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Resource Generation

rjg1 edited this page Sep 12, 2022 · 14 revisions



Master Algorithm

The algorithm to procedurally place each Resource defined in /assets/configs/resources.json is as follows:

  1. Read resources from resources.json into a list of ResourceSpecification, which will automatically choose a number to generate between minAmount/maxAmount on construction
  2. Load in all island tiles from the MapGenerator's map into a list of Coordinate (used to speed up iteration)
  3. Sort the ResourceSpecification list such that the largest resources are at the top -> these are placed first, to maximize the chance of them finding space in the map before it fills up with other resources
  4. For each ResourceSpecification on the list, run the placement algorithm to allocate them a tile on the island that is unencumbered, and will fit the resource

Placement algorithm

  1. While this ResourceSpecification has not been placed the desired amount of times, continue placing resources
  2. Determine the places on the map where this resource may be placed, based on its size, existing resource placements and a constant buffer variable which may be set to allow space between resource placements (Is currently set to 1, to ensure resources don't block off the map)
  3. If this resource has no valid locations, the map is full, and the resource generation has failed. In this case, the MapGenerator will re-create a new map with the same initial specifications, and the ResourceGenerator will run again. The ResourceGenerator will attempt to re-make the map to fill the desired amount of resources up to 5 times before throwing an exception, to avoid infinite loops
  4. Assuming now that the resource can be placed, a list of Coordinate is formed, representing valid locations for the resource to be placed
  5. A weighted tree map is formed from the valid placements list, with each entry's key referring to its weight - which is determined by the preferred distance of the resource (i.e. a Coordinate closer to the preferred distance will have a higher weight)
  6. A single placement coordinate is chosen randomly from this tree map, implying that desired distances are significantly more likely to be chosen
  7. The placement of the resource is added to its ResourceSpecification's list of placements, and the internal char[][] map is updated to reflect that these tiles are now occupied

UML Diagram of how Map Generation classes interact

Note that a few fields and functions of MapGenerator were omitted in this summary for conciseness, as they are primarily used for unit testing, and not relevant to the ResourceGeneration of the map.

UML Summary

  1. A MapGenerator is created with a set of static constants defined in AtlantisTerrainFactory, which calls generateMap() to create the game map
  2. A ResourceGenerator is created, composed of the MapGenerator, and allocates space for a number of resources on the map, based on a list of ResourceSpecification that is read from a .json config file
  3. Each entry of this list of ResourceSpecification contains a list of coordinate, representing places on the map to put this resource, which is passed back to MapGenerator and output to the game using its getResourcePlacements() function

Test Plan

Experimental Testing

Unit testing

Table of Contents



Game Home

Design Influences

Gameplay Features



Friendly Units
Unit Selections


Game User Testing: Theme of Unit Selection & Spell System

UI User Testing


Resource Stats Display

Loading Screen Bar

Health Bars
In Game menu
  • Feature
  • User Testing:In Game Menu

Landscape Tile Design

Landscape Tile Design Feedback

Weather Design

Weather Design Feedback

Camera Movement

Enemy design

Enemy Units

Enemy AI

How Animation Works

Map Flooding

Game Engine

Getting Started

Entities and Components

Service Locator

Loading Resources


Unit Testing

Debug Terminal

Input Handling






Game Screens and Areas


Concurrency & Threading



MacOS Setup Guide

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