- create a branch off of Master branch.
- create a new directory in your development environment.
- cd into that directory and add the remote branch.
- Use SorceTree or command line to pull that branch into the directory.
- make changes in local enviroment
- build '_site' with local config
- To build and test locally
bundle exec jekyll build
bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
Go to: and verify changes.
bundle exec jekyll build --config=_config_prod.yml
- Add and commit files to git
** Make sure there are no conflicts, and there are usually conflicts!**
- Do the merge step on the git website.
For Jekyll sites we SFTP the _site directory to production.
** Do not move the files to production unless you have built for production. Meaning if you did not complete this step then do it now:
bundle exec jekyll build --config=_config_prod.yml
SSH onto the production server and cd into /usr/local/www/redesign
Copy the _site directory over to production. Do not copy anything else over.
Verify changes online and log out of production.