | UNIX | M | M | |
verify.py | any | M | O | |
live_rec.py | UNIX | M | M | |
monitor.py | UNIX | M | M |
项目 | OS | Python3.8+ | FastCGI | httpx | watchdog |
dir_listing.py | any | M | M | ||
zip_access.py | any | M | M | ||
video_cache.py | UNIX | M | M | M | M |
live_status.py | UNIX | M | M | M | |
bili_proxy.py | any | M | M | M |
项目 | 浏览器 | javascript | flv.min.js | hls.min.js |
index.html | any | M | ||
player.html | any | M | O | O |
video_page.html | any | M | ||
video_fetch.html | any | M | ||
live_page.html | any | M |
项目 | OS | Python3.8+ | httpx | python3-gi |
live_notify.py | Linux | M | M | M |
锁定文件- 使用
套接字进行本地通信 - 使用
可使用 <模块> --help
- video.py 下载/更新视频
- favlist.py 下载收藏夹和视频
- user.py 下载用户信息
- verify.py 验证本地视频完整性
- live_rec.py 直播录制
- monitor.py 多直播间监控和录制
- -v 输出更多log
- -q 输出更少log
- -l 输出log到文件
- -t 设置http超时时间
- -s 设置请求间隔时间
# 安装软件包
sudo apt install lighttpd python3-pip python3-httpx python3-watchdog
# 修改lighttpd服务
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/lighttpd.service.d/
sudo install -m 0644 config/override.conf /etc/systemd/system/lighttpd.service.d/override.conf
sudoedit /etc/systemd/system/lighttpd.service.d/override.conf # 修改 CODE_PATH
# 创建http目录结构
sudo mkdir -p /srv/http/code /srv/http/tmp /srv/http/html /srv/http/fcgi
sudo install -m 0664 config/lighttpd.conf /srv/http/lighttpd.conf
sudo chown root:$(id -ng) /srv/http/html /srv/http/fcgi /srv/http/lighttpd.conf
sudo chmod 0775 /srv/http/html /srv/http/fcgi
# 初始化html目录
cd /srv/http/html
for f in ../code/client/*.html
ln -s $f
ln -s ../tmp/cache
ln -s /PATH/TO/flv.min.js
ln -s /PATH/TO/hls.min.js
# 链接其他需要通过http访问的内容
# 初始化fcgi目录
cd /srv/http/fcgi
# 通过pip3安装fastcgi
pip3 install --target /srv/http/fcgi --no-compile --no-deps fastcore fastcgi
# httpx和watchdog也可通过pip3安装
# pip3 install --target /srv/http/fcgi --no-compile httpx watchdog
for f in constants.py core.py runtime.py network.py verify.py video.py
ln -s ../code/$f
for f in ../code/server/*.py
ln -s $f
# 链接其他需要的FCGI接口
# 检查/修改lighttpd.conf,如仅在localhost上服务
vim /srv/http/lighttpd.conf
# 设置防火墙
# sudo ufw allow http
# 启动http服务
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart lighttpd
- Bilibili 哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~
- Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.
- httpx A next-generation HTTP client for Python.
- FFmpeg A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.
- FastCGI FastCGI and HTTP handlers for Python's socketserver classes
- watchdog Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events.
- flv.js An HTML5 Flash Video (FLV) Player written in pure JavaScript without Flash.
- hls.js is a JavaScript library that implements an HTTP Live Streaming client.
- lighttpd is a secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web server that has been optimized for high-performance environments.
- bilibili-API-collect 哔哩哔哩-API收集整理 野生API文档 不断更新中...
- bilibili-api-python 哔哩哔哩常用API调用。支持视频、番剧、用户、频道、音频等功能。
- MDN Web Docs Documenting web technologies, including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, since 2005.
- btrfs is a modern copy on write (COW) filesystem for Linux aimed at implementing advanced features while also focusing on fault tolerance, repair and easy administration.