Create hierarchical staff list organized by department.
Please complete the project using the following steps:
Set up your environment and import data
a. Install docker v. 4.11.0 (83626)
b. Clone the following repository into your local machine:
c. Use Docker Compose to build the development environment
d. Import the SQL data contained in the repo
e. Sanity check: Open your browser on localhost, using the appropriate port, to make sure the setup is working
Create the application
a. Using PHP, output in HTML a hierarchical list of staff arranged by department, with the supervisor as the first person showing in each department
b. Generate an API that outputs the data in JSON suitable for external applications to consume.
Make your code available for review in advance of the presentation (e.g., GitHub)
You will present your project to appropriate members of the UM Libraries in the Zoom meeting. You will explain your solution, identify any issues you encountered, and outline any enhancements that you might add later.
- You can use any IDE you want, but for free applications you could try VSCode and MySQL Workbench.
- Don’t worry too much about styling the final product.