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Open Forest Scale Up Tool Box

Aaron Burk edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 36 revisions

Open Forest is a pilot effort initiated by Forest Service National Forest System Leadership. As the pilot has progressed and expanded there have been discussions related to how Open Forest might be implemented at an enterprise or USFS wide scale. As a result of these discussions there have been several proposals at many different levels. The graphic below describes the different ways Open Forest can be scaled and the links provide information form a variety of sources that have been involved in scale-up planning. The authors range from the Open Forest Team, GSA's 18F who is a key federal partner in developing he pilot, and the USFS Chief information office Enterprise Architecture Team.

The intent of the tool box is to provide information that would be useful for agency leadership's consideration of a scale-up effort. The Enterprise/USFS-Wide information is most suitable for senior executive level. Investment Level/Open Forest System is best suited for senior executive and program manager level staff. Permit type/workflow information is best suited for program management staff.

The documents are meant to be tools or a guide for leaders to determine and evaluate their usefulness. The documents are from different point in time may not reflect current status of the Open Forest effort.


Investment Level/Open Forest System

Permit type/workflow


The staffing section provides a description of the roles that are often filled by the business/program area or customer who is engaging with a solution provider to provide a product/solution.

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