MOVES4.0.2 is a patch to MOVES4. MOVES4.0.2 does not substantially change onroad criteria pollutant emission rates in MOVES4 at the County or Project Scales, and it is not considered a new model for state implementation plan or transportation conformity regulatory purposes. Modelers continuing to use MOVES4 may use MOVES4.0.2, MOVES4.0.1 or MOVES4.0.0. Compared to MOVES4.0.1, emissions from MOVES4.0.2 may differ, especially if the modeler is modeling a large fraction of CNG long-haul trucks, providing start activity input for only one day type, or providing HotellingHoursPerDay input for less than 12 months. For more information about regulatory uses of MOVES, see the MOVES4 Policy Guidance which applies to all versions of MOVES4.
A detailed description of the changes in MOVES4.0.2 is available at
A model change bulletin is also maintained at