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Merge pull request #95 from jfisher-usgs/master
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jfisher-usgs authored Nov 7, 2018
2 parents 2128374 + 36aeec3 commit cca0260
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Showing 19 changed files with 232 additions and 137 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: inlmisc
Title: Miscellaneous Functions for the USGS INL Project Office
Version: 0.4.4
Authors@R: person(given=c("Jason", "C."), family="Fisher", role=c("aut", "cre"), email="", comment=c(ORCID="0000-0001-9032-8912"))
Description: A collection of functions for creating high-level graphics,
performing raster-based analysis, processing MODFLOW-based models,
Expand All @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Depends:
R (>= 3.4.0)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ PKGSRC := $(shell basename `pwd`)
all: docs install check

R -q -e 'devtools::document()';\
R -q -e 'devtools::clean_dll()';\
R -q -e 'Rd2roxygen::roxygen_and_build('\''.'\'', build=FALSE, reformat=FALSE)';\
R -q -e 'pkgbuild::clean_dll()';\

cd ..;\
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export(AddNorthArrow)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,5 +45,6 @@ export(SetPolygons)
useDynLib(inlmisc, .registration=TRUE, .fixes="C_")
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
# inlmisc
# inlmisc 0.4.4

- Add `BuildVignettes` function, used to build package vignettes.

- In `SummariseBudget` function, improve memory management.

- Change package imports by adding **data.table** and removing **dplyr**.

- Add `SetHinge` function, used to specify a hinge location in a color palette.

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53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions R/BuildVignettes.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#' Build Package Vignettes
#' Build package vignettes from their sources and place in the \code{/inst/doc} folder.
#' @param pkg 'character' string.
#' Package path, by default the \link[=getwd]{working directory}.
#' @param quiet 'logical' flag.
#' Whether to supress most output.
#' @param clean 'logical' flag.
#' Whether to remove all intermediate files generated by the build.
#' @param gs_quality 'character' string.
#' Quality of compacted PDF files,
#' see \code{\link[tools]{compactPDF}} function for details.
#' @author J.C. Fisher, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Water Science Center
#' @seealso \code{\link[tools]{buildVignettes}}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' BuildVignettes("<path/to/package>", gs_quality = "ebook")
#' }

BuildVignettes <- function(pkg=".", quiet=TRUE, clean=TRUE, gs_quality=NULL) {

checkmate::assertFileExists(file.path(pkg, "DESCRIPTION"))
if (!is.null(gs_quality))
gs_quality <- match.arg(gs_quality, c("none", "printer", "ebook", "screen"))

tools::buildVignettes(dir=pkg, quiet=quiet, clean=clean, tangle=TRUE)

v <- tools::pkgVignettes(dir=pkg, output=TRUE, source=TRUE)
if (length(v) == 0) return(invisible(NULL))
out <- c(v$outputs, unique(unlist(v$sources, use.names=FALSE)))

doc <- file.path(pkg, "inst/doc")

dir.create(doc, showWarnings=!quiet, recursive=TRUE)
file.copy(c(v$docs, out), doc, overwrite=TRUE)

if (!is.null(gs_quality))
tools::compactPDF(paths=doc, gs_quality=gs_quality)

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions R/ExportRasterStack.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,20 +60,20 @@ ExportRasterStack <- function(rs, path, zip="", col=NULL) {

# check arguments
stopifnot(inherits(rs, c("RasterStack", "RasterBrick")))
if (zip != "") checkmate::assertFileExists(zip)
checkmate::assertCharacter(col, null.ok=TRUE)

if (is.null(col)) col <- GetColors(255, stops=c(0.3, 0.9))

dir.create(path, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
dir.create(path.csv <- file.path(path, "csv"), showWarnings=FALSE)
dir.create(path.png <- file.path(path, "png"), showWarnings=FALSE)
dir.create(path.tif <- file.path(path, "tif"), showWarnings=FALSE)
dir.create(path.rda <- file.path(path, "rda"), showWarnings=FALSE)
dir.create(path.kml <- file.path(path, "kml"), showWarnings=FALSE)

if (is.null(col)) col <- GetColors(255, stops=c(0.3, 0.9))

n <- 0L
for (i in names(rs)) {
n <- n + 1L
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion R/GetColors.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,12 @@
#' Generic Mapping Tools: Improved version released, AGU, v. 94, no. 45, p. 409--410
#' doi:\href{}{10.1002/2013EO450001}
#' @seealso \code{\link{SetHinge}}, \code{\link[grDevices]{col2rgb}}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{SetHinge}} function to set the hinge location in
#' a color palette derived from one or two color schemes.
#' \code{\link[grDevices]{col2rgb}} function to express palette
#' colors represented in the hexadecimal format as RGB triplets (R, G, B).
#' @keywords color
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions R/ReadCodeChunks.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' file <- system.file("misc", "knitr-markdown.Rmd", package = "inlmisc")
#' chunks <- ReadCodeChunks(file)
Expand All @@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
#' chunks[["named-chunk-2"]]
#' eval(parse(text = unlist(chunks[c("unnamed-chunk-3", "named-chunk-4")])))
#' }

ReadCodeChunks <- function(path) {
Expand Down
84 changes: 44 additions & 40 deletions R/ReadModflowBinary.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ ReadModflowBinary <- function(path, data.type=c("array", "flow"),
endian <- match.arg(endian)

ans <- try(.ReadBinary(path, data.type, endian, nbytes=4), silent=TRUE)
ans <- try(.ReadBinary(path, data.type, endian, nbytes=4L), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(ans, "try-error"))
ans <- .ReadBinary(path, data.type, endian, nbytes=8)
ans <- .ReadBinary(path, data.type, endian, nbytes=8L)
if (rm.totim.0)
ans <- ans[vapply(ans, function(i) i$totim, 0) != 0]
Expand All @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ ReadModflowBinary <- function(path, data.type=c("array", "flow"),
stopifnot(nbytes %in% c(4, 8))
stopifnot(nbytes %in% c(4L, 8L))

con <- file(path, open="rb", encoding="bytes")
on.exit(close(con, type="rb"))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,33 +136,33 @@ ReadModflowBinary <- function(path, data.type=c("array", "flow"),
lst <- list()
repeat {
kstp <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
kstp <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)
if (length(kstp) == 0) break
kper <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
kper <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)

if (data.type == "array") {
pertim <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=1, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
totim <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=1, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
desc <- readBin(readBin(con, "raw", n=16, size=1, endian=endian),
"character", n=1, endian=endian)
pertim <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=1L, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
totim <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=1L, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
desc <- readBin(readBin(con, "raw", n=16L, size=1L, endian=endian),
"character", n=1L, endian=endian)
desc <- .TidyDescription(desc)
if (!desc %in% valid.desc) break
ncol <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
nrow <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
layer <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
ncol <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)
nrow <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)
layer <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)
v <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=nrow * ncol, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
d <- matrix(v, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE)
lst[[length(lst) + 1]] <- list(d=d, kstp=kstp, kper=kper, desc=desc,
layer=layer, pertim=pertim, totim=totim)

} else if (data.type == "flow") {
desc <- readBin(readBin(con, "raw", n=16, size=1, endian=endian),
"character", n=1, endian=endian)
desc <- readBin(readBin(con, "raw", n=16L, size=1L, endian=endian),
"character", n=1L, endian=endian)
desc <- .TidyDescription(desc)
if (!desc %in% valid.desc) break
ncol <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
nrow <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
nlay <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
ncol <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)
nrow <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)
nlay <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)

if (nlay > 0) {
x <- .Read3dArray(con, nrow, ncol, nlay, nbytes, endian)
Expand All @@ -173,73 +173,77 @@ ReadModflowBinary <- function(path, data.type=c("array", "flow"),

} else { # compact form is used
nlay <- abs(nlay)
itype <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
delt <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=1, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
pertim <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=1, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
totim <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=1, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
itype <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)
delt <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=1L, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
pertim <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=1L, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
totim <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=1L, size=nbytes, endian=endian)

if (itype == 5)
nval <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
if (itype == 5L)
nval <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)
nval <- 1L
if (nval > 100) stop("more than one-hundred varaiables for each cell")
if (nval > 1) {
ctmp <- readBin(readBin(con, "raw", n=16, size=1, endian=endian),
"character", n=nval - 1, endian=endian)
ctmp <- readBin(readBin(con, "raw", n=16L, size=1L, endian=endian),
"character", n=nval - 1L, endian=endian)
ctmp <- .TidyDescription(ctmp)
} else {
ctmp <- NULL

if (itype %in% c(0, 1)) {
nvalues <- ncol * nrow * nlay
if (itype %in% c(0L, 1L)) {
d <- .Read3dArray(con, nrow, ncol, nlay, nbytes, endian)
for (i in seq_along(d)) {
lst[[length(lst) + 1]] <- list(d=d[[i]], kstp=kstp, kper=kper,
desc=desc, layer=i, delt=delt,
pertim=pertim, totim=totim)

} else if (itype %in% c(2, 5)) {
nlist <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
} else if (itype %in% c(2L, 5L)) {
nlist <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)
if (nlist > (nrow * ncol * nlay))
stop("large number of cells for which values will be stored")
if (nlist > 0) {
d <- matrix(0, nrow=nlist, ncol=nval + 4)
d <- matrix(0, nrow=nlist, ncol=nval + 4L)
colnames(d) <- make.names(c("icell", "layer", "row", "column", "flow", ctmp),
for (i in seq_len(nlist)) {
d[i, 1] <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1, size=4, endian=endian)
d[i, 1] <- readBin(con, "integer", n=1L, size=4L, endian=endian)
d[i, seq_len(nval) + 4] <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=nval,
size=nbytes, endian=endian)
nrc <- nrow * ncol
d[, "layer"] <- as.integer((d[, "icell"] - 1) / nrc + 1)
d[, "row"] <- as.integer(((d[, "icell"] - (d[, "layer"] - 1) * nrc) - 1) / ncol + 1)
d[, "column"] <- as.integer(d[, "icell"] - (d[, "layer"] - 1) * nrc - (d[, "row"] - 1) * ncol)
d[, "layer"] <- as.integer((d[, "icell"] - 1L) / nrc + 1L)
d[, "row"] <- as.integer(((d[, "icell"] - (d[, "layer"] - 1L) * nrc)
- 1L) / ncol + 1L)
d[, "column"] <- as.integer(d[, "icell"] - (d[, "layer"] - 1L)
* nrc - (d[, "row"] - 1L) * ncol)
lst[[length(lst) + 1]] <- list(d=d, kstp=kstp, kper=kper, desc=desc,
delt=delt, pertim=pertim, totim=totim)

} else if (itype == 3) {
layers <- readBin(con, "integer", n=nrow * ncol, size=4, endian=endian)
} else if (itype == 3L) {
layers <- readBin(con, "integer", n=nrow * ncol, size=4L, endian=endian)
values <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=nrow * ncol, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
for (i in sort(unique(layers))) {
v <- values[layers == i]
d <- matrix(v, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE)
lst[[length(lst) + 1]] <- list(d=d, kstp=kstp, kper=kper, desc=desc,
layer=i, delt=delt, pertim=pertim, totim=totim)
layer=i, delt=delt, pertim=pertim,

} else if (itype == 4) {
} else if (itype == 4L) {
v <- readBin(con, "numeric", n=nrow * ncol, size=nbytes, endian=endian)
d <- matrix(v, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE)
lst[[length(lst) + 1]] <- list(d=d, kstp=kstp, kper=kper, desc=desc,
layer=1, delt=delt, pertim=pertim, totim=totim)
layer=1L, delt=delt, pertim=pertim,
d[, ] <- 0
for (i in seq_len(nlay)[-1]) {
lst[[length(lst) + 1]] <- list(d=d, kstp=kstp, kper=kper, desc=desc,
layer=i, delt=delt, pertim=pertim, totim=totim)
layer=i, delt=delt, pertim=pertim,

} else {
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions R/SetHinge.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
#' The \emph{hinge} indicates a dramatic color change in a palette
#' that is typically located at the midpoint of the data range.
#' An asymmetrical data range can result in an undesired hinge location,
#' where the location does not necessarily coincide with the break-point in the user's data.
#' This function is used to specify a hinge location that is appropriate for your data.
#' a location that does not necessarily coincide with the break-point in the user's data.
#' This function can be used to specify a hinge location that is appropriate for your data.
#' @param x 'numeric' object that can be passed to the \code{\link{range}}
#' function with \code{NA}'s removed.
#' That is, the user's data range (such as, at sea-level).
#' The user's data range.
#' @param hinge 'numeric' number.
#' Hinge value in data units.
#' Hinge value (such as, at sea-level) in data units.
#' @param scheme 'character' vector of length 1 or 2, value is recycled as necessary.
#' Name of color scheme(s).
#' The color palette is derived from one or two color schemes.
Expand All @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#' Values applied separately on either side of the hinge.
#' @param stops 'numeric' vector of length 2.
#' Color stops defined by interval endpoints (between 0 and 1)
#' and used to select a subset of the color palette.
#' and used to select a subset of the color palette(s).
#' @param allow_bias 'logical' flag.
#' Whether to allow bias in the color spacing.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ SetHinge <- function(x, hinge, scheme="sunset", alpha=NULL, reverse=FALSE,
s1 <- c(stp[1] + adj[1], ran - buf[1])
s2 <- c(1 - ran + buf[2], 1 - stp[2] - adj[2])

if (s1[1] >= s1[2] | s2[1] >= s2[2])
if (s1[1] >= s1[2] || s2[1] >= s2[2])
stop("problem with color stops and (or) buffer values")

FUN <- function(...) {
Expand Down

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